20 of the Most Fascinating Studies in the History of Psychology

It’s one of God’s greatest practical jokes that, when it comes down to it, the only tool we have for studying the brain is itself. (Other contenders include sexual reproduction and platypuses.) We’ll probably never fully unravel the mysteries of the brain, and depending on your perspective, we probably never should have tried. Those things are scary, confusing and they look sticky. Are they sticky? Don’t answer that.
For better or worse, however, the field of psychology has been unearthing new horrors practically on the daily for hundreds of years. Wanna know how your memory messes with you? How your thoughts aren’t your own? What happens when you put a bunch of guys who think they’re Jesus in the same room? Look no further than those monsters.
That’s why one Reddit user asked r/AskReddit, “What are some psychology experiments with interesting results?”