31 of the Worst Lessons People Taught Their Kids

Kids are pretty impressionable, which means it’s incredibly easy to mess them up with bad advice. And in the cases below, that’s exactly what happened.
One Redditor shared her mother’s home remedy for healing bug bites. She was told that any time a pesky bug nicked her, she should first scratch the bite until it bled, then take salt and rub it into the wound. It appears that no one told her mom that “rubbing salt in the wound” was an expression and not actual advice. In fact, the Redditor thought this masochistic remedy was very normal well into her 20s.
Other Redditors have offered up the deranged, ill-advised guidance their parents gave them — whether it was “going bunker mode,” finding a drunk-driving loophole or facing their fears head (and face) on.