31 Science Jokes to Make You the Bill Nye of Your Friend Group

We have a theory you’ll find these jokes relatively funny
31 Science Jokes to Make You the Bill Nye of Your Friend Group

Becoming a scientist isn’t easy. The journey is full of tedious research, expensive schooling and the arduous task of memorizing every single episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy. But luckily for your bank account, sleep cycle and general sanity, you don’t need an advanced degree to laugh at these hilarious science jokes. 

“How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber?” began one Redditor. “Ask them to pronounce unionized.” 

Meanwhile, another Redditor shared a more obscure gem: “I have one about quarks, but it’s too strange.” 

So, from a conversation between Albert Einstein and his wife to various states of matter, here are a few science jokes that we’re sure you’ll find relatively funny…

roflsd 4y ago Einstein and his wife were going through a rough time: Einstein: What can I do, I'll do anything Wife: I just need two things right now, space and time Einstein: and the second? - 9.5K Award Share ...
RaisedbyHeathens 4y ago How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber? Ask them to pronounce unionized - 7.1K Award Share ...
PureMagicTrick 4y ago Ivan Pavlov is sitting in a bar. The phone behind the bar starts ringing. Pavlov shoots up out of his chair and shouts, Oh, shit! I forgot to feed the dog! - 3.7K Award Share ... Chatsubo_657 4y ago that names rings a bell 724 Award Share ...
Autistic_Lurker 4y ago Edited 4y ago 2 tectonic plates bumped into each other. 1 said, oops, my fault! :) - 2.5K Award Share ...
meatfrappe 4y ago An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one says to the bartender: I'll have a beer. The second one says: I'll have half a beer. The third one says: I'll have a quarter of a beer. The bartender pours two beers and says you guys need to learn your limits. 16K Award Share ...
AccordionORama 4y ago The bartender says sorry, we don't server faster than light particles here. Two tachyons walk into a bar. 9.5K Award Share ...
UYScutiPuffJr - 4y ago 00 Why did no one say a word when the king farted? Because noble gases don't cause reactions - 5.3K Award Share ...
joeshaw42 . 4y ago How can you spot a chemist in the men's room? He's the one who washed his hands first. 221 Award Share ... + 9 more replies
pictureframetime 4y ago I have one about quarks but it's too strange 5.2K Award Share ...
RaleighTilllDie 4y ago I'm an electrical engineer and whenever somebody asks how my day was, I always say it had its positives and negatives. 2.8K Award Share ...
wonderllama 4y ago Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Blaise Pascal are all playing a game of hide and seek. It's Einstein's turn to be it, so he closes his eyes and starts counting. Pascal immediately goes and finds a place to hide. Newton however doesn't go anywhere. Instead he takes out a piece of chalk, draws a 1m X 1m square on the floor, and steps inside it. Einstein finally gets done counting, opens his eyes, and exclaims Aha, Newton I have found you! To which Newton replies But no, you have found Pascal! 2.7K Award Share ...
maleorderbride 4y ago Heisenberg and Schrodinger are traveling in a car when they get pulled over. The cop asks Heisenberg, Do you know how fast you were going? Heisenberg replies, no, but I can tell you exactly where I was. The officer takes this peculiar response as grounds to search the vehicle. Upon opening the trunk of the car, he finds a dead cat. Не then asks the two men did you know there was a dead cat in the trunk? Schrodinger replies well | do now! 5.7K Award Share ...
madkeepz 4y ago a programmer tells his wife honey I'm going to the store, want me to pick up anything? wife says yeah a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, bring a dozen the programmer returns with 12 loaves and his wife says you fucking moron, why did you bring 12 loaves of bread? and the programmer says because they had eggs 1.2K Award Share ... + 37 more replies
Citizen_31415 4y ago Two atoms are walking down the street. First one stops and says I think I just lost an electron. Second one looks at him. Are you sure? Yeah. I'm positive. 3.1K Award Share ...
Kalehfornyuh 4y ago There are 6.02x1023 guacas in a guacamole, which is also known as avocado's number. - Award Share 1.1K ...
adeon 4y ago A dairy farmer is having problems on his farm, his cows are giving less milk and he can't figure out why. In desperation he calls up a friend who is a physicist and asks him if he can help. The physicist spend a few days looking around the farm and taking measurements then goes home to think about the problem. A few weeks later he calls the farmer and tells him: I've got a solution, but it's only valid for a spherical cow in a vacuum. - 861 Award Share ...
SensibleReply 4y ago If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. 468 Award Share ... + 2 more replies
TillaciousG 4y ago You matter. Until you multiply yourself times the speed of light squared. Then you energy. 1.6K Award Share ... + 17 more replies
kesh_from_downunder 4y ago A neutron walks into a bar. The bartender says for you, no charge. 1.5K Award Share ... + 12 more replies
JPWiggin 4y ago Two cats are on a sloped roof, which one falls off first? The one with the lower mu! 644 Award Share ... + 19 more replies
GhostOfKings 4y ago One consequence of Einstein's theory of special relativity is that, since matter cannot move at the speed of light, matter that approaches the speed of light will actually see distances shorten to compensate. So the best way to fit a 12-foot car in a 10-foot garage is to just fucking floor it 387 Award Share ...
tommcdo 4y ago Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks, Would you all like a drink? The first logician says, I don't know. The second logician says, I don't know. The third logician says, Yes. 96 Award Share ... + 2 more replies
Metal-Dog 4y ago Two chemists walk into a bar. The first one tells the bartender, I'll have a glass of H20. The other one says, I'll have H20, too. One of them lived. - 1.8K Award Share ...
cabbagehandLuke 4y ago Not sure if this one has been said but: What do you get when you cross an octopus with a cow? A call from your ethics committee and the immediate cessation of your funding. 173 Award Share ... + 2 more replies
Professional-Tower76 4y ago | was reading a book on helium. I couldn't put it down. 834 Award Share ...
monsteure 4y ago Edited 4y ago My mom will be proud of me, | got an A+ on my blood test Edit: thanks for the awards. First time of my life I'm so thankful - 982 Award Share ...
TrustMelmLeifEricson 4y ago I'd tell you a chemistry joke, but all the good ones argon. What do you do with a dead chemist? You barium. A strand of DNA is drinking at a bar. A bit of DNA helicase comes up to her and says Hey baby, I'd like to unzip your genes. She replies with That makes me hot. (It's an exothermic reaction) Shout out to r/chemistrymemes as well. 877 Award Share ...
CCNNCCNN 4y ago This is dumb but here goes. Yo mama so fat when she walks in front of the tv you can still watch due to gravitational lensing. 286 Award Share ... + 8 more replies
notpfaffers 4y ago idk if this counts as a joke, but: 'she's so basic, if you'd drop her in acid she would neutralise it' - 670 Award Share ...
bored_toronto 4y ago Theoretical physicists do it in their heads. 119 Award Share ... + 1 more reply
 4y ago Don't ever believe an atom. They make up everything 257 Award Share ...


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