25 Favorite Neighborhood Weirdos

‘Tuba Guy’
25 Favorite Neighborhood Weirdos

Every neighborhood needs a weird little guy. Of course, I’m talking about harmless weirdos, not some freak who needs to be on Chris Hansen’s radar. For instance, one local legend, nicknamed “Tuba Guy,” walks around the neighborhood playing his tuba because his wife won’t let him do it in the house. These are the kinds of people who make life more interesting, adding a little flavor to the monotony of the daily grind. 

Other Redditors have chimed in with their weird little guys and gals, and I truly believe every community should have someone like “The Timekeeper.”

 12y ago Crazy Lenny, he's not homeless or poor, he's actually part of a very well-to-do family, but that doesn't stop him from walking up and down the streets of town all day talking to himself. Everybody knows him and he usually gets quite a few hellos from the town. But one time, in the middle of the summer 2 years ago, I parked my car downtown and left the windows rolled down while I ran into a convenience store, when I came back out, there was Lenny, breaking twigs off of a tree and gently placing them in
 12y ago There's a woman who dresses up as Marilyn Monroe. She used to work for a theme park I think, and now she just walks around dressed as Marilyn Monroe.
 . 12y ago In Victoria, BC we have a person (man? woman?) who dresses as Darth Vader and plays the violin on the sidewalk near the inner harbour - a spot rife with tourists. He's really very good and I sincerely hope he makes his living doing this. 72 Share ...
ReptarGrr 12y ago A guy in his 60's walks around the park and feeds squirrels. Не wears a fanny pack full of peanuts and calls the squirrels puppies. Не calls out, here puppies, and the squirrels follow him around. 279 Share ...
aslsaidtomyfriend 5y ago Used to be a rather hairy guy in Stockholm who'd walk around all winter in just underwear. Не claimed he had a disease that kept his body temperature very high. You'd see him often on the subway, but I haven't seen him now for a couple of years. 2 Share ...
naomi_2391 . 11y ago At the college I go to we call this guy frisbee Dan. Не is around 40 or older and wears bright neon short shorts and a neon wifebeater and hangs out at the college park. Не plays frisbee with everyone and when he is not hanging at the park he stands on the side of the road and dances and waves at people. 2 Share ...
Idulus 5y ago The second coming of Jesus. Не is insane, writes public letters to the pope and praises the god given bus connections. Overall he is a nice guy though. 2 Share ...
RuDreading 14y ago In my town there's a guy who does nothing but sit in the library and take extensive notes from only reading encyclopedias... I worked at that library during all my highschool years and he was ALWAYS there. Oh and he has a handlebar 'stache. 2 Share ...
sobe53711 14y ago We had a guy who would go into public restrooms, dunk all the toilet paper rolls in the toilet to soak them thoroughly, then put them back on the dispenser. When he was finally arrested, he couldn't explain why he was doing this. 2 Share ...
slothlife 12y ago We have Tuba Guy, a local legend who strolls around playing a tuba because his wife won't let him play it inside their house 496 Share ...
oohshineeobjects 10y ago The Timekeeper used to stand around the local park calling out the time so that college students wouldn't be late to class. Sadly, he died a year and a half ago. 287 Share ...
Dallas343 10y ago There is a guy who no matter what weather it is you will ALWAYS see him running. In all black clothes, black pants, black shirt and black army boots. Не has long hair and a beard. We all call him the running man. I stopped him one day and asked him why he runs so much and he told me it was because most of his family has passed away and instead of turning to alcohol and drugs he started running. Overall great guy. Share 486 ...
flandirection 10y ago We had a cute old man who always took a long walk around the neighborhood every day at 4 or so, rain or shine, wearing these huge bright orange gloves that looked like oven mitts. His thing was that he waved and smiled at every single car that passed him. We all used to try to wave at him before he waved at us. Such a cool, happy guy. I'm told he was a total badass in WWII too. Sometimes I would be driving home from school after an especially hard day, and the town hero would
 10y ago Awkward Asian. This girl looks like she's straight out of anime, and stands at the bus stop and STARES at people, and will eventually ask weird awkward questions. She also wears tiny shorts in the winter during snowstorms. An enigma. 171 Share ...
sehrill 14y ago I live in a fairly small town in Southern California. We have an old man that rides his bike everywhere with weird flags flying off of it. Oddly enough, there was a girl in town who needed money for a cancer related surgery (Sorry I can't remember the details.) Apparently there was a donation of $15,000+ from an anonymous donor, who ended up being him. Не also wears badass sunglasses. 42 Share ...
efg1342 14y ago . Edited 14y ago We have a lady who likes to hula hoop on the median. The cops tasered her. She won 65k
danse-macabre 10y ago We call her 'Buy Me Lunch Lady because she walks around my city demanding people to buy her lunch. If they don't, they're on her shit list. 27 Share ...
gypsymoth94 10y ago Skateboard Jesus is a local legend who hangs out at the 7/11 by my school. Apparently he tries to sell students drugs, not salvation. Share 49 ...
old_man_swag 10y ago Superman! There is an overweight man that dresses in a tight superman costume and sits on a bench outside our local Walmart. Не just sits there for hours not doing anything at all. 50 Share ...
ballsonballs 14y ago Our town has a bloke nicknamed Happy Clappy. So named because if you clap your hands near him he will chase angrily after you, he has also been known to call the police if people clap near him. 25 Share ...
robbiec87 14y ago This dude named Zanta in Toronto is pretty werid. He's super jacked cause all he does is push-ups all day in any location. Не makes grunting noises and sometimes sounds like a chainsaw. He'll do push-ups in the fountain, in the subway, on the stairs. Anything. All this while wearing no shirt and a Santa hat.
orangejellybean 14y ago There' 's an old lady in my neighborhood who sits down on in the road every day and draws a chalk picture of spongebob squarepants. Every day, people walk on it/it rains until it disappears. And every day, she comes back, sits down on the road, and draws it again. This has been going on for months, at least. Share 6 ...
Kman17 14y ago Boston has a lot of characters. The Jesus Guy may not be the oddest, but he's certainly the most famous. Everyone in the city knows him. Не goes to every - really every - sporting event and concert in the city wearing a fire and brimstone poster. AFAIK he doesn't have a job, he lives at one of the local churches. He's unbelievably polite and approachable, and then will hand you literature explaining that you're going to burn in hell. Не spends a week or two in February in Hollywood or South Beach doing the same thing. 6 Share ...
dailybunny 12y ago We have an old lady who walks up and down the high street in a wedding outfit. No one knows why she did this, but I like to think of her as a real life Miss Havisham Share 301 ...
 10y ago Quarter Bob and Quarter Dave. They're both homeless, and they both hold up signs that say Bet u can't hit me with a quarter. Love those guys. Share 115 ...


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