30 of the Best Decisions People Made While Drunk

‘I made PB&J french toast’
30 of the Best Decisions People Made While Drunk

While drunken decisions have the reputation of being belligerent and embarrassing, every now and then, we benefit from our inebriation. Whether it’s inadvertently inventing PB&J French toast or deciding to open a business that ends up being wildly successful, a little booze can occasionally result in a stroke of genius

The following Redditors know that feeling well, and credit some major life decisions to knocking back one too many. Shoutout to the guy who drunkenly cooked an amazing pork shoulder and met his future wife on the same night. The rest of us can only hope to be so lucky.

Ultimara 3y ago Signed up for a foreign TV commercial. I didn't have the time free (new job) or a necessary passport and the production company pushed me to sort those things regardless (completely out of my comfort zone). When we were flown out for filming, I met the girl of my dreams and now live in that country. I never take risks, I thought I'd grow old in the village I grew up in 182 Share ...
erineestevenson 3y ago I ordered tap shoes one night after not owning a pair in 15 years. Now it's my go to activity between conference calls (and sometimes during them on mute). My ankles feel stronger so that's good. Share 494 ...
NateSoma 3y ago An amazon box was delivered to me with a SNES classic. Had so much fun with it. No memory of ordering it. When I checked my email it was ordered at like 3am on a Saturday. Thanks drunk me, I finally got to play through Super Metroid 187 Share ...
tmking01 . 3y ago My brother ordered a turkey fryer and didn't even know what it was when it showed up. But that thing has made many delicious turkeys ever since and I think that was an incredibly drunk purchase. 134 Share ...
HelpMeStepbruh . 3y ago Quit my job. I'm now half a year from graduating medicine. 1.3K Share ...
Major-Whereas6712 . Зу ago I wrote get with the cookie delivery guy as my entry on the Goals for Spring Semester list we posted on the wall in my college apartment. Then we invited the cookie delivery guy up for a party. That was almost eight years ago. We got married last October. 1.9K Share ...
Femme_Falafel . 3y ago Nine years ago stumbling to the pita shop after the bars closed with my friends, I drunkenly ordered a falafel pita instead of my usual. Blew my mind and changed my life. Share 2.4K ...
immDroidz Зу ago Edited 3y ago This summer i was drinking at a beach with a firepit like this one, we kept the fire going all night and since i hadn't eaten dinner i brought 2 frozen pan pizzas. I heated them on the concrete part overhanging the fire and it was no joke the best pan pizza I've ever had, its the only way i heat them now. 1.1K Share ...
hardyflashier . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I bought a mascot sized Pikachu costume from China. Didn't even realise until a few weeks later when I started getting angry emails in Chinese chasing me for payment. It's quite fun though, I tend to dress it in other costumes and take it to conventions. Here's me attending UK Comic Con as Pikachu Thor.
Jaxien99 0 3y ago I made grilled cheese at 2 am once, but instead of using plain toast I made it with garlic bread. 12K Share ...
dreamswedontshare 3y ago We had a get together at my place a couple years ago, just me and 3 of my classmates. One of them recently broke up with his GF and was heartbroken. We got quite drunk and they left the next morning, but said classmate came back for his charger and told me that thanks to what I've said the day before, they are getting back together with GF. I was glad obviously, but to this day I have no clue what I've told him. I was very drunk. They're still together btw. 7.5K Share ...
swol23 в 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I went to a party in college and came home with a cat. I was petting the house owner's cat and he asked if I wanted a kitten, they had found him outside and he was in rough shape. Не is now 7 years old and appropriately named Molson.
ThatsMcGuffin2U O 3y ago My friend and I were drunk when we decided to do a 2000 mile motorcycle trip. We did it a few months later and had a blast. We now have a rule that if we both agree to a ridiculous trip while drinking, The Agreement must be Honored. Share 736 ...
fcmonk 3y ago I booked a vacation to New Orleans at 3 AM while blackout drunk. I got awesome deals on airfare and a nice hotel. Even booked it to perfectly fit into my work schedule. I have no idea how I pulled it off, but it was like getting a gift from a stranger. 1.4K Share ...
