My Very Gonzo Life

A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets

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29 Nigh-Unfathomable Stats and Data Points

29 Nigh-Unfathomable Stats and Data Points

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1 out of every 2,000-3,000 babies is born with a tooth. GRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM MORE SERIAL KILLERS ARE BORN IN JANUARY THAN ANY OTHER MONTH A study of 293 serial killer spread across 29 countries all over the world revealed that 11.2% of those were born in January, even though the month of January has 7.9% of all births. Fun fact: Hannibal Lecter was born on January 20, 1933.


A survey of American businesses found 35% of entrepreneurs are Dyslexic


What country does the most searches for gay porn? The USA? Japan? According to Google, Kenya, Pakistan, and Uganda have that distinction. Homosexuality is illegal in all those countries. Search CRACKED.COM


Plane crashes are rare, but surviving one seems almost impossible. But of the 53,487 people involved in plane crashes in the U.S. from 1983 to 2000, 51,207 survived. That's nearly a 96 percent survival rate. And that number is still holding at 95.7%. CRACKED.COM


Heart attacks increase by 24% on the Monday after Daylight Savings Time kicks in. Researchers speculate that the spike has to do with a disruption in circadian rhythms and cortisol levels. And, unsurprisingly, stress. CRACKED.COM


12,200 Americans are erroneously declared dead every Year. | I I I I This is by the U.S. Government, so the victims of the error have to cope without minor things like driver licences, social security checks, bank accounts, etc. CRACKED.COM



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My Very Gonzo Life

A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets

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