32 of the Most WTF Experiences People Had at a Party

Project X led an entire generation to believe that house parties were off-the-wall ragers where the unspeakable happened, only for them to get to college and discover that most parties are relatively chill by comparison (and certainly otherwise).
But every so often, there’s a party that gets so out-of-hand it becomes the stuff of legends. Case in point: One Redditor recalled a party he went to where the vibes were just right — until the host had a few too many drinks and decided to show off his pet lizard. This maybe would’ve been cool had the lizard been alive. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. He pulled a cold, lifeless lizard out of the freezer to show everyone in the room, which got weirder when he cried, puked, pissed himself and ultimately passed out.
Other Redditors have remembered some of the wildest times a party went off the rails for them, and it appears that a startling amount of people actually crash through windows.