28 Wildly Unethical Things People Were Asked to Do at Work

At least it’s crime that definitely pays
28 Wildly Unethical Things People Were Asked to Do at Work

How far would you go for your boss? Would you shred renters’ checks to force evictions? Would you post up as the lookout guy while they’re having an affair? Would you Photoshop a picture to help stage insurance fraud? 

Hopefully, the answer to all of the above is no. After all, no paycheck is worth compromising your morals or risking jail time. But that didn’t stop these Redditor’s bosses from asking them to do the unthinkable. In fact, one guy didn’t even make it beyond the interview phase before he was asked to break the law.

wandering_potatoes 3y ago Was told to leave the scene of a car accident while I was rendering aid and the cops/EMS were not there yet. I was wasting time on the clock. I stayed. 138 ...
Tallulah1149 3y ago I worked at a plant that made chrome-plated plastic emblems and nameplates for the auto industry. Our plant was losing money, so the new plant manager saved money by having heavy metal contaminated wastewater dumped into the local water supply. We were raided by the EPA and they had guns and everything! They jumped over the counter where the receptionist worked and told us all to step away from the computer. lol fun day. 94 ...
Gigglekittens 3y ago . Edited 3y ago I was asked to cut off a doctor from getting new clients in an effort to get them to quit, while at the same time lying to them about why they weren't getting new clients. I was asked to do this twice with two different doctors. Before I left I told the doctor in question (the other one had already quit) what I had been told to do. It didn't go well for them. Seriously, just grow up and fire people you don't like. Don't do this. + 551 ...
-PM_me_your_recipes- 3y ago I wrote a script to notify managers, via email at the start of every shift, when an employee of theirs was out of date on their training (safety, haz mat, protocol, etc). After about a week the collective group of managers wanted me to turn it off because they were getting too many notifications. You know, the notifications that their employees shouldn't be working because their training expired. + 673 ...
Difficult-Benefit947 3y ago I worked as a personal trainer years ago and the owner of the gym i worked in told me to have my clients get results slower so they would buy more training 180 Share ...
Apart-Cartoonist-834 e 3y ago Ah i i have a good one. Old boss asked me to find out his ex business partners families addresses so he could buy their homes they rented for whatever price necessary and evict them out of spite. 229 Share ...
KeepinltToit 3y ago This was years ago, at my first job, at a very well known sandwich chain. During my first week there, my supervisor made me scrape the gum off of the sidewalks in front of the store with a dough scraper and said something along the lines of this is initiation or something like that. I thought they were joking at first but they were dead serious. I just remember customers passing me on their way in and out while I was on the ground scraping away, then having my supervisor come out and point out the spots
Sea-Horror-814 3y ago I had to help my boss work at another store when I was working at Aeropostale. After we left the store, we stopped at some guy's house. She asked me to wait in the car and text her if anyone pulled up. I found out later she was having an affair with this married guy. This happened a bunch of times. I just thought it was a friend or something. She was going in there and having sex with this guy while I was the lookout!! + 475 Share ...
PM_ME_BOOBS_OR_DOG 7y ago . Edited 7y ago e Worked at Dunkin Donuts and a lady had asked that we not put cream in her coffee as she was allergic. Well of course the shift leader at the time made it with cream and told me to give it to her anyways as she didn't feel like remaking it. I reported her to the manager.
CinnamonBunBun e 7y ago Worked in a restaurant. A server dropped a plate of food, my boss saw and made her pick it all up, put it on a new plate and serve it. 1.1K ...
Badman2 7y ago Owner of restaurant had me (dishwasher) and a line cook break into another employees residence to look for stolen items from the restaurant. Search came back negative. + 4.5K ...
beardingmesoftly 7y ago - Sell a $1500 furnace (installation included) for $5000 to a old lady because she'll never know she's being ripped off. Funny side note, that guy is in jail for money laundering and embezzlement now. + 4.2K ...
frerky5 7y ago Lie to customers to lure them into what was basically a scam. The job was technical customer support, we were supposed to help people with real problems, turned more and more into a sales job with the problemsolving being an important sidenote. Oh the phone you received doesn't work? Well I'm sorry, here, have this crap that will cost you money after a month for free. No I don't have time to solve your issue Sir, I have another customer. Please try turning it off and on again. Bye. + 9.4K ...
Madamecoco 0 7y ago Photoshop tires of a tractor (one tire is worth about 3000€) so they look demolished and the boss could get a second set of tires for free. + 12K ...
