25 Celebrity Pranks That Might Actually Be Insane

Too far, or just far enough?
25 Celebrity Pranks That Might Actually Be Insane

Heres the thing, we all know celebrities are mostly sick maniacs deep down. Think of the absolute madness required to get to the top of the heap and bask in the merciless spotlight of fame. Its no surprise then, that, given near-infinite resources, powerful networks and way too much time between projects, celebrities end up pulling off some of the most epic pranks of all time. Such as…

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison gave someone a fake job offer as Apple CEO. Jobs and Ellison were on Apple's board in 1997, and they both emailed a rando who had been campaigning for the CEO job with the message that he got it. Sadly, the guy really believed it. CRACKED.COM
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