40 Random Bits of Trivia We Whittled Out of a Single Bar of Soap

Lather up that brain with these!
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Whittled Out of a Single Bar of Soap

When we say that wed like to scrub your brain clean, we dont mean that wed like to rid it of any dirty thoughts or completely wipe your memory. We just want to see that beautiful thing shine. With a little elbow grease, these facts are sure to make it sparkle — while somehow keeping every dirty little thoughts you have up there.

Maybe well just stuff those in the ol brain closet.

Gift Wrapping

Wrapping Paper CRACKEDCON Gift wrapping was first documented in ancient China. It was popularized in the U.S. when Hallmark founder J.C. Hall ran out

Source: NPR

Penis Size

In 2015, 45%/ of men reported wishing they were better endowed. THE ANCIENT GREEKS, HOWEVER, THOUGHI THAT LARGE PENISES WERE FOOLISH. THE MEN WITH T


McDonald's launched a fashion line. In 2015, McDonald's launched a Big Mac clothing line in a fashion show in Sweden. The line included clothing, wall


The You think I'm funny? scene actually happened to Joe Pesci. The scene was based on a similarly uncomfortable situation Pesci had with a real mobster, back when he was a waiter. All the reactions are genuine, as the extras had no idea what was going

Source: GQ

Smallest Pocket Change Ever

The smallest coins ever used, Vijayanger's tara, had a diameter of 4 millimeters. If you didn't have exact change, you'd be carrying around a pocket full of tiny buttons. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Hated Roles

THE ACTOR: Malcolm McDowell THE ROLE: Alex in A Clockwork OrAnGE WHY HE McDowell said he didn't HATED IT: get what people liked about the film, and re


ONE NOSTRIL ALWAYS GETS STUFFED UP TO KEEP THINGS MOIST. In addition to smelling, the nose warms and humidifies air to make it friendly for the lungs.

The Simpsons

Objectivism at daycare. IS A IS A FUTI CRACKED COM Maggie's daycare is an opportuni- ty to break out the objectivism jokes. While Marge is rehearsing for A Streetcar Named Desire, Maggie is left at the Ayn Rand School For Tots, where a poster reads, A is A. This is a reference to Ayn Rand, and her philosophy of Objectivism.

Trump Steaks

Donald Trump's Exclusive Introduction worst TRUMP business idea STEAKS THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEAK ever (maybe). Trump Steaks were (for some reason) sold at the Sharper Image. Sharper Image CEO Jerry Levin called it a horrible business idea, saying, We literally sold almost no steaks. If we sold $50,000 worth of steaks in total, I'd be surprised. CRACKED

The Phone

When the telephone was invented, people were scared that it would attract evil spirits and the Devil. The invention was so poorly received that newly

Ian McKellen and Elijah Wood

CRACKED.COM Tolkien Movies lan McKellen and Elijah Wood never shot a scene together. I never worked with Elijah Wood, McKellen said. He was the main part in Lord of the Rings, but he's smaller than me, so we could never be together.



CRACKED.COM WINE TASTES BETTER IF YOU THINK IT'S EXPENSIVE. In a study, participants' brain activity measurements confirmed that the brain responded m


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