32 Adorable Bits of Trivia We’re Fostering for a Little While But Need to Find Forever Homes For

32 Adorable Bits of Trivia We’re Fostering for a Little While But Need to Find Forever Homes For

Come on, mom! We promise we’ll help take care of these facts. We’ll take them for walks, bathe them and even pick up any little tidbits they leave behind. Wait, you mean we’d have to do all of that more than once? Now, that’s a different story. Tell you what — why don’t we get as much as we can out of them now, then pass them along to the fine readers who’ve just joined us? They’re just facts. We’re sure that they won’t develop abandonment issues.

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The density of Saturn is low enough that it would float in water CRACKED.COM


Nazi Germany made their own New Testament Bible to Aryanize Jesus. They removed the gene- alogies of Jesus that showed his Davidic de- scent, removed Jewish names and places, but left any mention of Jews that showed them in a bad light. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A blind woman had to be saved by a maintenance crew after being forgotten on a plane. UNITED LESS 111111 United Airlines assured the woman she would be es- corted off the plane after landing, but as she sat in silence she heard the plane's door seal shut, and then just complete si- lence. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A Brazilian company made their own NES since Nintendo never released it there. ndo GT SYSTEM The company reversed engi- neered the NES to produce a clone that could play official carts. Nintendo sent them a cease and desist but since they designed their own hardware and Nintendo had no presence in the country, it was legal. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Krusty the Clown was originally supposed to be Homer Simpson in disguise. present ottle El The double life the Но- mer was supposed to live was to ostensibly bring him and Bart, who idolized Krusty, closer, but the idea was dropped. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Many small creatures experience time faster than we do That that means larger animals (humans) be in slow motion them. to moving to appear CRACKED COM


THE BAGPIPE ORIGINATED IN SUMARIA. The most Scottish thing isn't Scottish at all. CRACKED.COM


A handshake transfers more germs than a kiss. GRAGKED.COM



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