34 Funny Things People Convinced Others Of

‘Pants has a silent k in the front. Kpants’
34 Funny Things People Convinced Others Of

Gullible people shall inherit the Earth, likely because being so easily tricked is a cursed existence that warrants some kind of recompense. But until that day comes, let’s have a little laugh at the those who actually believed the unbelievable — like the exchange student who convinced her freshman class that Australia doesn’t have clouds, or the person who convinced a friend that the Romans invented sleep. They’re legends in their own right. 

Other Redditors have laughingly recalled the gullible people they got one over on, and it’s a good thing none of them are in positions of power. 

kidllama I 12y ago My sister's best friend (me 16, her 7). Told her the bottom of the pool smelled like bananas. It worked more than once. I'm an asshole. 70 Share ...
catteallinna 5y ago I convinced my sister that our grandmother was a pirate, which was why she is missing a leg (actually the sugar got it) and that piracy skips a generation and she was next in line to become a pirate. 192 Share ...
 12y ago I once convinced my ex-girlfriend (while we were still dating) that you could buy penguins from most pet stores, and that I'd buy her one for her birthday. I also made her believe they ate almost nothing but peanuts, could fly, and are the inspiration behind the invention of the tuxedo. She wasn't a bright broad, but she had a set of cans on her you wouldn't believe. Share 452 ...
zinklesmesh . 12y ago I told a girl the television was invented by John Television. She believed me for two weeks 40 Share ...
Captain_Meatshield 12y ago I convinced a girl (in a college bio class) that my left lung had died when I was a baby, but since the doctors never removed it, I now use it to store food and water for later. 50 Share ...
erinhiggins 12y ago My brother convinced his 11th grade English teacher that Benjamin Franklin had 26 illegitimate children. She was so convinced that she taught subsequent classes of students this fact. 45 Share ...
the22ndquincy 12y ago . Edited 12y ago Me and my friend convinced another (pretty smart) friend that a rhino was a male hippo, and that the horn was for fighting over females. 129 Share ...
effieokay 12y ago I sold someone a bead once, like the type you make friendship name bracelets out of, and told him it was LSD. $25. To be fair, it did have an L on it... Не asked why there were holes on the sides and I said for air pressure. Share 301 ...
sweetclementine 12y ago While watching the sunset at the beach, I convinced my younger brother and sister that if you listen closely, you can hear the sun splashing into the ocean. They stood at the edge of the waves for a good 10 minutes trying to listen for it. 34 Share ...
MissEmpathy 12y ago Convinced my husband that there are feral Chihuahuas in the mountains of Mexico. Wild mountain chihuahuas that hunt wayward travelers in yippy, but terrifying packs. Only let him know the truth when he started talking about wild mountain chihuahuas at a party. Не trailed off once my eyes widened and I started shaking my head. There are no mountain chihuahuas? The look on his face was priceless. Before anyone asks, yes, I was inspired by a Far Side cartoon. 331 Share ...
japrufrocknroll 12y ago There were a disproportionate amount of Koreans at my military high-school (in the US) since it exempted them from a few years' duty back home. Once after marching at an amusement park (marching band) we convinced our dear friend that it's an American tradition to get in a group and eat a funnel cake as fast as you possibly can and then smack yourself in the face with the powder-covered plate once you've finished it. Most fun we had all day. 153 Share ...
ProstheticBabe 12y ago I came back from a field trip to some museum when I was in elementary school and brought back this neat souvenir. It was this large penny bigger than the palm of my hand that I got at the gift shop. I convinced my sister that I went to some laboratory where they were working with enlarging and shrinking technology and that I volunteered a penny to be enlarged. She was young at the time so she totally believed me. This was around the time when the movie Honey I Shrunk The Kids was popular so it
kinshark 12y ago When I was in 9th grade and starting to learn Spanish in school, at home one day I asked my little brother to do something for me por favor. Не flipped out and asked what a por favor was and why I was calling him that. I convinced him it really was something mean and proceeded to call him that for several months as an insult before he figured it out. 82 Share ...
