12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was

Hope they made it a good one!
12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was

Unfortunately for these dead dudes and dudettes, its all unseasoned brains from here on out.

Chicken Pot Pie

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


Funnily enough, it was priming him to break through a crusty outer layer for the goop beneath.

A Whole Sleeve of Oreos

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


Luckily, his ability to feel shame had already started to fade.

A Granola Bar

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


She was just trying to stay full between meals, she didnt know her next one would come out of a skull.


12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


The last meal he ever had was a sad office salad. Its best he doesnt remember it.

Gas Station Sushi

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


At first, he wasnt even sure if it was the bite, or food poisoning.


12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


Couldnt have chosen any better. Though he would have added an apple pie if he knew he only had a couple hours of consciousness left.

Mushroom Risotto

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


He could crack a great Last of Us joke here — if he was still capable of speech.

Aglio e Olio With Extra Garlic

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


Her breath would make you think shed turned weeks back, but no, its been like six hours.


12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


Not much to add here.

72-Ounce Steak

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


She was a competitive eater, which makes her the most dangerous zombie on this list.

Junior Mints

12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


Guy got bit in a movie theater. The cliche would be that he was watching a scary movie at the time, but no, 20 Days in Mariupol. Yeesh, talk about a rough day.


12 Zombies and What I Think Their Last Human Meal Was


This guy got bit while fasting for Yom Kippur. Oy vey!


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