28 Glaring Instances of Hypocrisy People Have Witnessed

‘A cigarette butt being tossed out of the window of a Prius’
28 Glaring Instances of Hypocrisy People Have Witnessed

Hypocrites are incredibly entertaining. Yeah, it can be frustrating to watch them in action, but you have to realize that these people shouldn’t be taken seriously. For example: A Redditor’s estranged father called her, and she ended up breaking the news that she got divorced. After berating her about the sanctity of marriage, and how it’s “supposed to be forever,” he shared the news that he was getting married for the fifth time. 

See what I mean? Very unserious people! 

Other Redditors have recalled the times those they knew were unapologetically hypocritical, including one woman who hates both polyamory and her boyfriend’s wife.

JoeBeanLP e 4y ago A cigarette butt being tossed out the window of a Prius. + 1.1K ...
anon66212 4y ago e A chick who posted about how she doesn't eat beef because she loves cows, the next day posted a photo of her new designer leather handbag. 96 ...
bullshque 11y ago . Once my mother told me and my brother to stop eating crackers like chips and took the pack off us so we didn't spoil our appetite for dinner, found out the next day that she finished that pack and an entirely new one right after she did this. She felt ill and skipped family dinner that night. + 213 ...
fencerman 11y ago At a family gathering, seeing the brother of my dad's wife ranting about people with useless jobs who don't contribute anything to society. He's a golf instructor with rich parents who got a free ride his whole life. Sadly she's a really amazing woman, but the rest of her family is a little terrible. 68 ...
Phantom_Scarecrow 11y ago I'm not drinking caffeine or eating added salt, because it is bad for the baby. (Said while smoking a cigarette.) 8 months later, I watched her fill a baby bottle with Mountain Dew and give it to the kid. + 223 ...
phyllis_the_cat 11y ago . My husband and I were traveling to his parent's house when I pointed out a bumper sticker of a car we were passing. Stay alive, don't text and drive! it said. The driver was texting. 35 ...
SstonedinWonderland 7y ago Edited 7y ago I'm a vegetarian, while literally taking a bite of a meatball. When confronted she said yeah but not at parties. We were at the 65th birthday party of the father of our neighbor. Edit: Yes, there were other options, I myself did not eat meat either, so I know she would not have to bother anyone due to her own dietary restrictions. No, she was not a flexterian, she just went along with certain fads. Calling herself. vegetarian while continuing to eat meat lasted about a week. + 610 ...
tappytapper 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Was in the car with my MIL; we were going 50 mph, she wasn't wearing her seat belt, talking on the phone. Oh, you really need to be a safe driver! EDIT: She was driving. Whenever I drive I don't even start the car until everyone is buckled in. There is no reason to not wear your seatbelt, safety first boys and girls. 196 ...
PuerPingues 11y ago My dad constantly bitches about eastern- europeans coming to Denmark and taking our jobs, and how it's just a matter of time before there are no danish truck-drivers back (He's obviously a truck-driver). But at the same time, he hires two eastern- europeans to build his new garage, because he doesn't have to pay them as much. + 340 ...
StormHazel16136 7y ago When I was a kid, I got bullied a lot and would come home with bruises which I tried to cover up from my mother, because...she didn't deal with those things very well, and I thought it better to just taking the beatings than have my mother get involved. She still found out, and as I expected, flipped her shit at me, at the school, etc. Once she'd calmed down, we had a 'family meeting' and she made all of us agree to be honest with each other because 'we don't keep secrets in this family. Meanwhile,
WIENER_POOP 11y ago Edited 11y ago . My manager at Dominos called a meeting in the walk in refrigerator to discuss food cost. Не told us that we need to skimp on the orders tonight to bring us back on track as he was dipping pepperoni slices into a bucket of marinara sauce and eating them. + 300 ...
anarchy420swag 7y ago I worked with a guy who had a staunch stance against drinking water with fluoride and would label it as 'neurological poison' and would talk down to those who drank it...... Meanwhile, he would tell me about how he gets black out drunk every weekend and all the various party drugs, cigarettes, weed, MDMA and possibly worse stuff he takes. Не would ingest anything from a sketchy dealer with no certainty of its ingredients but couldn't handle a single fucking glass of water without fearing about his health.... 207 ...
doctorgaylove 7y ago Don't fucking swear at me. --My coworker, to me a few weeks ago, unironically. Incidentally, I just quit my job today. + 1.9K ...
