40 Random Bits of Trivia to Combat Your Creeping Brainrot

40 Random Bits of Trivia to Combat Your Creeping Brainrot

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In 2014, researchers in the UK developed an app to identify house spiders. Called Spider in da house, the app helped to discover the peak month of spiders moving indoors is Sep- tember and most are males seeking mates. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


In 2016, a federal judge ruled that a monkey cannot own the copyright to photographs he himself took. In 2011, a crested black macaque pressed a trigger on a wildlife photogra- pher's camera, set up in a jungle for that specific purpose. This incident set off an unusual debate about copyright. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Walt Whitman volunteered during the American Civil War to write letters for illiterate soldiers. Whitman wrote count- less letters on behalf of soldiers, some of whom were illiterate or were dying, back home to their loved ones. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


MTV removed all references to fire from Beavis and Butt-Head after the death of a 2-year-old. A 5-year-old set his house on fire in 1993, resulting in the death of his younger sister. The mother blamed the car- toon for making fire seem cool, so MTV removed mentions of it and resched- uled it for 10:30pm. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


The goliath tigerfish is so dangerous that only a handful of fishermen have caught it. CRACKED.COM It has 32 teeth that are of similar size to those of a great white shark. It has been known to at- tack humans and even crocodiles.


Visa began as an experiment by Bank of America. Onyfast 4000 1234 5678 9010 GOOD THRU 12/24 A. MILLER VISA MILLER ON MARKET Prénavée CRACKED.COM In 1958, BoA mailed 60,000 residents of Fres- no, California a small plas- tic card with a $500 credit line. Bank of America fig- ured if it failed, there'd be no media coverage be- cause it was in Fresno.


Beer Hops naturally produce an acid that can kill off a parasitic mite known to annihilate entire colonies of bees. CRACKED.COM Hops have shown such promise in helping Colony Collapse Disor- der, that the EPA has even approved their use as a biochemical miticide.


Resurrectionists were legally employed grave robbers who dug up bodies for anatomical research. CRACKED CON The public hated them and frequently attacked them. The profession came to an end when several people were murdered for ana- tomical research in the 19th century.


The bearded vulture is the only known animal whose diet is almost exclusively bone. CRACKED.COM It usually disdains the actual meat and lives on a diet that is typi- cally 85-90% bone marrow. And, yes, it is extremely Goth look- ing.


A man called Dale Schroeder used his life savings to send 33 students to college. CRACKED.COM Не grew up poor in lowa, never married, had no children, and worked as a carpenter at the same company for 67 years and only owned 2 jeans.


A Chicago man abandoned a car he bought his ex-girlfriend so it would accumulate parking tickets. CRACKED.COM Brandon Preveau bought the car in his ex-girlfriend's name and parked it illegal- ly at the O'hare airport. The city asked the ex to pay the 678 tickets, worth over $100,000.



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