42 Random Bits of Trivia to Snack on Before Your Mental Main Course

The amuse bouches of the knowledge feast
42 Random Bits of Trivia to Snack on Before Your Mental Main Course

When it comes to food, we’d tell you not to fill up on snacks before dinner. But this isn’t food, now is it? These little mental snacks are just too good to pass up. Like, what if the main course isn’t as knowledgeable as these snacks? Aunt Carol’s deviled eggs are a lot tastier than her bone-dry roast, so that might very well be the case here. 

We’re laying them out now, so get your fill!

Cigarette Ads

Secondhand smoke is 100% not sexy. But Tipalet tried to convince people that it totally is. This 1969 print ad shows a man blowing cigarette smoke int

The Baseball Hall of Fame

Homer Simpson got inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame a few years ago. 178 It was thanks to the 1992 episode Homer at the Bat, in which he played for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant softball team. CRACKED.COM

Source: MLB

Diamond Hailstones

Hailstones in Jupiter and saturn are diamonds. Thunderstorms turn atmospheric methane into pure carbon soot. As the soot falls and the pressure increa
Source: BBC


Want to invest some money? You'll probably want to pay a stockbroker to make smart investment decisions for you. 10-00 Except that 70% to 85% of fund

The Warriors

THE WARRIORS Warriors! Come out to play! The director alley-ooped the line to David Patrick Kelly on the spot, and Kelly delivered it like a weirdo


Blondie was a common catcall to Debbie Harry. You can thank uncreative, creepy truckers for this band name. CRACKED.COM


On 1978's Superman, the producers refused to tell the director the budget. Whenever he wanted to do something, they'd just say You can't do this or You're going over budget, and that was all. CRACKED.COM

Source: 5 Iconic Movies With Idiotic Behind-The-Scenes Beefs

The Great Depression

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, a barrel of oil cost only 65 cents. CRACKED.COM Massive oil discover- ies in Texas, along- side falling global demand for energy, sent oil prices tum- bling downwards.



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