hikingelephant 7y ago I'm a server, this one kind of cracks me up. Kids order their food. Parents reprimand them for not saying please or thank you. Subsequently order their own food. No pleases or thank yous. Kids are only going to learn by emulating, my dudes. + 971 ...
ihopeyoulikeapples 7y ago Am making small talk with a co-worker while there's no customers and everything that needs to be done has been done. Supervisor comes and orders us to stop and either find something to do or go sit on opposite ends of the counter and not interact. Same supervisor then spends entire shift standing around making small talk with another supervisor. + 1.1K ...
_Vic_Romano_ 7y ago e Snort coke after a tirade against all the unknown chemicals used in inorganic food. + 1.1K ...
scarletnightingale 7y ago Edited 7y ago Last year my boss granted me a day off when I asked during a week where I was having some pretty bad insomnia. Then she rescinded my day off 5 minutes later saying she had given two other со- workers (whose jobs have zero overlap with mine) the day off and we couldn't have so many people off because it would look bad. Then she came in on my requested day off, remarked how tired I looked, told me how she can't possibly work when she hadn't slept well, then took off for a
consuellabanana 7y ago e Edited 7y ago Friend is *perpetually (not terminally, wrong word) late, as in one hour or two. Doesn't matter if you repeatedly told her to come in time, or if you purposefully arrive 15-20 minutes late. One time I got fed up, so I made her wait for 10 minutes. She bombarded me with texts and calls. I was so mad I snapped and yelled at her in public. I'm too old to waste my time waiting. + 2.4K ...
_Sweater_Puppies_ 7y ago e I know someone that thinks trump should cut all government assistance programs...he's on disability. Не thinks it's different for him because he's sick and can't work. 650 ...
itsaaronlol 4y ago My ex-wife, shortly after we separated, told me when/if I started seeing someone that she would want to meet them before our kids did. Which makes perfect sense. Two months later the guy she had an affair with moved from NC to FL and in with her and my two kids. I still haven't met him and it's been six months. + 7.7K ...
villettegirl 1y ago . My evangelical mother strictly forbade me from reading Harry Potter books because of the positive depiction of witchcraft, but at the same time gladly let me watch her favorite childhood movies, The Wizard of Oz, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. + 1.5K ...
 1y ago . Edited 1y ago Someone I know absolutely hates open relationships and polyamory yet their boyfriend of 5+ years has a wife of 20+ years. Our situation is different. We're soulmates
 7y ago Manager complained loudly whenever any pregnant employees needed any accommodation (read: pee breaks), time off for appointments or booked off sick. Constantly complained that she didn't understand what the big deal was and that people needed to suck it up and deal. Manager then proceeded to be off the majority of both her pregnancies, booked off and went home almost every day and complain constantly when she was there. + 2.5K ...
r124124 7y ago My father called me, found out I got divorced (didn't tell him because we were not close and I knew he would side with my ex) and told me he was incredibly disappointed in me because marriage is supposed to be forever. Не was calling me to tell he was getting married for the FIFTH time. + 2.4K ...
GreySamzy . 7y ago Ex girlfriend of mine always tells me that the people she hates the most are cheaters. You can probably guess what she did next + 20K ...
VegelantyJustice 4y ago There was a girl in one of my classes that spent the entire class on facebook every single day. During a presentation she was giving one day someone noticeably checked their email. We all saw but... we all also knew that she was on Facebook every single day for the entire class. that's why we were all very surprised when she stopped the presentation to scream at this person for being rude and disrespectful and then stormed out. + 6.2K ...
OmfgTim 7y ago My mom is super stringent about anything with chemicals (believe me, I know - I'm a chemist by training). Like, I'll be over barbecuing and she'll cut off almost all the burnt pieces off everything I cook. She thinks a lot of these things will cause cancer to the point that she takes the enjoyment out of everything; it's borderline insanity. But when my dad smokes, it's ok he's a social smoker so he can stop any time he likes. ??? + 2.6K ...
tfm256 4y ago My cousin came to visit my family on mother's day last year. She traveled across three states to see us, and then while she was here she was posting things on her Facebook about how inconsiderate and stupid it is to travel anywhere during that time. 70 ...


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