39 Overachieving Bits of Trivia That Help Your Brain Immensely But Still Somehow Annoy It

Know-it-all facts that’ll lead the way in a group project
39 Overachieving Bits of Trivia That Help Your Brain Immensely But Still Somehow Annoy It

Whatever the test or presentation, these facts won’t let you fail because they don’t want to fail. They have strict parents who nitpick their every move, and that kind of unhealthy motivation will only help your grade. Do what you can to help them out. You don’t want to be a complete deadweight passenger, do you?

Either way, you can rest easy knowing that these facts will easily snag you an A+ in any subject.



Classic Hollywood

CHILDREN WERE DRUGGED TO PERFORM IN MOVIES. Classic Hollymood SUCKED Teens Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland were made to work 18 hours a day, six days a week. They were given amphetamines to keep up with that frantic pace (and then sleeping pills to calm them down at night). CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM Loggers found a mummified dog inside a tree. Back in the 1980s, a group of loggers had the scare of their lives after cutting down a chestnut oak. The nightmare sight they found is believed to be a hunting dog that got stuck while chasing a prey, and was preserved by the tree's tannins.

The Big Bang Theory

The equations on the background in The Big Bang Ang) EME 50% Theory are HIL mathematically accurate. TVV ROh two 1 shyhns) M=X Y Y Malack PAURA DAVOP Y:Be'C DCDC-TOO = /Y1 DB.DC:0 = / го Y/T David Saltzberg, a professor at UCLA studying particle physics, works as the science consultant on the show. CRACKED.COM


The Civil War

The last civil war widow died in 2020. She married a former soldier in 1936 when she was 19 and he was 91.

Source: WGNTV

Jurassic Park

39 Overachieving Bits of Trivia That Help Your Brain Immensely But Still Somehow Annoy It

The Largest Bell Ever Made

The largest bell ever made was lost by a greedy governor. Portugese warlord Filipe de Brito e Nicote was granted a governorship, then promptly declare

Car Crashes

Between 2011 and 2014, 200,000 crashes occurred in America because people didn't properly secure their loads and ended up leaving debris on the road.

Earlobe Shape

CRACKEDOON People with a diagonal earlobe crease also known as Frank's sign may be at higher risk for coronary artery disease, periphelarovascular vas


CRACKED.COM NASA only uses 15 digits of П =3.141592653 7932384626 For the highest accuracy calculations, NASA only needs to use 3.1415 59265358979. Even when doing calculations for the circumference of a circle with a radius of 46 billion light years (the entire visible universe) to an accuracy equal to the diameter of the simplest atom, you would only need 39 or 40 decimal places

Source: NASA

The Earth’s Core

The Earth's core is two and a half years younger than its crust. A 2016 study confirmed the theory Of Richard Peynman in 1960 based on Relativity, cla

Incognito Mode

Incognito mode isn't just for NSFW activity. O0 If you're borrowing a friend's device, use it to log on to your online accounts to avoid logging them

Man in Disguise

WEIRD WORLD In Indonesia, a guy tried to disguise himself as his wife SO he could get on a plane. He wore a nigab, had his wife's passport, and her negative COVID test. They spotted him only when he changed to his normal clothes on the flight. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

Being John Malkovich

A drunken extra hucked a beer can at Malkovich's bean. BEING JOHN MALKOVICH CRACKED.COM Some extras got ripped and decided to do a drive-by while the scene was live. Malkovich's reaction (pissed off) is genuine.



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