40 Random Bits of Trivia to Help the Medicine Go Down

Don’t have a spoonful of sugar? We got ya covered
40 Random Bits of Trivia to Help the Medicine Go Down

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Artificial Insemination

The first successful artificial insemination was performed in 1884 on a Philly woman without her knowledge. CRACKED.COM The doctor anesthetized the woman and took sperm from his best-looking student and impregnated her. The doctor and the woman's husband never re- vealed the truth to her.


A Little Brain Donation For You

A baker's dozen is 13 because of a law in medieval England. CRACKED.COM There were laws that relat- ed the price of bread to the price of the wheat used to make it, so bakers would toss in extra in fear of com- ing up short and being ac- cused of cheating custom- ers.



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