30 Funny But Embarrassing Things People Are Willing to Admit To

‘I thought facade was pronounced faykayd’
30 Funny But Embarrassing Things People Are Willing to Admit To

Some embarrassing moments aren’t so humiliating that you feel ashamed for the rest of your life. Instead, they provide hilarious stories that need to be shared with the world. Like the guy who never thought the spleen was a real organ, explaining that “the name is so silly” that he believed it was a joke. In his defense, yeah, that’s fair. And don’t worry, he eventually found out that spleens are real — while he was in med school. 

Other Redditors have disclosed their funniest embarrassing moments, and we all need to raise a glass to the guy who accidentally sent a “you up?” email to his entire office. This one’s for you, brother!

Strungeart 6y ago I was watching a movie with my parents when I was 7 and heard the characters talk about porn. I asked my parents what it meant and they didn't tell me so I looked it up on our family computer. This was around Christmas time and I got so scared I wouldn't get anything for Christmas because I looked it up, so I wrote a letter to Santa apologizing. Не wrote me back and said it was ok. The next year I realized Santa was my parents. It still keeps me up at night. 54K Share ...
lonewolf210 6y ago I had the nickname blue for a while. It was short for blue light special because I got lost in a kmart when on a boy scout trip. I was like 11... Share 8.7K ...
DolphinPuckRL . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago When I was like 13 I grabbed lotion out of my moms bathroom to jerk off with and it was some weird fake tan shit that turned my dick a weird tint of orange for like a whole month. That was really stupid
trainwreck42 6y ago Edited 6y ago I always tell this story when this question pops up. When I was in the sixth grade, my friends used to call me a dildo all the time. I used to hate it, and get so pissed every time they did. Crucially, I didn't know what a dildo was, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it was a penis. So close, yet so far. I didn't realize my error until one FATEFUL day, when my friends once again decided to call me a dildo during P.E. In my anger, I shouted At least
notreallysrs в 6y ago I use to think who ever fucked harder in the relationship while having sex determined the gender of the baby, which makes no sense. 2.4K Share ...
The_Dork_Lord . 6y ago Until about a year ago i thought facade was pronounced faykayd 2.2K Share ...
big_bad_brundlefly 6y ago I audibly shit myself in a boardroom meeting once. There were about seven or eight other people in the room and it happened while my boss was speaking. Не stopped talking and there were some gasps. I didn't know what to do other than profusely apologise and go home. Next day I apologised to my boss and told him I'd been ill. I still work at the same company and it hurts every day. This was two years ago. 22K Share ...
DaveDavidsen 6y ago The first time I went down on a girl I had no idea what to do so I just lapped at it like how a cat drinks water. To my advantage, it was the first time she had been gone down on so she didn't know what to expect and enjoyed it anyway because she had no basis of comparison. 601 Share ...
 6y ago . Edited 6y ago During rec baseball when I was 7 or 8 I had to pee really bad, I even told my coach but he said I was up to bat. I should've struck out but I got on base, I couldn't hold it any longer and pissed my pants on second base. 7.9K Share ...
ThislsAStuckUp 6y ago Edited 6y ago When I was 13 I wrote a pretty detailed Naruto fanfiction. That wouldn't be so embarrassing except for that fact that the details included me and a character who was 26 playing strip poker, among other things. Here's where I really fucked myself over : I THEN decided to print the story out so I could read it later and make edits. However, I decided to bring it into the bathroom to read while I took a bath and left it in there when I was done. My dad found it and read it and let's just
Dickcheese_McDoogles 6y ago Edited 4y ago Back in elementary school I slipped and fell in a watery spaghetti puke puddle (fucker before me apparently couldn't puke into the toilet for some reason) when I hurriedly sprinted into a bathroom stall because I was yo-yo-ing a massive shit. The slip caused me to land on my ass hard enough that I shat myself. So I had to waddle down to the nurse's office, drenched in puke and caked in my own shit, and explain to her what the fuck just happened. 40K Share ...
en I The_Rusemaster e 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I got so drunk at a festival that I blacked out completely for 10-12 hours. I don't even remember starting to drink. When I woke up I thought someone had taken a shit in my tent while I was asleep. However I soon discovered that it was in fact me that had shit myself.
Arbaks 6y ago I have a terrible fear of mixing up bathrooms. Before going in one I'll check several times Is it M Is the triangle pointing down etc. Sometimes I'd even walk out of one after a couple steps to recheck the door. And yet sometimes I mix them up. 9.3K Share ...
