35 of the Weirdest Things People Did As Kids

‘He used to keep kiwis as pets’
35 of the Weirdest Things People Did As Kids

You can’t really fault kids for being weird. Youth is the only time you can do certain stuff and get a pass for it. It’s one thing for someone to have a sponge-chewing habit as a six-year-old, it’s another thing entirely to chomp on a cleaning tool as an adult.

As such, one Redditor confessed to a strange antic of his as a child: spending an entire year believing he was a dog. While it’s common for kids to experiment with barking or crawling on all fours from time to time, this Redditor apparently committed to a full 365 days of the canine life. According to his family, he ate dinner off the ground and would “regularly bite” his parents’ ankles. What’s even stranger is that he says he doesn’t remember that year at all. Woof! 

Other Redditors have chimed in with their bizarre childhood habits, including one with a butter habit, another who performed revenge surgery and a third who had fruit for pets.

john_buchan 11y ago My best friend and I used to toss small sticks in the microwave for a minute or two.. when they were hot we would put them in our underwear and run around the back yard screaming about how hot it was.... yeah 58 ...
qmanoulton 11y ago Licked the entirety of my kitchen floor clean on a regular basis, my parents never had to Hoover. Drank out of coke cans I found on the floor. Pretty much never wore clothes until the age of about 6. Licked a half mile of railings by the seaside because I was thirsty and it had rained, so I was collecting the droplets on my tongue. Needless to say my immune system is pretty damn brilliant. + 146 ...
 13y ago Caught bees and spiders, put them in a cardboard box with cellophane over the top so they couldn't escape. When I had caught about 20 of each I would remove a wall I had put between the two and watch the battle. After about 20 min I got bored with this and put a smoke bomb into the box, killing everything inside. + 360 ...
makeupiscool 11y ago . Edited 11y ago I was 2 or 3 and I decided that my cat's ear looked scrumptious. I put my cats ear in my mouth and just left it there. My mother walked by and naturally was set back. She said, Makeupiscool, don't eat the cat! to which I replied, I'm not eating her, I'm just tasting her.
Wackydetective 6y ago I used to hold onto my mother's earlobe for comfort. Wtf. She told me when she noticed | stopped she was relieved and also kinda sad. + 483 ...
wernickesayswhat . 6y ago My sister and I pretended to be teeth. + 585 ...
sunset_cruiserr 6y ago There was moment in time where I carried around a porcelain cat statue in a basket because my friend had a stuffed animal cat and I didn't yet, so I found the next best thing. 174 ...
 13y ago When I was three, I would apparently do headstands on the railing. My grandma freaked out the first time she saw me doing this and ran over to get me down. My mom stopped her and told her Just leave him alone, he'll come down when he wants to. Не does that all the time and only falls when you try to stop him. I have zero recollection of this. + 365 ...
monkeyfeets 13y ago When I was like 7, I used to tie myself up (or attempt to) and tape my mouth shut, and sit in the closet pretending to be a kidnap victim. The first time I saw kissing on TV (like couples kissing passionately), I was fascinated and tried to do it with my dad. Seriously, WTF, self. + 365 ...
dirtymoney 6y ago when we had tornado drills in school we would all go into the new tornado shelter under the cafeteria. It was dark and had really encrusted limestone gravel. I'd suck on the rocks because I liked the taste of the limestone dust/concretions. It was a rare event because we didnt have a lot of tornado drills. Suckin rocks in the dark surrounded by hundreds of kids. + 575 ...
bleunt 5y ago I picked up ants and licked their butts. Tasted like citrus. I was about 10 or 11. + 5.5K Share ...
catelldm 5y ago Edited 5y ago I would add several drops of Tabasco to my unsweetened iced tea. I called it Asian tea despite knowing Tabasco and Lipton were in no way Asian. I also didn't like it very much but made myself drink it so that I could understand the Asian community better. Asian friends I have now are still baffled at the connection I tried to make.
fongletto . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago I loved the way the air that comes out the back of vacuum's smelt. I used to follow the vacuum cleaner around while my mum was cleaning with my face against the vent. I would turn it on when other people were not around and smell it.
Arancio 5y ago I used to keep the last piece of food I was eating in my mouth even for a hour. For example, if I was eating pizza, the last piece of the last slice would remain in my mouth while I went playing and running around. I stopped at the age of 9, when I almost died of asphyxiation 18K Share ...
HMS_Sinky_Town 5y ago I used to like chewing sponges. Bath sponges. I'd get them wet, wring them out a bit then put the whole thing or as much as possible in there and just chew. 3.1K Share ...
LargeTubOfLard в 5y ago . Edited 5y ago When I was around 5, I would basically act like a train and follow the lines on the playground whilst also using my hands as those little rail things on the wheels (Coupling rods), I would also look directly up when it was cold and use my mouth as a chimney. Honestly it must have looked like I was insane. + 25K Share ...
