31 Times the Class Clown Made the Teacher Laugh

Sometimes, the hardest part of being a teacher is not losing your shit when your kids inadvertently do something hilarious. Just ask one Redditor, who found themselves hit with a bad case of the giggles after a disruptive student of theirs effed around and found out while heading to the principal’s office.
“As he’s walking to the door, he’s mugging for the class: ‘See you later, losers!’ Exaggerated, swaggering walk, turning to make a face at the class as he goes... and walks clear into the half-open door,” they recalled, noting it was the only time this wannabe class clown made everyone laugh. “I had to turn around and face the board so they wouldn’t see me laughing too.”
That’s not the only teacher who had to stifle their laughter either. Other Redditors have remembered the times a student’s stunts got the best of them, including one kid who got injured and decided to prepare for war as a result.