31 Logic Puzzles That’ll Leave You Scratching Your Head

‘How far can a dog run into the woods?’
31 Logic Puzzles That’ll Leave You Scratching Your Head

“Why is a raven like a writing desk?”

Made famous in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderlandthis logic question has stumped even the smartest of thinkers for over a century and a half, sparking pithy retorts like, “They both have inky quills,” “Poe wrote on both of them” and “Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat.” 

None of these clever answers are actually correct, though. Considering the riddle, like most of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, was intended to be an ambiguous, trippy fever dream of a text, the real solution (if there is one) is still a mystery, known only to Carroll, the Mad Hatter and God. 

But that doesn’t mean that we’ll ever stop trying to find the right answer — a sentiment that can also be applied to the rest of these high-caliber logic puzzles. Whether it’s about assuming the color of a bear or playing coroner in the case of several mysterious deaths, here are a few logic puzzles that’ll leave you scratching your head…

Shelby_GT500 11y ago 00 Anyone heard of the 5 Pirates Puzzle? 5 pirates of different ages have a treasure of 100 gold coins. On their ship, they decide to split the coins using this scheme: The oldest pirate proposes how to share the coins, and ALL pirates (including the oldest) vote for or against it. If 50% or more of the pirates vote for it, then the coins will be shared that way. Otherwise, the pirate proposing the scheme will be thrown overboard, and the process is repeated with the pirates that remain. As pirates tend to be a bloodthirsty
scottman25 11y ago You have a lighter and two lengths of rope that burn for exactly 1 hour each. They do not burn consistently so you cannot, for example, cut one in half and burn that. How can you use these two ropes to measure exactly 45 minutes? 351 ... Ozwaldo 11y ago You light both ends of the first and one end of the second. When the first expires you light the unlit end of the second. 670 ...
 11y ago . Edited 11y ago You are a hunter. You walk five miles due south. You see nothing so you walk five miles due west. You see a bear, you shoot the bear. You walk five miles due north. You end up exactly where you started from. What color was the bear? - 388 ... Taliesen13 11y ago It is white because you are at the North Pole. - 440 ...
Flaxbeard 11y ago There are three doors guarded by three different guards. One door leads to freedom, the others to sudden death. One of the guards always lies, one always tells the truth, and one stabs people who ask tricky questions. What do you do? adapted from xkcd 24 ... + 22 more replies
TheReezles 11y ago Favourite one my brother used to tell me: In a town, there are two hairdressers. You walked down the streets and enter one to find that the premises are sparkling clean, and the man is well kept and well-dressed. You walk then into the other to find the man has hair everywhere in his place, and horrible bedhead. Which one should you go to for your haircut? I know it's easy, but this was what I remember loving as a kid.
PieJesu 11y ago Edited 11y ago Three people are trapped on a plateau surrounded on all sides by a 100-foot- deep ravine. All they have is a 30-foot-tall ladder, a 10-foot-tall ladder, a can of gasoline, a lighter, and however much rope they need. How do they get across? Answer: Fill the ravine up to the top with rope and walk across edit: Yeah I forgot to specify the ravine width. That wasn't on purpose 185 ...
AvatarDeLite 11y ago If I remember correctly, it's this: You have eight coins which are identical in appearance and a scale. One of the coins is a counterfeit. The counterfeit can either be heavier or lighter than a real coin (you don't know if it is heavier or if it is lighter). You can only make three measurements with the scale. How do you find the counterfeit? (I honestly don't know the answer since I never actually figured it out) - 41 ...
Alloneword19 11y ago There are two people on a motorcycle. The middle one falls off. What happened? 388 ...
DrHeavyFeet 11y ago Here's a classic: If you aim to give us a shot, we'll riddle you. What are we? 17 ... + 6 more replies
Oly360 11y ago A man with a backpack on is dead in the middle of the dessert with no foot prints around him. How did he die? 143 ... spndl1 11y ago The backpack was a parachute that failed to open. 290 ... + 2 more replies
 11y ago Edited 11y ago My dad used to tell me this one. Three guys walk into a hotel room and they want to spend 1 night. Each of them has 10 dollars. The room was 30$. So they each pay the 10$ for a total of 30, and go up to the room. Later, the owner of the hotel decides he charged the 3 men too much, so he gives 5$ to the bellboy to take back up to the 3 men in their room. The bellboy doesn't know how to split up the 5$ among the 3,
MadRascal 11y ago like Einstein's Puzzle, created by Albert Einstein as a boy, and supposedly only 2% of the world's population can solve it. However, it should be noted that it relies on an assumption as some details are left out. Nonetheless, it is quite interesting to attempt it. Here is the original 1962 as follows: There are five houses. The Englishman lives in the red house. The Spaniard owns the dog. Coffee is drunk in the green house. The Ukrainian drinks tea. The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house. The Old Gold smoker owns
MaddieBonanaFana 11y ago Edited 11y ago A young girl was locked in a coalshed. She was crying. Through her tears, she noticed an old lamp sitting among the pieces of coal. She picked it up and began rubbing off the coal dust. Suddenly a genie appeared and said, I will grant you one wish. Choose wisely, for one wish is all I can grant. Please make my parents disappear! cried the girl. I really hate them! Your wish is my command, said the genie. Go to sleep tonight. Before you wake up in the morning, your wish will be granted.
