41 Random Bits of Trivia That, When Properly Rearranged, Tell A Pretty Cohesive Story

You won’t believe how this list ends!
41 Random Bits of Trivia That, When Properly Rearranged, Tell A Pretty Cohesive Story

For this list, you’re going to need a printer, some scissors and a whole lot of free time. 

We know what you’re thinking, “A printer? Scissors? What is this, the ‘90s?” But put your judgment aside for a second, and listen up, would ya? If you cut out each fact and arrange them in a very specific order, they tell a tale that’d make Tolkien himself shudder. 

So clear your schedule… It's story time!

Immaculate Innings

There were more 'immaculate innings' in 2017 than from 1929-1952. NEW YORK 34 CRACKED.COM An immaculate inning is when a baseball pitcher strikes out three batters with only nine pitches. 1929 to 1952 saw zero such innings, while there were 8 in 2017 alone.


THE ETHIOPIAN CALENDAR IS SEVEN YEARS BEHIND THE REST OF THE WORLD. It wAs developed by Orthodox and Coptic churches, based on their own calculations

It’s A Wonderful Life

It's A Wonderful Life isn't just a classic - it's actually also a studio-killing flop. The movie bombed when it was released and bankrupted its studio. It only started to be considered a classic decades later. CRACKED.COM


The Caccolube destroyed tanks and was made of condoms. During World War II, the OSS created an anti-vehicle weapon out of condoms filled with abrasive


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