39 Social Bits of Trivia That Can’t Wait to Mingle With the Other Facts in Your Brain
These facts are sure to be the life of the party

These dolled-up little tidbits have been waiting all day for this moment. Once they heard that your brain was hosting a swanky little fact soiree, they rushed to the store for something to wear, spent all day grooming, researched great talking points and are about to down a dry martini before bursting into those big double doors in your skull.
They’re truly about to have the time of their lives.
David Bowie

Jake from State Farm

The Goonies

Carlos Kaiser

Source: 18 Amazingly Interesting Facts To Stick In Your Head
JB Smoove

Source: 13 Rejected Saturday Night Live Sketches We'll Never Get To See
Bismack Biyombo

Source: CNN
Snoop Dogg

Potato Park in Peru

Julius Caesar


Kevin Hart

Source: Variety.com


Source: NME


Lava Lamps


Source: 29 Ways America Is Super Weird, Compared To Other Countries
Nick Fury

Jason Momoa

Mad Max: Fury Road

Russell Crowe

Ancient Art


Rage Against the Machine



The Lord of the Rings

Cyndi Lauper

Led Zeppelin


Source: 15 Comic Book Movies With Sneaky Shout-Outs To Their Source Material
The Cavalry

Sequoia Trees

Game of Thrones

Rush Hour

Pearl Harbor

Growing Human Brains Inside of Mice

The Innkeepers


Barack Obama