12 Farm-Fresh Trivia Tidbits for Friday, January 17, 2025

Remember Elon Musk’s awful “let that sink in” joke? A Brazilian politician did the reverse of that — with a toilet.
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Al Capone’s Family Is Being So Weird About His Gun

Capone’s gun will be on display for the first time at the Mob Museum in Las Vegas. According to his daughter, “He called her — we refer to it as a her — his sweetheart. ... She saved him, and so she was very special to him and so very special to us.”
Too bad he couldn’t shoot syphilis.
Did the Franklin Institute Steal an Iconic Wright Brothers Plane?

Millionaire failson Grover Cleveland Bergdoll used to fly his Wright Brothers-designed Model B Flyer around the city, before being run out of the country for dodging the draft. The plane ended up in Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute, and while the museum swears it was donated, Bergdoll’s family is now claiming it was stolen.
There’s a Pratfall Assassin in Nottinghamshire

Someone has been leaving heaping plates of banana peels outside of a church in the English town, once a month, for over a year. No one can figure out why. Locals have even erected a sign that reads, “”Please, respectfully, no more bananas!” But the scoundrel is still leaving plates of peels.
A British Pizzeria Is Pricing Its Pineapple Pizza Out of Reach

To protect the sanctity of British pizza, Lupa Pizza in Norfolk is pricing their Hawaiian pizza at 100 quid, in order to force customers “to make better choices when it comes to their pizza.”
The Government Is Desperate for People Who Can Read Cursive

The National Archives has an army of 5,000 citizen archivists that transcribe old documents, but apparently not enough of them can read script. They’re asking for help with a whole bunch of Revolutionary War-era letters. They’ve said that “reading cursive is a superpower,” although it used to just be third grade.
A New Species of Crocodile That Evolved to Live in Darkness and Guano

The orange dwarf cave crocodiles aren’t technically their own species yet, but a study of their DNA suggests they may be in the process of splitting off into a new evolutionary branch. They’ve lived for thousands of years in the caves of Gabon, where they subsist off of cave crickets and bats, and swim through guano, which has turned their skin orange.
A Brazilian Politician Had to Return Her Work Toilet in Shame

When councilor Janaína Lima was voted out of office after eight years, she had her underlings remove everything she’d had installed in her office on her own dime, including the toilet. After CCTV footage of the removal went viral, she graciously gifted the toilet to her successor.
Octopi Are Biologically Better at Multitasking Than Humans

Each of an octopus’ arms has a separate axial nervous cord, basically its own spinal cord, allowing each appendage to act independently.
The $295 Million Home That’s Guaranteed to Flood

A nine-acre plot in Naples, Florida is on sale for $295 million, which is likely the most expensive home currently on the market. Insuring it will cost millions more per year, because it’s projected to have a 95 percent chance of flooding within 30 years.
Walmart’s New Style Guide: A Little Ctrl+B, a Little Ctrl+Z

Walmart just released a revamped set of logos and its precious little starburst thing. It’s just a slightly thicker version of the previous logo, which itself was just a slightly thinner version of the original logo. Designers were “inspired by” this ugly old hat that founder Sam Walton used to wear.
What’s the Best Predictor of a Long Life?

A study out of Johns Hopkins University found that the amount of movement you do is a strong indicator of how long you’ll live. Biostatisticians found that movement was a better predictor of longevity than things like heart disease, cancer diagnosis and even age.
There’s Only Been One Official Sumo Event Held Outside of Japan in the Sport’s 2,000-Year History

A tournament was held in London’s Royal Albert Hall in 1991, and a second event was recently announced to be held at the same venue in October 2025.