35 Counterintuitive Facts About History That Have No Business Being This True

35 Counterintuitive Facts About History That Have No Business Being This True

Historys always trying to hide its sneaky little secrets. But the sands of time are no match for these image macros! 

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A MAN TRIED TO BLOW UP GEORGE W. BUSH. Do you think a shoe was the worst thing anyone threw at President Bush? In 2005, Georgian national Vladimir Arutyunian tossed a hand grenade at him. It didn't explode, as you can probably guess. CRACKED.COM


THE WITCHES OF SALEM WEREN'T BURNED. While burning alleged witches was common in Europe, those found guilty of witchcraft during the Salem trials were hanged. Which, OK, wasn't much better. GRACKED.COM

CRACKED.COM THE GOVERNMENT IS STILL PAYING CIVIL WAR PENSIONS. A veteran's daughter, born in 1930 when her father was in his 80s, still gets her paycheck every month. The last Civil War widow died in 2008.


THE ROMAN EMPIRE WAS BIG. JUST NOT THAT BIG. Rome, the biggest empire that ever was... Except that, by surface area, it was more like the 25th, with about two million square miles at its height. GRACKED COM


CRACKED.COM 97% OF HUMAN HISTORY HAS BEEN LOST. Humans appeared 200,000 years ago. Writing is about 6,000 years old. This means that only 3% of our species' history has been recorded.


SEVEN OF HISTORY'S TEN DEADLIEST WARS WERE FOUGHT IN CHINA. It comes with having a historically high population. A couple of wars in the region had a higher body count than World War I. CRACKED.COM


An astronaut pooped and puked all over Apollo 8 in mid-orbit. Frank Borman got briefly but violently ill, to the extent that it overwhelmed the waste system. Meaning: poo and spew orbs floating around the cabin. CRACKED.COM


The largest bell ever made was lost by a greedy governor. Est Portugese warlord Filipe de Brito e Nicote was granted a governorship, then promptly declared independence. Не tried to melt the Shwedagon Pagoda's 23-ton bell to make cannons, then dropped it in a river. De Brito was executed at the stake. CRACKED.COM


The Anglo-Zanzibar War was the shortest war in recorded history. N Est The 1896 skirmish between Aniward the British Empire and the Zanzibar Sultanate lasted 45 minutes, tops. The British managed to kill 500 soldiers in that time, while losing only 1 of their own. CRACKED.COM



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