40 Random Bits of Trivia You Knew in High School That Somehow Became Dumber in the Intervening Years

These peaked a while back but they still have something to offer
40 Random Bits of Trivia You Knew in High School That Somehow Became Dumber in the Intervening Years

Betcha didn’t think a random fact had a shelf life, did you? Well, how long did you expect it to hold an immensely heavy load of information before it got a little tired? These facts are all desperately hoping your brain can help share the load, and hey, once they’re up there, maybe you’ll finally appreciate how heavy they really are. 

Better strengthen that neck. 

The Persian Empire

The Persian Empire had air conditioning. Old-timey Iranians had complex ventilation systems that took hot desert air, flowed it down into cold underground water, and transformed it into a cool breeze. The system was so effective they even had refrigerator-like rooms. It's almost like we can't trust the movie 300, you know. CRACKED.COM


Los Angeles

Underground tunnels criss-cross LoS Angeles. They connect downtown LA's government buildings, and they're used for moving files securely. But they've

Paul Reubens

PAUL REUBENS CRACKED COM After losing a spot on SNL to Gilbert Gottfried, Reubens borrowed five grand from his parents to develop his own stage show.
Source: UPROXX

Mark Hamill

40 Random Bits of Trivia You Knew in High School That Somehow Became Dumber in the Intervening Years


A METEOR OCTOBER 312 No, not the one that hit the dinosaurs. We're talking about one the emperor Constantine saw during the Battle of the Milvian Brid

Source: BBC

Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson's contract for playing Joker in Batman entitled him to a percentage of the merchandise, TV showings, home video sales, sequels and more

Bill Buckner

BILL BUCKNER CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM CRACKED COM Buckner will live in sports infamy for allowing a ball to go through his legs in Game 6 of the '86 Serie



To Joe Barbera (one half of Hanna-Barbera), Scooby-Doo was dumb and repetitive. It was just a bunch of teenagers hanging out with a big dumb dog, an


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