woodlandolive в 6y ago I have imaginary interviews in the tub with talk show hosts about my life and how I became famous (I like to change it up) 4.7K Share ...
TheRealDTrump . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I never knew the spleen was a real organ. The name sounded so silly to me that I thought it was a joke. When did I find out it was an organ? In med school
InspectorRack . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago I accidentally emailed You up? to my entire 900+ person office at 11 am on a Tuesday...
AdamJr87 . 6y ago I didnt know alpacas were animals until i i was 27. I thought alpaca meant made from llama hair much like wool is made from sheep hair Share 19K ...
BobJohnson2003 6y ago When i was young, i didn't know the difference between getting laid and getting laid off. Had no idea that these things are completely different. I would use them almost interchangeably. So, when i my dad lost his job one year, the next day at school i went around explaining to all my classmates: Yeah, things aren't going well at my house, my dad got laid yesterday. 31K Share ...
 6y ago If I have even one drink before going to sleep, I'm going to wet the bed. I'm a 25 year old woman with the bladder of a 3 year old apparently. Share 11K ...
Moonkeyman120 D 6y ago Whenever I think sexual thoughts I sneeze. It has gotten to the point where if I ever sneeze my girlfriend just gives me a stare and says no. 6.8K Share ...
bbystars 5y ago in 4th grade, i was asked to be in my schools spelling bee. i was the only 4th grader and youngest person that would be in it, so practiced every day for weeks with my mom. day finally comes, i get EVERY single word wrong. i never attempted to spell even one letter from the words, i just stood there awkwardly and silently for about 10 seconds each time before i sulked away back into my seat without speaking a word the entire time. in front of the entire school and staff. i blanked out when the
mathiasbloodaxe 5y ago In primary school (grades 1-6 in Australia) there was a school wide assembly in the hall. I was a 6th grader sitting on the hard floor with my class then I got called up the front because I'd won an award. So I proceed to stand up, but sitting on the hard floor gave me a dead leg and my foot collapsed under me making me immediately fall over on top of the girl that was sitting next to me. In front of the entire school. I still get embarrassed thinking about that. 1.2K Share ...
KiwiPin0 5y ago I hit face first into a street light lamp post because I was staring (while walking) at a beautiful girl walking towards the direction where I am coming from. It was in front of the main gate of our university. Hundreds of students saw it. My friends laughed hard as hell. Share 4.3K ...
nocturnalplur 5y ago Was on an airplane years ago with my girlfriend and her parents. My girlfriend couldn't get a seat next to me and sat directly behind me. During the flight I thought I would surprise her and reached me hand back onto her knee. Slowly I kept extending it up her thigh until I heard giggling. Looked behind through the seats and saw that my hand was on the leg of the guy next to her. Не saw my face and said, I just wanted to see how far you'd go. Of course my girlfriend was in on
TomBombadilio242 6y ago Until I was 25, I thought all apples tasted like Red Delicious. I tried a Red Delicious as a kid, hated it, and assumed that's just what apples tasted like. I was pleasantly surprised when my wife introduced me to Honeycrisp apples. 3.2K Share ...
MichelleEllyn . 6y ago I farted in Yoga today. I owned it. 2.7K Share ...
reenymal 6y ago My first porn experience. I grew up in the country and was biking home and found an old nudie magazine that looked like it was there for at least a week, rained on, driven on and most likely already came on. But my thirteen year old self bent over, picked it up and jerked off to it right there and then on the side of the street without even getting off my bike. Twice. 18K Share ...
flabinella 5y ago I had a great day at a waterpark/outdoor pool and towards the afternoon a woman came up to me and whispered in my ear that I have a problem with my swimsuit. I reached behind a noticed a huge gap. The fabric was torn right in the middle and you could see my white, untanned asscrack. I was running around like this all day and no one said anything. 12K Share ...
Tostonn 5y ago I was at my friends birthday party in high school and was super drunk. Ran up to a group of people and said Watch this! I then proceeded to run and dive into a bounce house only for the Velcro lined entrance to grab my sweats/boxers and pull them down to my ankles. l'll never forget the looks of horror on their faces while I laid there on my back with my legs in the air showing off all my goodies :( 2K Share ...
nelsy21 . 5y ago This past Saturday I went into a clothing store with my sister and I walked into a mirror and said Oh my bad to my own reflection.. She got a good laugh out of it at least Share 570 ...


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