33 of the Funniest Wedding Video Mishaps

‘Caught the best man staring at the bride’s chest’
33 of the Funniest Wedding Video Mishaps

It’s always a risk to record events where tensions are high and blood-alcohol levels are even higher, but a wedding is something people typically want to have on tape. If you’re lucky, the beautiful day will go off without a hitch and as a special treat, you’ll have some real-life bloopers to look back on for years to come. If you’re not, well, it’s still something you’ll never forget!

Whether it’s a wedding reception with a drunken brawl or a young ring bearer who had his mind-blown, these are the funniest wedding video mishaps that Redditors remember fondly. 

mrwhibbley 6y ago A friend is an amateur wedding photographer. During the cocktail hour, a guests wife realized that her husbands ex wife was working at the function as a waitress and decided to throw a glass at her mid photo. I saw the photo but don't have it. It was funny though. 248 Share ...
princessaurus_rex 6y ago I had a poofy dress, during our first dance my husband slipped and fell not once but twice. There's a series of shots where you can see his legs go akimbo and the ankle bend oof. 28 Share ...
Oilfan94 6y ago Big Catholic Church in the heart of the city....but not the best neighborhood. As I was walking with the wedding party (we went to a deli and got some great shots)....a homeless lady across the street dropped her pants, leaned up against a post, and took a dump right there. Share 260 ...
 6y ago I was videotaping the vows and the bride was crying with happiness. During the whole thing there was a giant long clear sac of booger hanging out of one nostril. 331 Share ...
Woodie626 6y ago Caught the best man starring at the brides chest. 974 Share ...
mytevesen 6y ago I was filming a wedding ceremony for some friends this summer. The bride's stepfather was sitting in the front row. She had already warned me that he could be trouble, so I made a note of where he sat down before the ceremony started. Не sat down in the front row and promptly fell asleep. For the whole 20 minutes ceremony he slept. I was so angry on the bride's behalf, who sits on the front row and then can't stay awake for the few minutes the ceremony lasted? I managed to avoid him in the final
 . 6y ago I've caught the 16 year old daughter smoking behind a tree in the background of a picture 14 Share ...
tcinternet 6y ago One of my dear friends does a lot of weddings for the 20-something gentrification set. The bride and groom wanted to take a few shots near an abandoned stockyard in their city- love in a hopeless place kinda thing maybe, I dunno. Anyway, in the background of at least 10 of the shots, you can make out two economically-displaced gentlemen involved in some good ol' outdoor dick sucking. 877 Share ...
Sapphicatalyst 6y ago There has been several times where I'm on my knee, getting shots of the little flower girl / ring bearer child coming up the aisle, and one or more women will be sitting in full view with their knees apart... while wearing a short skirt. Welp, that's getting cropped! 2.7K Share ...
thereluctantpoet 6y ago A father-daughter dance in which their hatred for each other was palpable. It was painful and we felt weird including those in the album download. Close second: giant paper Chinese lantern decorations catching fire. Indoors. In a wooden building. Share 2.4K ...
CO_Brit . 7y ago Not mine, but I went to a wedding held in a public park, and there was a prostitute very clearly soliciting right next to the wedding.
 6y ago During the portrait time with the bride and the groom, the bride reached her arms up to hug the groom, who was significantly taller. She was wearing a strapless dress. The dress stayed put, and the rest of her made a surprise appearance. I did not deliver those images. 2.1K Share ...
Senior0422 7y ago It was my wedding, and we didn't have it removed (nor would we have), but the camera didn't pickup the audio. So when you look at the video, you see us making our vows, then the whole wedding party laughing, then it continues. What happened was the ring bearer, a little boy about 3 or 4, during the vows where I'm asked Senior, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? and this kids says (not quietly) You mean he doesn't HAVE to marry her??!! Lol!, it just blew his mind that a guy
dbhammel 7y ago At my own wedding our friend interviewed all of the wedding party later on in the evening to get some funny stuff for our wedding video. One of my brothers suggested I squirt in the vagurt (sp?) in order to make some nephews or nieces for him. 792 Share ...
DrFriedGold 7y ago Another wedding I videoed, the bride was wearing a rather low cut gown and the camera caught her father catching a look when she bent down (probably more like a 'holy shit, my little girl is grown up' kind of thing... I hope). Не remembered I was there and looked right at the camera. Yeah. Cut that shot out. 474 Share ...
reverendmalerik 7y ago How about a shout out to my uncle Gary who filmed my whole wedding with the camera off. The red light means it's recording, right? No Gary, it means it's off. 2.9K Share ...
TerpsMakeMeDrink 7y ago I was caught on camera at a wedding (after dancing with this smokin MILF) with a giant erection, giving the camera a big two thumbs up. 3.4K Share ...
shutterbugmama 0 6y ago Drunk maid of honor giving drunk father of bride lap dance... With non drunk mother of the bride sitting right next to him. Then drunk maid of honor got in huge fight with Mom of bride. Drunk Bride wanted it all photographed because she thought it was hilarious. That night, I believe the flower girl and I were the only ones not drunk... 12 Share ...
