40 Random Bits of Trivia We Recite in the Mirror Every Morning Like a Self-Affirmation

You are knowledgeable. You are well-informed. You are mommy’s special little gem
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Recite in the Mirror Every Morning Like a Self-Affirmation

There’s no better way to start the day than to remind yourself that you’re chock-full of facts! That and a well-balanced breakfast is basically a superpower. If this isn’t part of your morning routine, we recommend starting right away with the list below. 

After a parfait, you’ll burst through those office doors and lock down the Johnson account or whatever it is you do for a living.

Aaron Sorkin

Aaron Sorkin once hurt his hand by practicing a scene for The Newsroom. He got up in the middle of the night to practice an idea he had, and that involved lunging at his bathroom mirror - he broke it, and went to the ER. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Gambled Away $100 Million

CRACKED OVER $100 MILLION GAMBLED AWAY One businessman lost more than $100 million in 2007 at a chain of casinos in Las Vegas. It's said that he was given alcohol and drugs to keep him gambling.


Sea Slugs

Researchers in Japan found that a group of sea slugs called Chromodoris reticulata lose their penises after sex but then grow another one just a few h

The Visually Impaired

Why do some sidewalks have those colored bumps? To help people who are visually impaired. Called tactile pavement, these blocks warn people when the

George Foreman

Disastrous Comedy 1993 George Thinking he was a draw, ABC gave former heavyweight champion George Foreman a TV comedy about a retired boxer running a youth center, forgetting that he's not an actor or comedian. The show bombed and was canceled in two months (leaving one episode unaired). CRACKED

Sony Pictures Television

TV Insider


In 2018, 50 Cent realized he had a bunch of Bitcoins (worth millions at that point). When his album Animal Ambition came out in 2014, he became the first artist to accept BTC and received 700 ВТС. 4 years later, that pile was worth $8 million. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



CORKSCREWS WERE MILITARY TOOLS. Early guns were, well, pretty shitty. Bullets got stuck all the time, and soldiers used a tool called a gun worm to

Cyclist Smokers

It used to be normal for cyclists to smoke during the Tour de France.

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3, which has gained the reputation of being one of the worst comic book movies ever, was actually the highest- grossing film domestically i

Gate Lice

There's a name for people who block the jetway door by swarming it long before they can get in. Gate B-5 DELTA To frequent fliers, they're gate lice.


Mythbusters Fact - MYTHBUSTERS FIRED A CANNONBALL THROUGH A NEIGHBORHOOD They were supervised at a bomb range when the cannonball unexpectedly f

Source: NPR


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