34 Wild ‘Food Sins’ People Have Witnessed

‘Soy sauce with ice cream’
34 Wild ‘Food Sins’ People Have Witnessed

Before you get all worked up, this isn’t about people who use pre-minced garlic instead of fresh, or whatever classist food argument is taking place on Twitter right now. No, this is about the disgusting concoctions people are passing off as edible, and people whose food logic spits in the face of everything we hold dear. One Redditor, for example, is still haunted by the time they ate at a friend’s house and watched as the entire family mixed all of the food together while shrugging and saying, “It all goes to the same place!” 

No. No! That’s something that happens in a horror movie before their face flesh slides off of the bone and onto the table. 

Other Redditors have stepped into the confessional to discuss the food sins they’ve had the displeasure of witnessing, and there’s a lot of ketchup — on everything.

Monster-Zero 5y ago One time, a long time ago, I ate lucky charms with Guinness as a St Patrick's day bastardization. I would not recommend 19K Share ...
maqakyo . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Fried eggs with chocolate melted on the yolk
FunkiePickle 5y ago My wife likes crunchy peanut butter and bologna sandwiches with cheese. Her mom also adds mayo. I just can't bring myself to try it - literally start retching at the thought of the flavor. 925 Share ...
aricberg . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Went to college with this one girl who would get a chef salad, slice up banana and put it on said chef salad, then use ketchup as dressing. I shit you not this person ate that on a regular basis.
 . 5y ago A watermelon and ketchup sadwich. I call it a sadwich because it makes me sad. 30K Share ...
Geta-Ve . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Mustard on cheesecake ... ..
HumansAreGarbage2019 5y ago Moms boyfriend. Crushed cheez-it crackers into his coffee. That day he ate waffles covered in spinach and fish sticks drizzled with syrup. All the while LOUDLY smackin his lips sayin uuuh so goooood. Mom says dont let it bother me. It bothers me. 1.1K Share ...
thatonegirlyaknow 5y ago My baby sister used to eat pancakes and ranch. My mom just accepted it because she was such a picky eater and this was something she just thoroughly enjoyed. We're pretty sure it's cuz my mom craved both when she was pregnant with her 6K Share ...
Shaymiestar . 5y ago My sister used to put ketchup on strawberries. 41K Share ...
Tinkliwinks . 5y ago My wife dips PBJ's into spaghettios. 11K Share ...
Beneficial_Fudge . 5y ago My mom puts peanut butter on cold pizza. It is the closest flavor to vomit that is not vomit. Share 15K ...
Love_Bunny_22 5y ago When I was a server, I had a customer dip her bread in a glass of Coke. She finished her whole bread basket and Coke and asked for another basket and another refill of Coke, and went to town again for round two. She didn't give a crap how she looked and ate that shit like it was the best thing on Earth. 2.3K Share ...
thoughtillness . 5y ago A Ketchup Brownie. My cousin, this son of a b. 5.9K Share ...
sunset1214 e 5y ago I used to be obsessed with A1. I would put it on everything possible because I loved it so much. One day I put it on jello. I no longer enjoy A1. 8.1K Share ...
 . 5y ago Friends mom used to eat soy sauce with ice cream 371 Share ...
ttbbbpth . 5y ago The wife dips Oreos in water like a psychopath. Share 1.3K ...
actorrent 5y ago I work at a pub/restaurant waiting tables. This couple walks in who I've never seen but are apparently regulars. The bartender sees them, shoots me a glance, and goes to grab something from the kitchen. Before even taking their order, he's filled the crushed red pepper shaker and told me to take it over to them. The woman orders a small cup of French onion soup and proceeds to unscrew the cap of this shaker and dump the entirety of it onto her soup, an inch high off the top of her bowl. She's eating this spicy
vprice509 5y ago When I was in grade school I went over to this kid's house to play, then ended up staying for dinner. We had spaghetti, some vegetable, maybe salad and something else. His entire family would mix everything together before eating it. His dad seemed to be the ringleader/mastermind behind this scheme. I remember someone cheerfully saying, Well, it all goes to the same place! And then the rest of them agreeing with this truism as if it were some serious folk wisdom. That's some serial killer shit right there. 297 Share ...
DWright_5 . 5y ago When I visited my aunt's family as a kid she served a purple cow - milk mixed with grape juice - for breakfast. If you haven't tasted that, take my word for it - it's not a great concoction. 14K Share ...
whiterabbittxz 5y ago Saw a dude eat spaghetti in milk one time. One very dark time. 22K Share ...
xxgiiinaaxx . 3y ago Bite in an onion like an apple 25 Share ...
bigoof8197 3y ago Scrambled eggs with SWEETENED VANILLA ALMOND MILK 29 Share ...
nopenonotatall . Зу ago my sister puts cheetos in her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Share 6 ...
lavphl9421 3y ago My boyfriend will mix foods that don't go together. Watched him eat spaghetti and meatballs one bite next bite into a Nutty Buddy which is peanut butter, wafer and chocolate. Also seen him do the same with pasta and red sauce and a strawberry yogurt parfait 32 Share ...
anditwaslit 0 5y ago My brother is a psychopath. Maple syrup on lasagna Ghost pepper sauce on garlic bread Ranch with eggs 106 Share ...
SuperDarkGal . 5y ago My preteen cousin likes his scrambled eggs crunchy and adds broken up eggs shells to them. 136 Share ...
Dameatree2213 . 5y ago Guy i worked with put peanuts in his moutain dew then microwaved it. 118 Share ...
drownb4uburn 5y ago In college I would sometimes drain the water out of my Shrimp Cup 'O Noodles and mix in a big spoonful of peanut butter. I honestly don't know what to tell you other than I did it once out of boredom, it wasn't terrible, and it made my life interesting. 194 Share ...
Patralex 5y ago My roommate's mom eats peanut butter and onion sandwiches. Share 965 ...
its-yeahboi . 5y ago Eat cereal with orange juice instead of milk 4.8K Share ...
 e 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Kid I used to know in school used to rip open his milk carton, and dip his burrito into the chocolate milk. Sometimes he'd even goes so far as to rip open the burrito and pour his milk onto the beef and eggs to. (I'm quoting him here.) Creamify the meat. I don't know man, but the word Creamify is just. ugh.
InfinitePizzazz 5y ago Mustard on waffles. I was a weird kid. Share 485 ...
MysticAmberMeadow . 5y ago This one guy had taken humus and DIPPED HIS FUCKING POPTART ALL IN IT AND ATE IT. 366 Share ...
grammarly_err 3y ago My boyfriend likes to put mayonaise in his cornflakes, with the milk. I can't even watch when he eats it. 24 Share ...


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