UnlikelyPapaya6758 e Зу ago I bought a one-way plane ticket out of the country. The next day, after sobering up, I decided to just roll with it. I quit my job as an engineer, broke up with my significant other, and ended up a much, much, much happier person because of it. 582 Share ...
goodrthenyou 3y ago I told my girlfriend 6 months into our relationship that I loved her. At the Stanley cup playoffs. Between 2nd and 3rd period drunk off my dick. Hearing her say it back was the best thing I've ever heard and I'll never forget the feeling I got from it 21 Share ...
fribllkril . 3y ago Bought a strap on and emailed my old therapist in the space of fifteen minutes. So much closure that night. 24 Share ...
IWasSayingBoourner Зу ago Edited 3y ago Decided to stop procrastinating and hang a buddy's TV. I don't remember doing it, don't know where the tools nor hardware came from, and I have no idea how I did it by myself, but l'll be damned if it's not absolutely level, solid, and great looking. 17 Share ...
EAT SPAGHET 70 FORGETTI dkhiggi 3y ago C RE Subscribed to 6months of Barkbox for my dog... Woke up the next morning, read my emails and thought wtf... welp, there's no going back. My dogs LOVES it!!! Now everytime we have anything delivered, he thinks its for him. 27 Share ...
ClassicCarPhenatic 3y ago Bought an $8 roll of For Rectal Use Only stickers. Lot of good laughs, but the greatest thing is that it lead to me dating my now fiancee. If we have kids, their literal existence will be in a huge part because drunk me thinks butt jokes are still funny as a grown man. 31 Share ...
mcmanoli 3y ago Me and a friend decided to leave a party to go to our old school and climb to the top of the building (we just drank a bottle of tequila, so we weren't at our finest). It was surprisingly easy and, even more surprisingly, no one saw us. After some time doing stupid shit we returned to the party and turns out that police went by and asked for our friends' data. I've never been so glad of trespassing private property. 56 Share ...
papajohnny13 . 3y ago Ordered a starter box set for Warhammer 40,000. Now I've no friends nor money, but plenty of tiny plastic dudes. 67 Share ...
WastedWhaleShark . 3y ago I made pb&j French toast. It's delicious Share 68 ...
LetsJerkCircular 11y ago Got drunk off my ass one night. Woke up the next day and realized my account was over a thousand bucks lower. I got that sinking feeling, What did I do!? Turns out I paid my bills, renewed my car insurance and transferred a couple hundred into savings. What little was left in my checking started me on budgeting from then on. Henceforth, whenever I get paid; I get drunk, pay bills and stash as much as possible into savings. 728 Share ...
Cunts_and_more . 3y ago Not me but my friend has some tech savvy friends and years and years ago he bought a ton of bitcoin in a black out when the price was around $5 each. Не forgot that happened until he stumbled on to the old hard drive years later when bitcoin was very high. He's beyond rich now. Share 395 ...
gdsmithtx 3y ago Having drunken, unprotected sex with my wife in our room at the Luxor in Vegas. Resulted in the birth of my youngest son 9 months later .... I don't think I could love anyone in the world more than I love him. Best drunk decision ever. 159 Share ...
Fluidity- Зу ago Came home from the bar at 2:30 one night and seasoned a pork shoulder and popped it in the oven before I went to bed. Woke up at 8 to the most amazing smell and a perfectly cooked pork shoulder to pull apart and devour for breakfast. 10/10 would do again. Edit: also met my wife at said bar. So that's up there too. 154 Share ...
AmazingAtheist94 . Зу ago A few days after a night of heavy drinking, I woke up to a text and email from my bank saying there was a debit (withdrawal) for $1,000, initiated on the day I was drunk. Sober me had been meaning to open a Roth IRA, drunk me decided to get it done. Still scared the shit out of me at first. Share 152 ...
Bavmorda 11y ago Decided to buy a dog from a hippie outside a burrito stand. 11 years later and she is laying right next to me, wagging her tail a little when I look down at her. 1.2K Share ...
 Зу ago I started my own company. Set up the LLC, email and website all while drunk. Lasted for 4.5 years and billed (gross) over a million. 27 Share ...


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