37 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Treat Your Brain Like It Deserves to Be Treated

Today, we’re pampering your brain
37 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Treat Your Brain Like It Deserves to Be Treated

Lets be honest: Your brain is a bit of a fact-pleaser. It loves a facts attention and never wants to rock the boat by speaking its mind. 

Well, that all ends today. Not only did we find a loving, nurturing batch of facts that will love your brain for what it is, but weve been teaching your brain to truly love itself. So before you read these facts, have your brain look itself in the mirror and repeat, “I am worthy of love. I am worthy of facts.” 

Many blessings. 

Death, Taxes and Cleopatra

Cleopatra's handwriting is on display on a papyrus document at Philadelphia's Franklin Institute. GRAGKED.COM The document refers to a tax break for a friend of her husband Mark Antony. Cleopat- ra signed it with a Greek word meaning make it happen.


Brain Games

MYTH8 ceRTain GAmES CAn IMPROVE YOUR BRAIN. Memory Attention Speed Focus FAGT8 THEY JUST MAke yoU BETTER AT THE GAme. Most studies that say brain-trai

Gary Busey Knows Heaven

Gary Busey once complained on a movie set because Heaven didn't look real. egr Fou Children Не died and came back, apparently, and said he'd seen Heaven - and the movie's portrayal of it was totally inaccurate, he said. CRACKED.COM


Spain’s Nazi Clocks

Spain has been in the wrong time zone for 70 years. GRAGKED.COM Spain's dictator Francisco Franco set the country's clocks an hour ahead in World War 2 in order to be aligned with Nazi Ger- many, and the change was never reverted.


The Cigarette That Brought Down an Airplane

An EgyptAir flight that crashed en route to Cairo, killing all 66 people on board, was brought down by a cigarette. SO PRE The pilot had enjoyed a mid-air smoke break, which resulted in a fire when his cigarette ignited oxygen leaking from an oxygen mask in the cockpit. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

NY Post 

Charles Schulz’s Ex

The Little Red-Haired Girl in Peanuts was inspired by Charles Schulz's ex. Her name is Donna Mae Johnson, and she worked in the accounting department at Art Instruction, Inc. in Minneapolis, where she met Schulz, who worked as a cartooning instructor. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Mystery DNA

We still don't know what 98% percent of our DNA is supposed to do. JUNK DNA oc Scientists haven't still figured out what all this junk DNA does: som

The Paperclip Squid

A giant paperclip-like creature roamed the seas 68 million years ago. Diplomoceras maximum was about five feet long, similar to a squid, and had a shell shaped like a paperclip. D. maximum's lifespan might have been 200 years, and it grew a new rib on its shell each year. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Irrational Fear

Sarah Michelle Gellar has an irrational fear of cemeteries... ooos ...which didn't bode well for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She was left hysterical a

Not Really Dragons

The dragons in Game of Thrones are actually wyverns. CRACKED.COM The difference between a wyvern and a dragon is that a wyvern has 2 legs and a dragon has 4 legs. They also happen to be make-believe, so it doesn't really matter.


Battles and Bridges

The Battle of Little Bighorn was raging while the Brooklyn Bridge was being built. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Three Mile Island

One light on a control panel was badly designed. Which caused the meltdown at Three Mile Island. The signal light was programmed to indicate that the

Huckleberry Finn

The Walter Scott was a steamboat in Huckleberry Finn. It was narned that as an insult. Author Mark Twain thought Sir Walter Scott's novels glorified w

The Vergara Family’s Heartbreaking Story

Actors with cursed lives Sofía Vergara GLORIA PRITCHETT in MODERN FAMILY Vergara moved to the U.S. with her family in 1998 after her older brother Rafael was murdered in a kidnapping plot gone wrong. Her brother Julio then spiraled into drug and alcohol addiction, and was eventually deported back to Colombia in 2011. CRACKED

20th Television

The Sun

Jamie Foxx

CRACKED JAMIE FOXX GOT INTO A PHYSICAL ALTERCATION WITH ANOTHER PATRON AT CATCH RESTAURANT IN WEST HOLLYWOOD. The dispute started when the other guy complained about Jamie's group being too loud, and things escalated quickly from there. Eyewitnesses say that Jamie ended up putting the guy in a choke hold and taking him down before he was kicked out of the restaurant along with his group.



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