40 Random Bits of Trivia We Payed a Slap Fighting Champion to Absolutely Wallop Into Our Heads

As far as brain storage goes, we’d replace our siblings’ birthdays for these facts any day!
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Payed a Slap Fighting Champion to Absolutely Wallop Into Our Heads

When we heard that forcibly slamming facts into our brains is the best way to drive them in there, we were a little worried that the ensuing concussion would cause us to immediately forget them. Makes sense, right? What good are new facts if brain trauma knocks them right out of you? 

Luckily, we were wrong. We didn’t really get a say in the matter, but when we came to, we were pleasantly surprised that these new facts were deeply embedded in our brains. 

Are you ready? Butch here is gonna show you how it’s done!

The Aztecs

Cacao Beans The Aztecs loved chocolate sO much they used cocoa beans as curreNCY.


Most high-rises have nearly unbreakable windows, which is a problem for firefighters.. So there are building codes that require some of a high-rise's

The Zimbabwe Flush

In 2012, the sewers of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, were cleared by a synchronized flush. y Stanble Bank The town asked every one of the million residents to flush at the same time, saying they might be fined if they refused. The big flush (as the mayor called it) was intended to keep the pipes wet, so that they don't burst or get clogged. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Around the World in a Modified Jeep

Ben Carlin went around the world in a modified jeep. It took ten years, thousands of dollars, and numerous setbacks, but Carlin drove an amphibious ve

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

CRACKEDC COM Hugh Ross, the narrator The narration in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford was recorded by an edition assistant

Long-Term Trolling

Francis Douce 1834 After leaving a ton of antiques to a different museum, he left a mystery box to the British Museum, stipulating that it couldn't be opened for over 60 years. When it was opened in 1900, it was found to contain... almost nothing. Douce was a disgruntled ex-employee


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