38 Suitable Bits of Trivia That Your Brain’s Affluent Parents Will Surely Invite to Lake House

Unlike the last train wreck you brought home, these got mother and father’s nod of approval
38 Suitable Bits of Trivia That Your Brain’s Affluent Parents Will Surely Invite to Lake House

You did it! You finally picked a batch of random facts that you can bring home for special occasions. Maturity is like that. At the time, it’s impossible to see that a batch of facts clearly won’t gel with your family, but an incredibly awkward stand-off between them and your mom will put you on the right track. 

So thank these facts for the many holidays you’ll get to actually enjoy now.


Conor McGregor spent $41,000 on a mink polar bear coat, just to taunt Floyd Mayweather. YCGIRIEGOR

Foul Balls

FOUL BALLS You'll probably never catch a foul ball, but you can increase your chances by sitting in the right spot. This spot varies from park to park An app called ldealseat tracks these locations for you.

Source: Time

Pot Holes

2006, Canada Saskatchewan residents put it all the table on for potholes. PLEASE Free Willy Nothing else Has To protest the condition of the nearby Hi


A Texas mayor called the people in his town lazy and weak, then quit. Tim Boyd, who used to be mayor of Colorado City, Texas, wrote a post saying the strong will survive and the weak will perish' and utility services owe them nothing. Not long after, the post was

Source: KVIA

The Barrymores

Mr. Potter is related to Drew Barrymore. Lionel Barrymore, who played Potter, is Drew Barrymore's great-uncle. CRACKEDCoM

The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence Of the Lambs was the first movie to be released on home video before winning the Best Picture Oscar. It was also the first ever horror mov


In Bali, indonesia, people celebrate the new year with 'Silent Day' That means no lighting fires or lights, no working, no entertainment, no traveling

Game of Thrones

In the books, Ramsay Bolton is somehow even more twisted. He killed at least one of his brothers, and he might have killed more His father, Roose, was sure that his other sons weren't safe as long as Ramsay lived. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture


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