Treesarefriendsofall 7y ago My aunt had a camera floating around for anyone to use at her wedding. While my dad was filming one of the bridesmaids spilled a bottle of red wine on the center table of the room. It knocked a bunch of stuff off the table as well as making the white table cloth red. Well my father was facing the wrong way. So when you watch the video there is a crashing sound then my father spins around and says very clearly fucking shit i missed it as the bridesmaids is scrambling to stop the chaos. Funniest
LordPizzaParty 7y ago The father of the groom was making his speech, and got to a touching part about his wife, mother of the groom, who had passed away recently. I was filming from the back but got his sound okay, but there were a bunch of little kids near me playing quietly until one of them yelled GODDAMMIT! FUCK YOU! right as the father was tearing up. Nobody seemed to notice but it was plain as day on the tape, so I had to do a lot of delicate chopping on that one. Share 9.2K ...
thiccdiccboi e 7y ago I watched the video tape of my parents wedding a while back, only now noticing that my father said, lawfully bedded wife. Come on dad, have some class. Share 271 ...
rikkilyn 7y ago My great uncle took over filming at the reception of my parents wedding and halfway through it cuts to inside the kitchen where he's filming and hitting on the waitress getting the cake ready. It's both of my parents favorite moment of the tape Share 1.5K ...
AvadaKadavraBitch 7y ago When my brother got married, I was one of the bridesmaids. It was a super fun wedding but my sister in law (bride) got TANKED during the reception. She threw up in the bathroom at one point. During the part where the bide throws the bouquet, we had to get her up there, hand her the flowers, and just tell her to throw. So, I'm in the crowd to catch it and I'm pretty tall for a girl (5'10) so I'm the tallest there. She drunkenly throws it and it beelines to my face. Of course, the
beentheredonethat2x 7y ago This didn't have to be removed and jokes were actually made about sending it to AFV.... A number of years ago in my early 20s I went to my cousin's wedding. My father asked me to dance and it was going quite well until he asked to dip me. I said no (I was pretty big at the time and figured he couldn't support my weight and would drop me). Не was rather disappointed and the dance ended soon after. About 3 dances later I hear him calling my name across the dance floor. I look up
DrFriedGold 7y ago Filming the father of the bride speech, he mumbled his way through it. The guest in front of me said Well, that was fucking shit and only then remembered I was behind him and sheepishly looked round. 15K Share ...
ladyofthepaint 7y ago My husband filmed at my sister's wedding and we got a lovely shot of a pageboy having a piss in the bushes during the outdoor photo bit. 2.4K Share ...
photonnymous 7y ago I've filmed dozens of weddings. I put a wireless mic on the groom in a lot of cases, so I get everything he mutters before, during, and after the ceremony. Most of my cutting was audio related. Lots of guys buddies telling them they have a chance to run (series and not). My favorite though was walking down the aisle after the ceremony, the groom whispers to the bride We're gettin it on as soon as we leave this church and the bride gave him this hilarious look and were basically jogging out of the church.
fjbruzr 7y ago I used to videotape weddings for a few years. The funniest thing I ever saw I was during a dollar dance, (aka honeymoon dance), a guest went to dance with the bride, gave her a $20 bill, and asked for change.
Yakmasterson 7y ago Edited 7y ago My mom filmed weddings for a long time. Once, the groom was SOOOO drunk he could barely dance with his new wife. Не was stumbling all around, groping his new wife, and even grabbing her butt and thrusting. Super sexual bride groom dance. The bride was so embarrassed. She was tying to settle him down with no success. This was obviously in front off all the family and guests. My mom made me watch as a lesson in self control, respect, and humiliation. 9.5K Share ...
_anothercooluse... 7y ago Edited 7y ago I'm not a photographer but saw the funniest thing get caught on camera during a wedding. We were in Jamaica and a couple was getting married on a crowded resort beach. A large drunk guy wades into the water and goes directly behind the bride and groom like 10 feet back. Не keeps trying to get on one of those floating things anchored in the water and falling off again and again. The guests and people around are just watching this guy try to hold his drink, falling all over the place, floating around...it
BigBobbingBoobs 7y ago Happened to my parents at their wedding and didn't get removed from the video. When they got out of their limo, some kid on a bike came up to them and yelled Get the fuck out of here, you don't belong here!. Kid must of been only 7 or 8 and the wedding was in my moms home town.. Lol 2.5K Share ...
HellolAmHawt 7y ago Vaguely related--my aunt did the whole disposable cameras on each table thing (along with a professional team) and she got quite a few dick pics. 10K Share ...
Bonzaigiraffe 7y ago At my own wedding. We got married in a dear friend's front garden I had helped put together as a teenager. Just as we got to the vows you can hear people sniffling, just about to cry, when the tell- tale sound of an ice cream van starts to build. It gets louder and louder until it abruptly stops. The driver obviously noticed what they were approaching and shut off the music at what was essentially the property line to the next door neighbor. Silence as they creeped by the house. Then, as soon as they hit


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