27 Useful Psychological Tricks People Have Played on Others

There’s nothing like using a little mind control to spice up an interaction. Case in point: One Redditor got back at a stubborn coworker with a psychological trick that we should all be using a lot more. The coworker, let’s call him Brent, was one of those people who would die on any hill, digging in his heels and arguing about something arbitrary until it wore down the rest of the staff. Instead of debating Brent, the Redditor decided to beat him to the punch and credit him with ideas he never had. For example, if the Redditor wanted the next meeting to be at 3 p.m., he’d say something like, “Brent and I were talking earlier, and he had the idea of meeting at 3 p.m. next time. I agree with him!” Brent would always look confused, but never argue.
Other Redditors have recalled the times they got all Mindfreak on somebody, and as far as I’m concerned, they’re all certified psychoanalysts.