RubeGoldbergCode 5y ago I would wash things made of rubber, like the kind of rubber that already feels slightly tacky, then pat it dry with a really fluffy towel so the rubber would get kind of fuzzy from the towel fluff, then I would just touch it until the fuzz wore off. Turns out I was just autistic and no one had figured it out yet. I still have a thing about textures but in a much less weird way. 6.2K Share ...
IrrationallyCalm 5y ago Edited 5y ago When I was around 8 years old, I liked the way clean towels tasted. Something I really enjoyed was putting a towel over a straw, and drinking kool-aid through it. My mother wasn't a fan of having white towels covered with red spots, so she put a stop to it pretty quick. 44K Share ...
DiligentPride2 . 5y ago I ate cupcake wrappers after finishing the cupcakes. Like I would just suck on it (the paper ones) and chew until there was zero flavour, then spit it out. + 11K Share ...
 5y ago Running any lollipop or sucker I ate under the faucet water after every lick because somehow it tasted better after being rinsed lol + 19K Share ...
symply_nymph . 5y ago Wearing velcro strap shoes so tight they'd probably cut off the circulation in my feet because I was worried my shoes would fall off. | used to eat butter straight out the tub too, my 5 year old niece has started doing it... maybe it's a family trait 2.3K Share ...
KtMoonRise 5y ago I used to eat mechanical pencil lead. No idea how I got into that habit, but I think I enjoyed the crunchiness of it. Did it for a little while, but showed a classmate and she immediately went to the teacher who then called my mom who scolded me and told me to stop. Goodbye 0.7 mm, you will be missed. 25K Share ...
Azzcock 5y ago I used to waste a shit ton of water by turning on the shower and lay on the floor next to it with a towel over my body and fall asleep with a tiny bit of water splashing on my face. I used to imagine i was in a cave and it was raining outside for some reason. ah good times + Share 13K ...
fullevan790 5y ago In grade 1 we would sit in a group on the floor in front of the teacher while she read us stories. I would sit at the back of the group against the wall and pull my pants halfway down my bum. I liked feeling the cool ground/wall against my bare butt. 31K Share ...
Jimothy-Goldenface . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago There were spiders and mice in my room which totally freaked me out so every night before I went to sleep I'd whisper a report of what the weather was outside to encourage them to go outside rather than stay inside and bite me in my sleep + 3.5K Share ...
WilliamHarry 5y ago Edited 5y ago I used to have science experiments in the bathroom sink. Meaning, I'd go the bathroom and lock the door. Once in I'd make sure the sink drain was shut and then proceed to add every cleaner/ chemical/ shampoo etc under the sink to the sink in hopes of a reaction. Never got one, but it also never stopped me from trying. In hindsight I probably could have killed myself if I had mixed the wrong stuff. I obviously didn't. + 32K Share ...
Pearlhuntress 5y ago I used to steal things from my sister when she was mean to me, and then hide them by sewing them into her stuffed animals... She found out a few months ago and was really freaked out 1.8K Share ...
tidymaniac e 5y ago Found out that the air had germs in it and tried not to breathe too much. + 5K Share ...
spacelordmthrfkr 5y ago Not me, but my partner used to keep Kiwis (the fruits) as pets. Не would name them and take care of them...until his mom took them to blend into a smoothie. That was a rude awakening for him. + 7.9K Share ...
free_bird 13y ago For an entire year of my life I believed/acted like a dog. I do not remember at all. Apparently, | would only eat my dinner off the ground and would regularly bite my parents ankles. + 557 ...
caustic_banana 13y ago I would open the fridge and take out whole sticks of salted butter. I would peel them open and eat them like a banana, usually getting at least half way through the stick before losing interest. Surprisingly, at 25 years old, I only weigh 170lbs. + 352 ...
blassy 13y ago When I was three, my mother saw me huddled in the corner of my room. When she walked closer, she saw me plucking these massive black ants from the carpet and chopping them in half with those kid safe scissors. When she asked me why I was doing that, I tilted my head and said simply, They're only boys, mommy. + 802 ...
garbageeater 13y ago When I was like 11, I used to quietly tiptoe down the stairs every night in an attempt to catch my dad watching porn. One time I did and it was not as satisfying as I imagined. + 519 ...
fysu 13y ago One day I decided I didn't like Barbies anymore. And that they had to be destroyed. The only way I could think to destroy them was by taking my Barbie and grinding her breasts off against the sidewalk. + 476 ...
seires_rotcelloC 11y ago I once threw $20 dollars in the trash hoping a homeless man would find it rummaging through a bin in the city. I lived 50 miles from the city. Still optimistic though! + 98 ...


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