39 Irreplaceable Bits of Trivia That Deserve Their Own Spot in the National Archives Museum

Your skull better protect these at all cost
39 Irreplaceable Bits of Trivia That Deserve Their Own Spot in the National Archives Museum

Important documents like the Constitution get big protective cases, so we thought that our facts deserve a nice skull like yours. This might be the first time in history that a protective case audition was held, but we want to make sure theyre going to be safe. 

On the surface, your brain looks the part. Solid headshot, by the way. But since these are so important to us, we need to see what that thing can handle. Well start with a punch and then work our way up this line of foreign objects. If it passes the aluminum bat stage and remembers your childhood pets name, itll definitely be able to house these. 

Lets get to it, shall we?

The Secret Service

The nuclear football weighs 45 pounds, and five people take turns carrying it. UNITED STAT APIL Within it: A Black Book with retaliatory options, a book with classified locations, a few pages with Emergency Broadcast System instructions, and a 3 x 5 in. card with authentication codes. CRACKED.COM


Power Rangers

Actors with cursed lives Jason David Frank TOMMY OLIVER in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS Frank's wife Tammie confirmed that the Power Rangers star died by suicide at 49. She also shared that the couple had been trying to work through their problems, and had reconciled shortly before his death. birth CRACKED

Artificial Insemination

The first successful artificial insemination was performed in 1884 on a Philly woman without her knowledge. CRACKED.COM The doctor anesthetized the woman and took sperm from his best-looking student and impregnated her. The doctor and the woman's husband never re- vealed the truth to her.


The Color of Blood

MYTH: THE BLOOD LEAVING YOUR HEART IS BLUE. FACT: IT'S ACTUALLY DARKER ReD. The myth that deoxygenated blood is blue comes from the fact that through Caucasian skin, veins often look blue. While it's true that those blue vessels you're seeing carry blood without oxygen, the blood itself is actually not blue. The veins aren't blue, either. They primarily look blue because of the way light reflects off the skin. CRACKED.COM http:/www.ehow.com/how-does_5607648_blood-look-blue-veins_html



BABY KOALAS EAT THEIR MOM'S POOP Joeys initially breastfeed, but for several weeks it will peek its head out of its mom's poach to feast from its mom's butt. CRACKED.COM



COCA-COLA WAS ADVERTISED FOR ITS HEALTH EFFECTS. N Ccoca Cola HOD Coca-Cola was born during a health craze for sodas in the late 19th century. Its cre


Swirling wine enhances its flavor. Swirling aerates the wine allowing oxygen to bind with aromatics unlocking its unique flavors. It also causes I-sme


By staying still, opening its mouth, and twitching a worm-lik appendage in its tongue, an Alligator Snapping Turtle tricks fish and frogs into approaching its mouth.


The Vibranium Fairy Wrasse got its name because its glowing purple scales reminded the researchers of the Black Panther's suit. Its scientific name,


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