30 Things That Looked Fun But Ended Up Being Horrible

‘Live-action role play’
30 Things That Looked Fun But Ended Up Being Horrible

Rarely do things turn out the way you imagine they will. You may find yourself knee-deep in bat shit before realizing, “Hmm, maybe exploring caves isn’t for me!” 

One Redditor recalled fulfilling a lifelong dream that quickly turned into a nightmare. For years, they dreamt about riding in a hot air balloon, so when they were gifted a ride for their birthday, they were excited to soar thousands of feet in the air and take in the majestic view from a wicker basket. They got a view alright — it just happened to be in-between bouts of vomiting over the side of the aircraft. They actually threw up so much that the operator had to end the ride early. 

Other Redditors have shared the times they did something that was only fun in theory — including a whole lot of people who had sex in regrettable places.

Futureman729 . 6y ago Going to a nude beach, thought it would be freeing and sexy, but it's pretty much just like going to a regular beach 22 ...
Stinky_Fartface e 6y ago Tubing. Being pulled in a round tube across water at high speed looks like a blast, but I disliked it a lot. I found it annoying and wanted to be done. People do it all the time on the lake near me so | guess I'm in the minority. 26 ...
 6y ago Edited 6y ago Mountain biking riding, specifically downhill. Had a friend who was crazy about it and took me along a few times. I really wanted to get into it but killing yourself riding uphill for 5 minutes downhill just wasn't worth it for me. Plus then you spend ages trying to get all of mud off you and not all over your car. I nearly spent 2k on a bike before I'd even started as I was so sure I'd like it. Shame as people seem to be obsessed with it. 58 ...
fjzappa . 6y ago Paintball. Went once as part of corporate team building Got shot in the ear twice - right thru the helmet. Second time drew blood. Noped the F right out of there - never again. 29 ...
awkwardturtle03 6y ago Literally happened just yesterday. I'm on vacation with my in laws and there are those bicycles that multiple people can ride. Everyone we saw riding them were smiling with rosy cheeks. After 20 minutes of riding one we realized their smiles were an act of self preservation to survive the torture that are those bicycles 167 ...
made-of-bees 6y ago Drinking an entire bottle of wine by myself. I was nineteen and should've known better but people on TV do it and seem fine... I had a fun hour or so before passing out, and then I woke up at 3am and threw up for five hours straight. Undigested ramen noodles came out my nose. I called my dad and asked him if I was dying. Spent three days too hungover to function. 0/10 would not do again - 100 ...
PKnecron . 6y ago Water-skiing... they should call it power-snorkeling. 80 ...
exit143 6y ago Paddleboarding. So | just stand on this and paddle? Cool. I'll just head across the lake. Wow... this is easy. OK... time to turn around. он. NO. The wind is not at my back anymore. And now I'm stuck on the other side of the lake. I'll just lay down and paddle back. Oh shit. This thing is really wide. My arms barely make it in the water. Raw arms after an hour and a half long paddle back. Fuck that. Never again. 64 ...
 . 6 6y ago Pig roast. Thought it would be fun, but the pig's eyes staring in my direction really got to me.
 6y ago Riding a motorcycle It was fun until you hit the highway and realize you are one second, one crappy driver away from dying. Most people never ride again once they fall off the first time 311 ...
HeyKillerBootsMan 6y ago Deep tissue massages I always go thinking how good it's going to feel but fuck it hurts like hell. Feel great after though - 188 ...
riddus . . 6y ago All those amusement park rides that just slowly raise you up a tower, then suddenly drop you. There's a fine line between thrill ride and ass clenching terror. 187 ...
 . 6y ago Zip lining. The kind where you take multiple smaller zip line through tree tops. Did it in Thailand - worst experience of my life. 455 ...
MuccaJane 6y ago Shower sex. Don't believe what you see on TV/movies. You have no traction, nothing to grab for balance, water isn't a lubricant, and one person is always cold while the water is warm, which isn't long. And if you like oral foreplay, you'd better have gills to survive the experience. 357 ...
-eDgAR- . 6y ago Sex on a beach. Sounds fun and romantic, but even if you have a towel, you still end up with sand everywhere, which is not fun at all. 11K ...
yung_ginger 6y ago Paragliding. My boyfriend and I were on this magnificent trip and decided to have no FOMO and go paragliding in the German alps. My god the views were spectacular...but my god did I have to do everything in my power not to barf all over the views. I didn't realize that the motion sickness I get in twisty car rides would transfer during this activity...only 100x more intense. The guide I was attached to swiftly handed me a barf bag but thanked me profusely for not using it when we landed because apparently it was full of
mywookieisrabid 6y ago Devil's Threesomes. Sex with two men might seem like a great idea until you have two dudes with poor rhythm pounding your orifices at the same time. Unless these dudes have a fair bit of experiences double teaming a woman together its a bitch to sync up enough to not be very distracted/uncomfortable. - 1.3K ...
 . 6y ago getting a facial!!! they make it look so fun and relaxing but it actually hurts so bad 895 ...
btscher 6y ago Going to a casino. I always thought it would be super cool but all he bright lights and shit just made me feel kinda sick. 475 ...
sacros003 . 6y ago Anime conventions. I actually had a good time at the comic conventions I've gone to but for some reason the Anime ones have been smelly, over priced, creepy, and down right disturbing in some aspects. I have never had my ass groped so many times in one day (I'm a guy btw) - 14K ...
simianne . 6y ago Live action role play. It looks like fun adult dress up fighting but it ended up being a bunch of sweaty guys in badly made tunics hitting me with padded sticks. 22K ...
Beachy5313 . 6 6y ago Orange Theory Fitness. Everyone raved about it and loved going. I now know what Hell is like and I paid $15 to be there. 1.2K
 6y ago Jumping on a trampoline as a 235lb adult. 11K ...
torvathetiger . 6 6y ago Bubble soccer. The first time I got laid out I was not amused. Then I accidentally punched myself in the nose after getting hit another time. 6.6K ...
pru13 . 6y ago Riding a mechanical bull at my 33rd birthday party. Felt that for three days after. 6.6K ...
silk_mitts_top_titts 6y ago Exploring caves. It sounded amazing. Then I spent 8 hours knee deep in bat shit and crawling, or more accurately jamming by body through tiny passages face down, in the dark, with all types of vermin crawling on me in a 98°F hole in the ground. Then they were nice enough to tell me the most common cause of death is something called a dead hang. It's when you fall in a hole and get tangled in your climbing ropes and they can't find you or get you out. You just hang there all mangled up until
KidGorgeous19 . 6y ago Diving. Joined the team in high school as it looked fun. It was not. Most painful sport I've ever participated in. 2.8K ...
non_clever_username 6y ago Bungee jumping. Free fall is always awesome, but the second and a half of free fall is not worth the cracking of the whip that's hard on your body if you do it wrong. 12K ...
 . 6y ago Riding in a hot air balloon. I dreamed about it for years, got it as a birthday present... and threw up over the side the whole time. They had to stop the ride early. 3.4K ...
DoctorUnkman 6y ago Strip clubs. The floors are sticky, the chairs are sticky, the women are sticky (insert teenager joke here). And once they find out you aren't rich you become invisible. I've fallen asleep in more strip clubs than I'd care to admit. How is it even fun when you're waiting in a line of chairs with your friends for a dollar dance and they've all had their sweaty faces buried in a girls chest and now it's YOUR turn. No thanks. 25 ...


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