 11y ago Daddy gave his three boys the same present for Christmas: money. Не gave the oldest $17 and, being a bit of a joker, said, The oldest gets half of the money, the middle kid gets one-third, and the baby gets one-ninth. However, it must be in even dollars. How did the boys figure that one out? - 90 ...
akiws 11y ago I'm probably too late to this party for anyone to read this, but here goes: You're held captive on an island with 99 other prisoners. The monster that's keeping you there tells you that the following day you are going to play a game which will decide if you all leave the island, or all die. The game will be played as follows: you will each receive a hat to wear and each hat will have a number on it between 1 and 100. There may be duplicates, there may not. You can look at everyone else's
emergent_properties 11y ago Why is a raven like a writing desk? 43 ... Trust_Me_Im_A_Whale 11y ago Maybe the answer. 38 ... + 7 more replies slappypyne 11y ago They both have inky quills. 7 ...
Eldis_ 11y ago its maker doent need it, the buyer doesnt use it and the user doesnt see it man i really couldn figure it out! but the answer is: a coffin - 28 ...
almdudler26 11y ago The police are looking for a suspect in a bank robbery. All they know is that he's staying in a certain hotel room. They burst into the room and inside are four people playing Monopoly: a lawyer, a fireman, a banker and a doctor. They immediately arrest the fireman. Why? - 21 ...
Apeman711 11y ago This is one of the ones where you pretty much have to ask yes or no questions to get the answer: A man is found dead in a room with 53 bicycles. What happened? 6 ...
Obi-Sam_Kenobi 11y ago TIL that I am bad at riddles. Or Im just tired. My contribution (its pretty simple): Two fathers and two sons are eating together. There are 3 eggs. Yet everyone can eat 1 egg. How is this possible? And a slightly harder one: You walk on a road. There are two ways you can go. There are two men, from who you know that one always speaks the truth, and the other one always lies. You dont know which one is the liar, and you can only ask one question. Find out which way you have to
 11y ago 20 people are dead in a cabin in the woods. They all died at the same time. What happened? This is one of those where you ask me a yes or no question. - 3 ... unknown_56 11y ago Plane crash.
ThrindellOblinity 11y ago What goes up, doesn't come down, yet was never up in the first place? - 3 ...  11y ago When you get in 2nd place? You go up in the rankings, you dont go down, but you never made it to first place. 3 ...
 11y ago A man walks into multiple restaurants after getting off a ship to request an albatross sandwich. Не does this before going home or doing anything else. Why? (Note: there is only one answer. This one answer took me and 2 other people six straight hours to figure out.) - 3 ...
GambitGamer 11y ago On the ground floor of a building there are three lightswitches, all in the off position. On the top floor, there is an incandescent lightbulb, also off. One of the switches controls the bulb. The other two do absolutely nothing. You are currently on the ground floor. How do you determine which switch controls the bulb by making only one trip upstairs? 2 ... darwishian 11y ago Flip 2 on and wait. flip one back off and go upstairs. If the light is on you found the correct switch (the one you left on) If light is
 11y ago You're put in a room with no windows and no door. No way to get out and no way for anything to get in. There is nothing in the room other than a mirror and a log. How do you get out? You look in the mirror, see what you saw. Take that saw, and saw the log in half. Two halves make a whole, and out that hole you climb. 2 ...
DeutschLeerer 11y ago You have a square room. In this room you have 10 chairs. Place all the chairs on the walls so that each wall has the same number of chairs adjected to it. 1 ... Sokaron 11y ago  (#s put 2 chairs on each wall, then put the other 2 on corners opposite each other. Each wall now has 3 or 2.5 chairs on it, depending on how you look at it.) 8 ...
waylaidbyjackassery 11y ago This one from 4th grade.... Draw three houses on a piece of paper. Draw three utilities. You must draw a line from each utility to each house without intersecting any other line. 1 ... + 7 more replies
Cruxion 11y ago . Edited 11y ago My grandfather used to say this one every time i saw him. What has 6 wheels and flies? The answer was really clever but for the life of me i can't remember, so i guess every answer you can think of is right. EDIT: Not sure if he meant flies as in it can fly, or the annoying bug, maybe both. EDIT: Seems the answer is 1 ...
Cappelitoo 11y ago . Edited 11y ago A man drove over a couple of kids with his car. Не wasn't charged with anything, why is this? This is not a country without laws or anything like that. EDIT: Answer is he was driving across a bridge and they were under the bridge. 1 ...
Cuillin 11y ago This one's simple: how far can a dog run into the woods? 1 ... LogoTanFlip 11y ago Half. After that he's running out of the woods. 3 ...
 11y ago One that no one gets usually: a king is having a party with 1000 bottles of wine. 1 month before the party, someone sneaks into the winery and poisons one bottle of wine with poison that will show no signs that the person is poisoned, but 3 weeks later they will drop dead instantly. The king has 10 servants that he doesn't care if they die or live. Using these 10, how does the king find the poisoned bottle of wine before the party? 573 ...  11y ago I have another solution... You can pour all


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