Whakahoa 12y ago I once convinced my flatmate that Daylight Savings involved the lengthening of an hour from 60 to 70 minutes. She was pissed, and the following exchange happened. Her: Does this mean my lectures go for an hour now instead of 50 minutes?! Me: No, because an hour is now 70 minutes. Your lectures are an 'old' hour. Her: That sucks! 346 Share ...
 12y ago A friend of mine was an exchange student from Australia to the USA. She convinced her year 9 class in Utah that Australia doesn't have clouds. 410 Share ...
Neveronlyadream 12y ago I once convinced someone that the Romans invented sleep because their troops were making too many mistakes on the battlefield because of fatigue. Share 730 ...
nobodiestoday 0 12y ago Convinced a friend in high school that pants has a silent k on the front. Kpants. 1K Share ...
reden MisterMisfit 12y ago I convinced my little brother that kiwi were lions eggs, and that's why they're covered with hairy mane. I then proceeded to peel one and eat it while enjoying the look of horror and disgust on his face. Share 771 ...
NINE_HUNDRED 12y ago . Edited 12y ago That the doner meat spinning thing was elephant leg.
 5y ago . Edited 5y ago That Niagra Falls are turned off at night to 'save water'
argentinot 5y ago My friend, while drinking a milkshake, got a brain freeze so I told him that don't let the milkshake touch the roof of your mouth since this causes the brain freeze. 3 seconds later, he was puking all over. Turns out he deep throat-ed the straw and slurped. 42 Share ...
bajordo . 5y ago Told them that a certain brand of root beer was chewable. Even went so far as to make fake chewing motions with the root beer in my mouth. Only when he actually got some of his own did he realize that it was, in fact, just regular root beer. Share 29 ...
 9y ago Not me but my dad convinced his best friend that Elvis was alive and doing a live concert on TV. It was a recorded concert and his friend was Over. The. Fucking. Moon. Screaming and jumping around shouting that Elvis isn't dead, singing along. And then the VCR at the tape and all hell broke lose. His friend was pissed cussing him out and crying. A Grown, 40 year old man balling his eyes out on the floor holding his knees. And my dad was laughing his ass off the whole time. That day I learned my
grammarchick 5y ago I got something like 15 people to believe I had a new disease called anal glaucoma. I would let them get a little worked up and then say the rest: Yeah, I can't see my ass going to work today AT ALL. My mom wouldn't even let me get that phrase out - she was yelling about did I need an ambulance and was this my dad's fault. 34 Share ...
SwimCuddles . 5y ago Cats are venomous and people who are allergic to them have a mutated gene that makes them react to them. 22 Share ...
 9y ago My kids. I told them that their tongue swells up and gets fat when they aren't telling the truth. Now when they are lying I know because they refuse to stick out their tongues. 130 Share ...
I_am_the_Brossiah 9y ago I made my cousin believe that if you don't get out of the way when an emergency vehicle is behind then they will crash into you and not give a damn. 3 years later I was in her car and when suddenly a cop turned on its sirens a few cars behind she panicked and crashed into a dunkin donuts sign. Amen. 101 Share ...
PerpetualCamel . 5y ago I once told a buddy of mine that automatic doors will always open no matter how fast you run at them. That's all it took. 281 Share ...
aecht 0 5y ago the Beach Boys' song Wouldn't It Be Nice was written with the help of Charles Manson and is about a suicide pact 58 Share ...
packersfan823 6 5y ago In high school, we convinced a girl in our class that claymation was actually not animated/stop motion, but very skilled actors with loads of makeup and prosthetics on. Share 49 ...
redditandwriting e 5y ago That tonic water was vodka. We were 12 and my friend got so 'drunk' she could hardly stand. 63 Share ...
HairyHorseKnuckles 5y ago Worked in a restaurant and convinced a guy that our tomatoes were a hybrid with a rubber tree to make them more durable during shipping and they could even bounce. Не splattered half dozen tomatoes against the wall before he figured out I was fucking with him 76 Share ...
kaleidoscopeyes17 . 5y ago While living in Japan and watching a film about American pioneers, I convinced my Japanese roommate that we still ride ox-pulled wagons to school in the states. 103 Share ...
NothingBurgerNoCals 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Convinced a dumbass if you put a dime in a beer bottle and shake it around for five minutes it creates a bunch of micro-fractures and makes the bottle super easy to break over your head. Guy did it for fifteen minutes and attempted to smash the bottles on his forehead. Went to the hospital and got nine stitches.


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