31 of the Worst Lessons People Taught Their Kids

‘Showering once a week’
31 of the Worst Lessons People Taught Their Kids

Kids are pretty impressionable, which means it’s incredibly easy to mess them up with bad advice. And in the cases below, that’s exactly what happened.

One Redditor shared her mother’s home remedy for healing bug bites. She was told that any time a pesky bug nicked her, she should first scratch the bite until it bled, then take salt and rub it into the wound. It appears that no one told her mom that “rubbing salt in the wound” was an expression and not actual advice. In fact, the Redditor thought this masochistic remedy was very normal well into her 20s. 

Other Redditors have offered up the deranged, ill-advised guidance their parents gave them — whether it was “going bunker mode,” finding a drunk-driving loophole or facing their fears head (and face) on.

SubPlatonicMaterial 9y ago How intelligent they are. My parents always drilled into me how much smarter than most people I am. After years of trying to figure out why I struggled not just with socializing but with schoolwork as well I figured out I ain't that special. Also no way in hell will I homeschool my kids. 42 ...
Acaibowl365 . 9y ago Women don't fart.... Thanks for the digestive issues ma 30
 2y ago Not teach me but my mum fed me a teaspoon or two of heated brandy in winters whenever I caught the cold when I was little child. I liked the taste of it and always asked for more. Brandy has become my go to drink at bars and I remember my childhood when I drink it. + 64 Share ...
LilEngineThatCant 2y ago My father once told me that men can be bosses to women and women can be bosses to women, but women can't be bosses to men. It doesn't work out because of the social hierarchy. Share 58 ...
Smyley12345 4y ago Your job is to do whatever your boss tells you to do. This led to a bunch of stupid situations of both me getting walked all over by employers and me quitting jobs over things that could have been fixed with a conversation. + 549 ...
Missjaes 9y ago That you shouldn't try something if you're not 100% committed to it....like, how can someone determine if they like something if they've never actually done it?! + 289 ...
hapukadutchman 9y ago If you get in a fight, grab them by the ears and knee them in the face until they pass out or their ears rip off. - my dad when I was 12. + 148 ...
Econhistfin 6mo ago The cheapest option is always the best option. No way. You can't save yourself to riches and the least costly thing now is not the least costly thing the long run. + 262 Reply ...
denyk0312 . 4y ago How to open a beer bottle with my teeth + 5.5K ...
ThomasEdmund84 e 2y ago I remember my Dad outright saying he did weaponized incompetence If you do the job badly enough she'll do from then on + 691 Share ...
spiralhigh 2y ago Edited 2y ago My grandma told me that June Bugs would crawl in my ear, eat through my eardrum, and lay eggs in my brain. There wasn't an 'unless you do it was just a fact. I still put my hands over my ears if there are lots of flying bugs around. ETA: My mom taught me how to break into a house with a driver's license. My uncle told me how to 'stop a bully' by punching them in the throat, hard as I could. My grandma told me cats are the devil and eat their
BoopURHEALED 0 2y ago Load your bullets into the magazine with gloves on so you don't leave prints. Always thought it was to keep the oil from your fingers off them + 774 Share ...
ZManFlex . 2y ago My mom taught me how to forge her signature so she wouldn't have to sign off on my home work every night. 377 Share ...
fat-randin 2y ago My mom told me that you can fall in love with anyone. The context was like go marry rich because you can fall in love with anyone. Terrible advice. I would tell my kids to find someone who is kind and makes them laugh. 383 Share ...
HandsSmellOfHam 2y ago My go to is from my Dad. I don't care if you smoke some weed and have sex with some virgins, just don't do hard drugs they will get you nowhere. I was 9. 160 Share ...
maggiejm 2y ago My dad basically conditioned everyone to hide in the room when he had guests over. Now as an adult | have to fight the urge to not hide in the room when we have guests over because it's considered rude or whatever + 1K Share ...
Eauxddeaux 2y ago . Edited 2y ago In an effort to teach me to be considerate, or not selfish, I guess, my dad said, Love yourself last more than a few times to me. That's a mess I've been untangling for about 35 years. + 1K Share ...
dammed-millenial e 9y ago Showering once a week. Only once I said I do it once a week in front of my entire class and they screamed ewwww and didn't come near me anymore did I realise that that might be wrong. + 613 ...
ohhmagen в 2y ago To be in constant survival mode. Like as in always worrying about the end of the world. Why? Why am I constantly as a child looking over my back in fear of what I will offer to a group if the apocalypse happens. Weird stuff. I thought I was savvy in bunker mode but really it's trauma inducing. 1.5K Share ...
3thantrapb3rry . 2y ago Only TV families resolve their problems and apologize after a big fight. Real families just act like it never happened. Share 2.7K ...
ppppppppppython 2y ago If someone ever touches you hit them back and don't stop hitting until they stop moving -> my dad who is facing his third attempted murder charge. + 12K Share ...
IIIPulpYourFiction 2y ago Not fucked up, but when I was a kid my dad told me you couldn't get sunburnt past 1PM and I believed him until I was 23. Edit: spelling + 9.1K Share ...
Gremlin-o-Chaos 2y ago My dad instilled crippling perfectionism in me, which I realized was insane when I got older and people told me to just do my best. When I was in grade school, I would come to my dad with A's all super excited. But, if it was anything less than a 100%, he would ask for the missing percentage. So, when I had a 98%, he'd say well where's the 2%? And now, if I do anything less than perfect, I beat myself up + 5.7K Share ...
throwrathebagelway e 2y ago I always had anxiety as a child and my mother said the only way to get over it is to deal with the situation head on. Sounds great until I told her my dear of escalators and she pushed me down and I fell and almost got my hair caught.
 2y ago Upon hearing stories of my childhood my husband had to break it to me that it was not in fact normal for moms to share their anti-psychotic meds (or chill pills, as she would call them) with their young children. + 11K Share ...
HorseGirl666 2y ago My mom taught me that when you have bug bites, you should scratch them until they bleed, and then rub salt on them to make them stop itching. It wasn't until I was 23 and passed that home remedy on to a friend and they immediately told me how masochistic it was that I realized something was weird about it. + Share 3.9K ...
lilmrs-t 2y ago My dad was teaching me about credit cards and said you can just make the minimum payment every month. It blew my mind, made it seem like free money. Thank god I didn't take that advice. I pay my credit card off every month and he's drowning in credit card debt. + 25K Share ...
periodicchemistrypun 2y ago My dad always told me 'work will set you free'. Do you chores, work will set you free, do your homework because work will set you free. This went on for about a decade until I came back from history at school and asked him why it was on the entrance to Auschwitz. + 2.4K Share ...
lanboyo 2y ago You have better balance, so you, the 10 year old, should climb up on the roof and clean the gutters and sweep the chimney. Also climb up to the top of the flagpole at the REC and fix the rope stuck in the pulley. And install new gutters, but I was 13 by then. If someone gets in a fight with one of your older brothers, find a brick and hit them in the back of the head. Actually I knew that was a bit fucked up back then. + 1.4K Share ...
Diggler149 2y ago My Dad told me he could drink beer in the car if he drank it while the car was stopped. It's only drinking and driving if the car is in motion. I was like makes sense. I was around 4. + 29K Share ...
justsomegirl80 e 4y ago My dad on finances, when you have money you spend it and when you run out you just stay home + 654 ...


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