35 Magically Delicious Bits of Trivia That You Must Keep Out of the Hands of Those Ravenous Children at All Costs

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35 Magically Delicious Bits of Trivia That You Must Keep Out of the Hands of Those Ravenous Children at All Costs

We don’t know about you, but whenever we stumble upon a real doozy of a fact, we feel a warm little flicker in our brain. We’re no neuroscientist, but we suspect that this flicker is the new fact tucking itself in. It pulls a brain fold over itself like a warm blanket and nestles in for a lifelong hibernation. Sleep tight, little fact.

Archie and the Cross

WELL. LET'S том, IF THE YOU US PAGANS PRAY, PRAY TO THE DOIT... REAL GOD! ARCHIE WAS RELIGIOUS PROPAGANDA AT ONE POINT. Back in the '70s and '80s, long before Riverdale made Archie and Jughead cool again, Archie Comics licensed their characters to a Christian publisher. That's how we got plots like the Riverdale crew acting as missionaries to ethnic stereotypes around the world. CRACKED.COM



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