20 of the Most Uncomfortable Situations People Were Forced to Sit Through

‘Farting in a lecture hall during an exam’
20 of the Most Uncomfortable Situations People Were Forced to Sit Through

Uncomfortable situations build character. Sometimes, that character-building moment comes in the form of farting during a lecture with spaced-out seating that makes it easy to pinpoint you as the gas-passer. Other times, the moment arrives at a funeral during the eulogy of a “great guy,” while his girlfriend, wife and, uh, other wife glare at each other. 

Redditors have remembered the times they’d honestly rather forget, and quite a few of these stories will make you squirm in your seat and thank every deity imaginable that it didn’t happen to you.

 6y ago my junior year of high school i was at my tutor's house. in the middle of the session her husband called her to tell her their dog had died while he and his friends were camping. she started profusely crying on the phone and, once she hung up, instead of asking me to leave said that she was glad i was there to take her mind off of it. i guess i'm glad i could help, but god i've never been so uncomfortable while working on math homework. 1.1K Share ...
 6y ago Attended a memorial/funeral in Japan for an American sailor. His wife was there, and his ex-wife was there also, and his Japanese wife was there as well. It was rumored that there was also another girlfriend but if there was, she didn't show. The best part was the poor dude giving the eulogy talking about what a great person this guy was while these three women are giving each other the stink eye. 1.3K Share ...
mccord9 9y ago At a college basketball game. Yelling at half time entertainer who spun a lot of basketballs on himself which he continuously failed at. Proceeded to heckle entertainer, got pretty ruthless. Girl next to me yells in my ear SHUT UP, THAT'S MY DAD! Left my section immediately. 3 Share ...
 9y ago I have this thing where I get MASSIVE itches whenever I'm nervous. I'm talking about full body itches which seem to last for an eternity. I was giving a presentation in school when a barrage of itchies came. I did EVERYTHING possible not to itch. I looked like a fucking weirdo, standing up front, jerking my head, rapidly blinking, putting my hand on my forehead, etc. 6 Share ...
hmfiddlesworth 7y ago Got invited to a friends house for dinner. Unknown to me I was the only one invited. I was seated on the couch next to his wife, while he sat on a single chair opposite us. Wife constantly snuggled up to me, stroked my arm/face, all while making over sexual comments. Не just sat there watching this. The meal was served strangely early, after which i made a quick escape. Pretty sure id been invited over so one of them could have sex with me. 481 Share ...
crazysteve148 7y ago I decided that it was a great idea to introduce my mom to game of thrones. After watching about 3 episodes with her I realize how uncomfortable watching sex scenes with your mom is(l forgot how much they bang in the first couple of seasons good lord!). I proceed to tell her I don't really want to watch anymore, I'm uncomfortable with all of the sex scenes, her response I've had 3 kids, I can handle it. 98 Share ...
Stuffed_Annan 7y ago In my idiotic teen days: The morning after a house party my (ex) girlfriend puked in grandma's urn of one of my best friends. His parents unexpectedly arrived a few hours later. The bus would only go in 4 hours. 43 Share ...
 7y ago Late one night, I woke up to the sound of snacking to find my brother fapping. It was the dead of night so he probably assumed we all fell asleep but I could easily tell due to the fact that his dick was outlined by the streetlights, like a lewd Dark Knight cumming in the night. I tried to ignore it, but the sounds were haunting, constant. 499 Share ...
stonerfairy 7y ago Sitting in class. Random kid next to me whispered I have a question. But it may sound a little weird. I said, well usually when someone says that they're about to ask something really weird. Не said (no joke) Can i.. just like stroke your thigh? I always wanted to know what leggings feel like. Can I get a FUCK no 274 Share ...
IHadAnOpinion . 10h ago An autistic boy with a fixation on the Vietnam War sat next to a Vietnam veteran. I realize the boy couldn't help it, but his mother sure as fuck could've. Share 48 Reply ...
drrmimi 12h ago At church, 4th of July, and our pianist who thought she could sing (she couldn't) singing Lee Greenwood's I'm proud to be an American in the most god-awful high-pitched voice for the entire song. (She was using head voice the entire time for those in the know.) My husband and I were literally sitting there in shock, heads bowed, totally embarrassed with second hand embarrassment for her. This was about 20 years ago and we still talk about it around the 4th of July to this day. Had to be the longest few minutes of our lives.
im_ana_ . 12h ago Farting in a lecture theatre during exam time we were all spaced out so wasn't too hard to know that it was me . Never attended classes for that subject ever again just watched online recordings 108 Reply Share ...
Sustainable_Twat 12h ago I did jury service and I sat on a case about a guy who murdered his partner and dismembered her body. I initially thought it was a theft case but little did I know ... The case was quite graphic and I remember thinking how can someone do such a thing yet whenever I looked at him, his lack of remorse gave it away. Eventually he confessed and gave a rather graphic description of the events. Suffice it to say, that has remained with me for the past 10 years. 188 Reply Share ...
Sweaty_Two665 10h ago My 79 year old mother in law with Alzheimer's telling us that she had had sex the previous night with another resident of her nursing home. (She had been celibate for 20 years up until then. We think.) 104 Reply Share ...
SmurtGurl 12h ago Helping my friend pack up her stuff when leaving her husband. While he sat on the couch and cried. 134 Reply Share ...
Admirable-Rough-782 e 10h ago I was looking at my moms phone cause she wanted to show me some pictures from what she did that weekend. I swiped one too many times and came across one of her nudes. I felt my soul jolt out of my body seeing that shit 215 Share Reply ...
sufishams 12h ago In the cinema. I interlocked my fingers with the kid sitting beside me for a full minute. Turns out, he wasn't my kid. Share 139 Reply ...
proxproxy 13h ago Alright everyone buckle up. Years ago my editor assigned me to do a story: an old civilian air command guy had died and his kids were going to spread his ashes from a plane over the lake where he helped find a downed aircraft decades ago. Nice local human interest piece. Two kids: son and daughter, both adults. The whole flight aspect was organized by a local, well-meaning family friend, let's call him Jeff. I drive to the tiny regional airport, walk to the tarmac and the son is there already. We shoot the shit with the
Moon_Jewel90 12h ago We had a farewell party for a colleague who was leaving our workplace and during her goodbye speech in front of everyone including our bosses, she started talking about how stressful the job was, didn't get much support, wasn't able to take proper breaks and that no job is worth the mental stress. Needless to say, the room fell in awkward silence and our boss's face looked uncomfortable. 654 Repl Share ...
 6y ago I was on a road trip (passenger) and sexting with my girlfriend. During the steamy conversation I got a text saying Please stop somewhere and get some sleep tonight, don't try to do the whole trip in one day. I assumed it was another text from my girlfriend, so I replied well judging from how horny you made me, I don't know if l'll be able to sleep. It was my mom. 626 Share ...


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