29 Nigh-Unfathomable Stats and Data Points

We’ll leave the boring numbers for math class
29 Nigh-Unfathomable Stats and Data Points

Like every math teacher you’ve ever had, we’re pretty shocked that we’re not the only people here who are interested in numbers. So thank you. You’ve completed the cycle of giving information and receiving information. Without you, our numbers would be flailing out into the cosmos like a live wire. We know your digit-craving brain will give them a good home.

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Magic Carpet Speed

That magic carpet was wildly fast. Giza to Athens on a flying carpet: 697 miles in 10 seconds Magic Carpet Speed: 250,920 miles per hour CRACKED.COM


Unbelievable Statistics

People think the Three Mile Island meltdown was a huge nuclear disaster. But the radiation released was equivalent to about one-sixth of a chest X-ray. CRACKED.COM



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