Ganglebot 7y ago At a job interview I was asked, How would you rate your comfort level with breaking the law?. I said, I don't know - 1, zero - whatever the lowest option is. I'm not going to do it. That was the end of the interview. + 7.2K ...
PureFingClass 7y ago Worked the night shift at a shady motel. Was overlooking the security cameras and spotted a guy breaking into a truck. I called the cops. While on the phone with them, I witnessed the owner of the truck confront the man. The man got all stabby with the owner and got him pretty good in the gut. Stabby takes off so I go out to render aid to the owner of the truck while the authorities came. Once the paramedics took over I called my boss who tells me not to give the cops any testimony or
Chiliconkarma 3y ago Edited Зу ago While working on a scrapyard I found police evidence in the scrap. Was asked to outright ignore it. Did so for 24 hours before I came across a disk that contained the interogation of a 12 year old girl, disk made only 2 years before. went silent, collected as many disks as I could spot and turned them in after work. There was a raid the next morning. + 1K ...
sandh035 3y ago - Pass a concrete strength test that failed two of the three data points, but the third was high enough that the average was fine. The very small footbridge broke. They got sued, I quit. + 1.7K ...
some_guy_76 3y ago While working at a fast food restaurant we were preparing for a corporate inspection and my job was to clean the walk-in cooler and freezer. My boss told me to wet mop both. When I mentioned to him that wet mopping the freezer would cause it to turn into an ice rink he told me to put a cap full of antifreeze in the water. I told him this is the freezer where we keep beef, chicken, and french fries and I was not going to do it. Не threatened to write me up but I still
_Volly e 3y ago 0 I had a manager that tried to get me to falsify reports to the feds (financial stuff). I flat out refused. Soon after I had to leave the company for I would have been fired for made up bullshit on his part. To this day I will never regret standing my ground. + 849 Share ...
TJDigital_ 3y ago . I had a boss ask to me take a bunch of stock from the warehouse to his personal storage unit, and not to ask any questions ... + 985 Share ...
BlackStarCorona 3y ago Not me but my dad's story. 1980's. My dad worked at a small mid-western bank as an executive. One day a fellow executive comes in with several loan applications and says he needs them all approved. My dad looks over them quickly and immediately realizes none of the applicants qualified. If they approved them the loans would go into default within three months and these people would lose their farms. My dad said it wasn't possible. The other exec says well if you just fudge the numbers it is. My father tells him that's impossible because other
ipakookapi 3y ago Keep people at work when there was a chemical leak from the car painting shop next door, and people were getting sick. The boss wasn't on site (almost never was), I tried calling him and got no answer, and I was the most senior worker on site so I sent everyone home. When I was almost home (1h+ commute) he called me back. Не had gotten my voicemail where I explained the situation and he was not happy. Apparently we should have waited it out or I should have arranged for everyone to work from home (not
AllGarbage 3y ago First job after I graduated college, boss called me into his office and had me sit next to his daughter while she took an online exam, told me to make sure she passed it. She definitely wouldn't have passed if I wasn't in the room. + 1.7K Share ...
durkinbrowns Зу ago My old boss at dollar tree would make me drive her to the bank in my car every night. And she would have me park like 10 feet back from the ATM while she walked up to it. She told me that if someone ever tried to run up on her while she was depositing the money I had to run them over. She said if they were too close to her to just hit her as well. She was incredibly adamant that I absolutely HAD to do this and very serious. + 2K Share ...
limeycars 3y ago Many, many years ago I was working as a part-time mechanic for a guy selling restored cars. Не called me in for an emergency brake repair on a TR-4. One of the rear wheel cylinders had failed and he needed it fixed ASAP. Не had a buyer lined up with cash. Instead of having me hone and rebuild the cylinder properly (I had the tools and the kit to do so) he wanted me to cut the pipe to the rear brakes and just crimp it over onto itself, enough to stop the leak. Не was in
Sol-Blackguy 3y ago Also at Dollar Tree, most of my cashiers were teenagers or dipshits that never showed up for work so this older Korean woman kept getting called in to work the register. She was pretty much getting 40+ hours every week and open season for benefits was getting ready to start. My district manager called me and told me I had to convince her to not get any benefits or else. I told him that else better be him doing that shit himself because I'm not about to do his dirty work. + 1K Share ...
47-Rambaldi 3y ago I worked for the largest property management in San Francisco and frequently the Manager would ask us to shred checks that came to us so they could file for eviction on tenants. I quit immediately. + Share 1.6K ...


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