40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are Focused on Wall Street, Not Main Street

These bits of trivia are out of touch with the American people
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are Focused on Wall Street, Not Main Street

Remember that time Indiana Jones discovered Han Solos corpse?

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Justin Long got the script from Stuart Cornfield, Ben Stiller's late producing partner. LEADIX FLORIE While talking on the set of Dodgeball, Cornfield stated My favorite comedy script that's out there will never be made. I'll send it to you as an example of the best comedy writing right now.

Anthony Michael Hall

Anthony Michael Hall was supposed to be in Full Metal Jacket. He negotiated with Stanley Kubrick for eight months, but they couldn't work things out. Hall was fascinated by Kubrick and read everything about him he could, and had really wanted to be in the movie, So he was pretty

Source: UGO


ARENDELLE IS PRETTY MUCH NORWAY, SO... Next time you watch Frozen, maybe remember that ice not only has a magic that can't be controlled it also probably represents a good chunk of Arendelle's economy. Which raises the question: Are those singing workers properly compensated?

Action Movie Tropes

Tired action tropes that still work Defeating the strongest guy We were all surprised when the we have a Hulk callback in Infinity War was followed by Thanos shrugging it off - and easily defeating the Hulk. More action movies should build up their strongest characters only to see them lose to the actual threat. CRACKED.COM

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore demanded a fake nose. CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? Moore insisted that she needed a prosthetic nose and body suit to play disgraced author


40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are Focused on Wall Street, Not Main Street
Source: Today

Manic Monday

It's just another manic Monday 1 wish it was Sunday The Bangles MANIC MONDAY was written by Prince. The band's first hit was credited to one Christopher- which was a pseudonym for none other than T himself.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Jordan Belfort claims the producers of The Wolf of Wall Street conned him. He sued them for $300 million because, he says, they never told him they funded the movie based on his life with money stolen from the Malaysian government. CRACKED.COM

Source: Yahoo

LL Cool J

CRACKED Being shot is a lot harder to brush off than it appears in the movies. Even getting hit in the shoulder can kill you. In Halloween H20, LL Cool J gets shot in the head and is basically fine.


Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence MOTHER! CRACKED.CON Lawrence had a Kardashian Tent built for her the filled on set of Mother! with pictures of the Kardashians, an

Source: Cracked

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

ALIENS RUIN LIVES. THAT'S NOT MAGICAL. THAT'S TERRIBLE. After Roy's Close Encounter of the Third Kind, he goes crazy and ultimately loses his job, his

Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds used to sedate himself to go on airplanes... ...but he got over that while filming Green Lantern. After so many takes of being dangled f


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