45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Are Too Nuts to Be ‘Jeopardy!’ Answers

Jeopardy! is one of those shows that’s been on literally forever. Starting in 1964 with a daytime version that transitioned into a syndicated format in 1975, the only show with an acceptable use of punctuation has been on the air for a total of 41 seasons.
Alex Trebek is the best-known host of Jeopardy!, but the original host was Art Fleming. Merv Griffin created the show and co-wrote the theme song. His daytime talk show was the focus of a Seinfeld episode (Season Nine, Episode Six).
So enjoy these 45 random trivia tidbits, because they’re entirely too cool to be Jeopardy! answers.
Peak Stevie

‘Final Score’ Knew Europeans Are Trash

Mamma Mia!

Sock It to Me and the Soviets

Parisian Trickery

Lego Lift

Swedish Word We Need

Brooke Shields

Source: Princeton Alumni News
Food Allergies on the Rise

Jacko in Debt

Source: Billboard
Wheeler, the Actual Center of the U.S. Universe

John C. Reilly, Actual Singer

Italian Man Chooses Prison Over Wife

Reno Loves ‘Reno 911’

Tony Hawk

Jefferson’s Tombstone

Source: Smithsonian Magazine
Purple Meat

Popeye Metal Tapping Set

South Park

Prehistoric Mega-Sloths

Hip Hop Makes Cheese Taste Better

Wonder Woman

Gut Bacteria

Source: 22 Kinda Gross Facts About The Human Body That'll Make You Feel A Little Uncomfortable
‘Aliens’ Bishop Almost Was Way Different

A Runway Was Bulldozed in the Middle of the Night

No Trees Get Cut Down to Make Money

Russian RoboCat

‘Fight Club’ Was a Flop

Source: Looper
Joke Tip from Jerry Seinfeld

The Most Wanted Man in Australia

Sly’s Face, Explained

British Teeth

Source: Widely Believed Stereotypes That Are Completely False
Young Frankenstein

Cher’s Wigs Have Their Own Room

Scooby-Doo Cons

Source: 18 Amazingly Interesting Facts To Stick In Your Brain
‘The Simpsons’ Age

Voldemort What-If


Mr. Rogers in Reality

The Dumb ‘Office’ Subplot

Archie and the Cross

Clint Eastwood as James Bond

Purring Cats

Source: 25 Pet Behaviors That Mean The Opposite of What You Think
The Golden Girls

Louise May Alcott