32 of the Funniest Traditions Married Couples Have

‘Happy 12:53!’
32 of the Funniest Traditions Married Couples Have

Every couple has their little traditions, and the weirder you can make them, the better. Like the couple who have committed so hard to their “buying ugly Christmas tree ornaments” bit that one relative says they’re “desecrating the spirit of the Christmas tree.” That’s how you know it’s effective. 

Other Redditors have shared the funny traditions they have with their spouses, and if you’ve ever wondered whether or not true love was real, these responses should be all the proof you need.

toasted_buttr 7y ago November 1 is Cupcake Day. A few months after we started dating, we had broken up. The day after Halloween, I convinced him to let me come over and talk. I brought leftover Halloween cupcakes and we ended up talking for hours and getting back together. Every November 1 since then, we've eaten cupcakes together. This year will be our 9th Cupcake Day. 2.2K Share ...
roonerspize 7y ago First date was on a whim to a local restaurant where she wore sweats and I wore a t-shirt (edit: and jeans). We ordered an unhealthy meal of appetizers (like buffalo wings, loaded cheese fries, nachos, quesadillas) and milk shakes. Every New Years Eve we celebrate by making similar appetizers, but now the kids are into it and each person gets to pick one appetizer they'd like made and we all make them together and pig out before watching some other earlier time zone's new years celebration and get to bed by 10pm. 3.4K Share ...
photogwithatinydog 7y ago Every Christmas we gift each other the most god awful ugly Christmas ornament we can find. We've been doing it for about 3 years and our tree just gets crazier every year. His mother said we are desecrating the spirit of the Christmas tree. So that's also a plus. 8.4K Share ...
SweetieMcCutiePie 7y ago When I was pregnant with our first child, my husband was organizing baby clothes and it was after midnight. It was quiet and we were excitedly anticipating the birth of our first child. Не kissed me and I said I love this time with you!...meaning the quiet us time that would soon be a rarity. Не smirked and cocked his head and said what? 12:53?! So do I!! Ever since that night when either of us notice that the clock has turned to 12:53, we say Happy 12:53! And then we make out for a few minutes.
ironhead_mule 7y ago Our first year being married, Halloween of 1987, trick-or-treaters came to the door. We were completely unprepared. My wife opened the door to apologize for having no candy. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the first thing I saw. It's our tradition now that the first trick or treater every year gets a potato. 5.6K Share ...
jpisar9732 7y ago When my husband and I started dating we were both flat broke. I forget what it was but we had some small victory and decided to celebrate. We grabbed a bottle of Boone's Farm wine. Now whenever we have something to celebrate, new job, a pay raise, we grab a bottle and have a private party. It helps us remember how far we've come. 1.3K Share ...
I_smell_crickets1107 7y ago Our first Christmas living together we went out and got a tree, lights, ornaments and all that good stuff. We get the tree all decorated and that's when we realized we didn't get a star or angel to put on top. I grab one of my hats and put it on top. We do this every year now. It's been a different hat every year for six years. 2.9K Share ...
Nolamom1222 7y ago Every time we go to Vegas, we get married again. It started on our honeymoon, just because we had been upgraded to a convertible rental car and spotted a drive-through chapel. We have now done it 9 times with various themes. My favorite was white trash. The vows were priceless. Share 727 ...
Eff-Bee-Exx 7y ago This started when our kids were young, like about 5 and under, and there was no peace or privacy inside the house. For Valentine's Day we'd put on our winter gear, go out in the back yard and lay in the snow, and share a bottle of champagne. I think we even managed to do it one year when the temperature hit -40. Added bonus: occasional northern light shows. 1.8K Share ...
gleenglass 7y ago Edited 7y ago My husband and I have very different decor preferences about Christmas and after a couple of years of unhappy compromising, we decided to take turns being in charge of decorating every other year. Last year I had a very tasteful tree that I thought could go in a kitschy boutique store display that my husband said was boring as shit. I'm pretty sure we're gonna have a Batman tree this year.
 e 7y ago We keep a custom Google map with every place we've had sex on it. It's like those maps with pins in it for countries you've visited, but for sex. 2K Share ...
the4ner 7y ago . Edited 7y ago My wife is a doctor so she works late. Often, especially during the winter, she will come home after dark. She street parks her car, and our street isn't very well lit (quiet dead end). If I hear the beep of her car lock, I'll run to the window, where I keep a D Cell MagLite, and shine a spotlight on the sidewalk to light her way as she walks in. She will sometimes run around trying to escape the light. It's fun :-) 14K Share ...
STGGrant 7y ago I vermin you too. At some point while we were dating, my wife drew a heart on something for me. Normally she's capable of drawing basic shapes, but for some reason this was awful-to the point that it looked like some sort of insect. We both laughed at it, and I off-handedly replied I vermin you too, dear.
_9a_ 7y ago Waffle Sundays. And no, it's not a sex thing. I make waffles every Sunday morning for the last 10-ish years. 4.5K Share ...
 7y ago Edited 7y ago Second Thanksgiving. Many years ago, we did our standard Thanksgiving with extended family on Thursday. The next day, we were talking about how we wanted the food again, since most of the leftovers were at the hosts house. So we went to the grocery store, saw that all the Thanksgiving foods were now on sale to get rid of them, bought everything we needed, and prepared a fresh Thanksgiving dinner that Friday.
