22 Admirable Times Someone ‘Took One for the Team’

It’s an admirable thing to volunteer oneself as tribute — especially when you don’t know the consequences.
A Redditor recalled the time that he and his then-girlfriend worked at a bar in Montreal, and a group of rich businessmen came in, flaunting their money and buying champagne for everyone. As she was serving them, they insisted on giving her drinks, which she would accept and then discreetly pass on to her boyfriend. This continued as the night went on, and the next thing the Redditor remembers is waking up in his apartment with the realization that he’d been roofied. In that instance at least, he was glad to have taken one for the team.
Other Redditors who took one for the team include a “Bridesmaidzilla,” a brave fast-food employee and a real Boy Scout.