30 Practical Trivia Tidbits About Special Effects

Before A.I., you had to make your CGI by hand
30 Practical Trivia Tidbits About Special Effects

Back before A.I. could generate hyper-realistic depictions of puppies playing in the snow for 10 seconds, or archaeologists dragging an amorphous lawn chair out of the sand, movies used to spend a lot of time and money on their special effects. Here are a few interesting tidbits about how they did things in the olden days…

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El Hotel Electrico

STOP-MOTION 1908 CRACKED.COM Segundo de Chomón was a Spanish filmmaker who pioneered the use of stop-motion technique in 1908 with his film El hotel eléctrico. Actors held their positions while small objects were moved slightly between frames, creating the illusion of movement.


Fellowship of the Ring

In Fellowship of the Ring, when Frodo and Gandalf are at the same table, it's not really one table. To make Elijah Wood seem much smaller than he really is, they used forced perspective, meaning they put him really far from the camera and then shot at an angle that would conceal the distance. To make sure camera movement wouldn't ruin the effect, they moved that half of the set in a way that exactly followed the camera's movements. CRACKED.COM



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