Viking042900 7y ago My wife and I (married for 17 years) never stopped keeping track of the anniversary of our first date. It has become a competition to see who will remember it first each year and has sometimes resulted in one of us waking up the other at midnight to say Happy dating anniversary to win for the year. Share 4.4K ...
WD-40 7y ago Edited 7y ago On our wedding night, we flipped a coin to see who would plan our secret anniversary get away first, usually 4 nights away. It is a total secret and only gets told the night before or the morning of, depending on if flights are needed. We have a set budget and alternate each year. It is such a great thing knowing your anniversary is coming up, whether you plan it or are getting the surprise. I personally love planning it the most, sure it is nice to be surprised but I love seeing her
LJGHunter 7y ago At one point my husband and I purchased some frozen salmon filet that we never got around to using and they sat languishing in the back of freezer for...a long time. When we eventually found them they were long past expired but we found we didn't really have the heart to throw them away; they'd been with us for so long they sort of felt like family. We put them back in the freezer and declared them the Salmon of Good Fortune, and decided that as long as they remained under our roof our household would prosper.
Pb_Blimp 7y ago Hugs rule. You can call hugs and the other person has to hug you, no matter what. Even if you're angry with them, you have to hug, and you get over it real quick, The hug caller has to make the most effort though. She cant be in the kitchen, call hugs, and expect me to come downstairs for it. 1.2K Share ...
Learned_Hand_01 7y ago The first thing I say each year is I love you . She has been doing it for several years now as well. I asked her to marry me in the first few seconds of 2000. That time it was I love you , will you marry me? They have been the first words I say every year for over twenty years. 627 Share ...
aurry 7y ago My partner will put his hand out, palm up, right as I am sitting down on the couch so I end up sitting on his hand. Then he asks why I always sit on his hand. If I try to sit on the other side of the couch he will do a side dive to as not miss the opportunity. We've been together for 10 years 142 Share ...
turns31 7y ago We have a game where we hide a ketchup packet. One day we were at McD's and had an extra ketchup left over. I put it in my pocket and snuck it into her sunglasses holder in her car so the next time she opened it, it would fall on her. It worked, scared the crap out of her. That was like a year and a half ago. Ever since we've been going back and forth hiding it in different places to surprise the other one. Sometimes it's days between hidings, sometimes it's weeks. Some of my
donutshopsss 7y ago We were nervous to say I love you because we had only been dating for a week and it felt really weird, so we said elephant shoes. Many years later, still love her and still say it. 795 Share ...
Attempted_Comm_Nerd 7y ago Our go to drinking game with one another- We get our drinks of choice, pick a short television show that neither of us has ever seen (most recently the tick), read the summary on it, then pick two words each we think will be said often and drink every time the words are said. Nothing to it, but we love it 328 Share ...
HammyFresh 7y ago I give her a pineapple on occasions. It started out with me being a smartass one night because she refused to go inside Walmart with me. She requested pineapple juice, so I just decided she deserved a pineapple since she didn't want to accompany me into the fine establishment. She was not happy that night, however it is kind of our running joke now. Also fresh pineapple is super tasty so it's a bonus as well. 119 Share ...
ShpadoinkleyDay 7y ago When my wife and I lose each other in a store/crowd/whatever we have a code to find each other: I meow...LOUDLY She'll answer with a B'Gok! 115 Share ...
kiwi_goalie 7y ago Instead of going out or buying gifts on valentines day, we make the least healthy meal possible and eat it together. This year was cheeseburgers with grilled cheese sandwiches for buns. Heart stopping goodness. Share 615 ...
Bonzaigiraffe 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Whenever we saw some small trinket we thought the other might like we would buy it, wrap it, and gift it with a note saying Happy Tuesday! No matter what day it was. Even though she has passed, I still sometimes can't resist purchasing her a gift and leaving it in a public park with a note saying Happy Tuesday! 287 Share ...
SuperKeeg 7y ago After voting we go to Fuddrucker's. When we were dirt poor, our polling place was next to a Fuddrucker's. We never ate out, but we started to make an exception on voting days to reward ourselves for doing our civic duty. Eventually we started making real money and bought a house in the suburbs. But we still go to Fuddrucker's after voting. No matter if it is a special election or a midterm. We have two daughters in school now and went to Fuddrucker's a couple of weeks ago because they had student body elections. For us
itsBrando . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Every year, after we get our Christmas tree, we fuck right in front of it.
amillions 7y ago Everywhere we travel together we buy one of those touristy frames with the name of the place on it, and we buy a magnet. Then we take a selfie. At home we have a wall of our travels with a piece of sheet metal in a frame for all the magnets, surrounded by our dorky frames and selfies. It's fun and colorful, and a great memory to look at and remember each trip. Additionally, we travel once or twice a year internationally and we try and go somewhere new each time so we have lots of different
coltenmc . 7y ago Smashing pumpkins to smashing pumpkins! Every year the day after Halloween we smash our pumpkins to smashing pumpkins music. 286 Share ...


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