25 Bits of Trivia That Are Good to the Last Drop

25 Bits of Trivia That Are Good to the Last Drop

What kind of night do you think your brain is trying to have here? Is it out for one or two social facts with an old pal? Is it letting off some steam with a few facts after a tough week at the office? Or maybe it’s lookin’ to get a whole mess of facts up in it at its buddy’s bachelor party! We’re fact-tending tonight, so we just want to see what we’re dealing with — and if we need to call in a second bouncer.

There is only one person alive who knows how to spin yarn from clam saliva. GRACKED.COM Sea silk is a highly prized unique material made from Mediterranean clams. Chi- ara Vigo of Italy is the last person that can process the raw material, made from the solidified saliva of large clams.


Four presidents have been on the cover of Sports Illustrated. PARINE IN HIS OWN WORDS Sp OR ts® e C E S 24 Illus r ted May 30, 2016 SL.COM I follow @SINOW THUNNE CRACKED COM Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan have all been on the cover. Reagan was the only one to make an appearance twice.


Pearls are created when an irritant enters a mollusc's shell. CRACKED.COM The mollusc secretes ara- gonite and conchiolin that creates nacre (aka mother of pearl) which encases the irritant (such as a parasite, sand, or other debris).


The White Sox held a Disco Demolition Night attended by 50,000 people, which turned into a riot. STEREO CIO V - Sotillion KARETHERK RA - F adidas GOLD GARE Adidas For Origin STER CRACKED.COM 1 The promotion, held in 1979, was an effort to boost atten- dance and was connected to prior Disco Nights, al- though those didn't usually end in fans rushing the field after a bunch of records were blown up.


An ancient Korean medicine, Ttongsul, is made from fermented poop. CRACKED.COM The poop of a 4-7 year old child is left to ferment with rice and yeast. When per- fectly ripe, this alcoholic drink is claimed to cure pain, broken bones, bruis- es, inflammation, and even epilepsy.


There is one castle for every 5,200 people in Wales. CRACKED COM There are more than 600 castles in Wales, more per square mile than anywhere in the world. Some have been lived in continuously for a thousand years, while others are romantic ruins.



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