26 of the Most Embarrassing Notifications Seen on Someone Else’s Phone

These days, our whole lives occur — or are at least documented — on our phones. Regardless of category or content rating, they’re all backed up on a hard drive or, even more frighteningly, to the cloud. By nature, the phone you use to text your boss is also probably the one you use to send and receive salacious pictures that belong nowhere near the workplace.
What are you supposed to do about it, buy a burner for sexts? No. We can’t start sending genitals with an amount of subterfuge reserved for black-market arms deals. Plus, burners always have terrible cameras. This all leads to the fear, and sometimes the reality, that two spheres of your life will collide with a chime and an unexpected notification.
For these Redditors, that nightmare came true, and thankfully, they documented it on the internet for us to read, gasp at and pray to forever avoid.