40 Random Bits of Information Whispered to Us by Our Midi-Chlorians When We Quieted Our Minds

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40 Random Bits of Information Whispered to Us by Our Midi-Chlorians When We Quieted Our Minds

Its amazing what a little bit of meditation will do. We dont know from experience, but we read a fact about it, and it seems great. Every time we try to meditate here in the office, our higher-ups scream that were wasting valuable fact-finding time. And since were here 24 hours a day, we never get the opportunity. 

That said, one brave soul dipped out for a coffee run, quieted his mind for a few moments in line and came back with these facts. So it does help! Take that, Cracked bosses!

Wyoming’s All-Female Town Council

In 1920, the town of Jackson, Wyoming elected an all-female town council. CRACKED.COM The petticoat rulers won by a margin of 2-1 over the men, drawing the most voters the town had ever seen. They served for 3 years and did a great deal to clean up the notoriously lawless town.


The Man Who Thinks Trump Is Christ

An author is promoting his President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man-The Christ book at Trump's rallies. CRACKED.COM Author Helgard Müller said that he believes there are two Christs, with Jesus be- ing the son of God who was betrayed by Judas, and Trump being the son of man who was betrayed by Mike Pence.


Rosacea’s Origins

Rosacea is an adaptation by the Celts to fend off bacteria. The skin disease is found mainly in those of Northern European descent and it is also known as The Curse of the Celts. Ancestral Celtic people developed it during seasonal periods of low ul- traviolet levels. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Old-School Predictions

An 1889 novel predicted parts of 2000 surprisingly accurately. Hono Domini 2 Written by Julius Vogel, a former New Zealand prime minister, Anno Domini 2000 features instant communication technology, widespread travel in aluminum air cruisers, and great changes to the environment as a result of industrial technology. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Lake Disappointment

CRACKED COM Explorer Frank Hugh Hann followed some creeks while in Western Australia. He had high expectations of finding a freshwater lake. LAKE DISA

Busted Myths!

MYTH: Police can't enter your house without a warrant. RELALITY: If they suspect something is wrong, they can. Police are allowed to enter a house if

‘The Godfather’s Influence on ‘Black Panther’

BLACK PANTHER took inspiration from THE GODFATHER. a man's Ryan father Coogler dies, and suddenly he has to step into realized that this position of power was pretty much a summary of The Godfather - so he watched all the Godfather films, taking notes. CRACKED.COM


Snowstorms v Blizzards

The difference between a blizzard and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind, not the amount of snow. CRACKED.COM To be a blizzard, a snow storm must have sustained winds greater than or equal to 35 mph, with blowing or drifting snow which reduces visibility to 0.25 mi or less, and must last for three hours or more.


The Man Behind Elvis’ Biggest Hits

Elvis Presley's Don't Be Cruel CRACKED.COM Black songwriter Otis Blackwell wrote many of Presley's biggest hits including Don't Be Cruel which was recorded by the young star in 1956 and soon became a #1 hit. Though Presley received songwriting credits on many his tunes, including those penned by Blackwell, Elvis did not write a single song. RRY grous MAXI-SING


Bob Marley’s Web

Bob Marley's song, High Tide Or Low Tide, made him namesakes with a pretty hairy spider known as the Desis bobmarley. Being one of the few that live in the ocean, the spider survives by hiding during high tides and hunting for food during low tides. The scientist who discovered it was listening to the song during his research when he realized it was a perfect fit. CRACKED.COM


The First Emoticon

The first emoticon: 1982 5-82 11:44 Scott E Fahlman :-) Scott E Fahlman <Fahlman at Cmu-20c> I propose that the following character sequence for joke :-) Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economic things that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For thi :-( GRACKED.COM People have always struggled to communicate sarcasm online. Computer scientist Scott Fahlman proposed the Carnegie Mellon comp-sci department mark humor with a simple :-).


Deliverance Fever

Deliverance created tens of thousands of new river boaters (and killed some). Before Deliverance, a few hundred people paddled down the Chattooga rive

Jeff Dunham

Jeff Dunham, who voices Achmed the Dead Terrorist, is huge among Arabs.. For example, he draws Muslim crowds at sold-out Abu Dhabi gigs.

She Just Disappeared

DR. ERICA HAHN WAS A BREAKOUT CHARACTER on GReY'S ICE ANATOMY. TREDE BUT in SEASON 6, SHe SIN 9. WALKED OUT TO HER CAR AND WAS neveR seen AGAIN. She was an open lesbian who was involved in a romance with Dr. Torres, who previously had been noncommittal about her sexual orientation. She was dumped from the show without explanation, which was an odd move from the show that fired Isaiah Washington for using an orientation-based slur on a fellow cast member. CRACKED COM http://abcnews go com/Entertainment/story7id=6217642


Bill Nye’s Relative Founded a Lubricant Manufacturer

Bill Nye's relative is responsible for the international ban against whaling. CRACKED.COM The Science Guy is a di- rect descendant of the founder of Nye Lubri- cants' brother, Captain Nye, who invented a new type of synthetic oil that was more reliable than its organic predecessors.

Nye Lubricants

Lifesavers Soda

LIFESAVERS SODA LIFE SAVERS PINEAPPLE I LIFE SAVERS ONANGE FUNCH If soda already makes your teeth ache, the idea of Life Savers flavored soda LIFE SAVERS I may make you run to the dentist. GRAPE PUNCH Released in 1995, it failed quickly. IFE SAVERS I I LIME PUNCH SAVERS LIFE CRACKED

Source: TIME

No Stabbing — Ever!

Stabbing a needle in a heart CRACKED.COM If you want to get medicine to the heart quickly, there's almost no situation where you should stab someone in their chest. Try an IV instead.

Source: Gizmodo

Robbers Caught on Google Street View

CRACKED Address is approximate N + - DUTCH POLICE CATCHING ROBBERS The police in the Netherlands apprehended two men after a 14-year-old boy, who had been robbed half a year ago, noticed their clear images on Google Street View. Score another point for technology.



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