40 Random Bits of Trivia Living Inside of Our Bodies Like Dorky Little Thetans

We believe in the power. The power of the fact
40 Random Bits of Trivia Living Inside of Our Bodies Like Dorky Little Thetans

When the fact founder himself passed these down to us, we couldnt wait to spread their good word. We sat in their glow for a blissful moment, but as any good fact spreaders do, we besprinkled them out into the cosmos like the blowing of those dandelion puffball things. 

Let their knowledge cascade down upon you, and then, of course, do some puffball blowing of your own.

John Carpenter’s ‘Firestarter’

STRANGER THINGS INSPIRATIONS FIRESTARTER This was going to be a John Carpenter movie, but Universal went with Mark L. Lester instead after The Thing's commercial failure. Now, no disrespect to Lester (he has done classics like Commando), but he's no John Carpenter. CRACKED.COM

Source: Wikipedia

George Lucas

George Lucas forgot to have Obi-Wan yoink Anakin's saber. REVENGE OF THE SITH Lucas got all the way to the cutting room when he realized he'd forgotten to shoot this one tiny, but hugely consequential action. Whew! Star Wars fans almost found a reason to complain about this movie!


BABY KOALAS EAT THEIR MOM'S POOP Joeys initially breastfeed, but for several weeks it will peek its head out of its mom's poach to feast from its mom'
Source: PBS

The Ability to Smell Ants

Some people can smell ants Jury's out on whether it's genetic or just that some people are just paying more attention to the many chemical signals ants release. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

Source: PopSci

Unidentified Species

CRACKED MOST SPECIES ARE STILL UNIDENTIFIED. So far, scientists have identified 1.2 million different species of living things, but they think there are still around 8.7 million more out there that haven't been found yet.


Countries with ‘The’

Only two countries officially start with The. CRACKED COM Sorry, there is no The United States, or The Maldives. Only The Gambia and The Bahamas formally in- clude the in their names.


Wow! What a Scoop!

WEIRD WORLD Lay's is now making chips from potatoes grown in NFL stadium dirt. The new, limited-edition Golden Grounds chips are literally grown in soil that was taken from NFL stadiums and fields. CRACKED.COM


Rice ATMs

Vietnam installed ATMs for rice.' MAY3 ovi RON The machines, found in several cities, give out free rice to anyone who might need it. Using hand san
Source: CNN


Henry Cavill CRACKED COM It was actually a failed audition that gave his career the momentum he was waiting for. He lost Casino Royale to Daniel Craig

Fight Club

40 Random Bits of Trivia Living Inside of Our Bodies Like Dorky Little Thetans

Emma Stone

CRACKED Emma Stone used to work in a bakery... for dogs.

Largest Flying Animal

THE QUETZALCOATLUS WAS AS TALL AS A GIRAFFE Quetzalcoaflus northropi Quetzalcoatlus sp. The Quetzalcoatlus is the largest known flying animal. It was a pterosaur with a wingspan of around 33 feet. CRACKED.COM



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