25 of the Worst Ideas Ever Pitched to Developers

Maybe the way to the heart isn’t through the stomach after all
25 of the Worst Ideas Ever Pitched to Developers

They say there’s an app for everything. But should there be? There’s no possible need for a dating app that matches you with people with compatible Chipotle orders. And yet, one so-called genius thought that all kinds of lonely hearts would be rushing to the App Store to download it. Unfortunately for him, “Chipotledate” will never be served up to the masses. Instead, it’s in a graveyard with a ton of other, equally bad app ideas. 

These developers shared some of the worst ideas pitched to them — from games to play while driving to some guy’s uncle who didn’t realize he was basically replicating Google Maps. Now if only someone could invent an app to filter out awful app ideas.

tezca564 . 5y ago An app that would save internet when you are on your Wi-Fi to use it when you are away from home, so you don't have to use your data. 13 ...
mantistoboggan69md . 5y ago My friend asked me to make an app that translates English to Morse code, using the flashlight to display the message in morsecode
MaximumAsparagus . 5y ago e Oh man. I used to teach a bootcamp. One student built an app that located glory holes and then presented it in front of the class and also, like, the CEO of the bootcamp. GLORY HOLES. (Not my student so I wasn't responsible for them!)
RisingWolfe11 . 5y ago . My dad wanted me to make an app that when you hang up the phone it'll sound like your slamming down on an old corded phone. 31 ...
vinnymcapplesauce 5y ago - Had a guy pitch me on what he thought was the greatest idea ever, that no one else had thought of. Wanted me to sign an NDA. When I told him I'm not signing an NDA, and I've probably heard your idea and turned it down 6 times already. he said oh, you haven't heard this one! His idea was CraigsList + Facebook. + 34 ...
KaloyanP 5y ago It was pitched as, I am quoting, Tinder for Offices, where you swipe between the profiles of colleagues at the office to find an empty desk near someone with the same professional interests as you. Another one was keyboards with mechanical energy harvesting devices to produce power. Not sure if they were serious, though. 36 ...
StrictRaccoon 5y ago Someone once wanted to hire me to build an app that would allow people to order a private dancer to come to their home... When I asked him how it was different from an escort, he said that they would only be advertising it as dancers. Not escorts. Either way I didn't feel comfortable building it, no matter how much money he was offering me. 40 ...
realnzall o 5y ago My brother once got a request from his boss to write an app that retroactively buys and sells shares based on what the stock price has done. + 54 ...
jugwhatever 5y ago . Nearly every time I'd see my Dad he'd push the idea of a fishing pole with a camera at the end of the line instead of a hook, and you'd drop that in the water and just watch the fish on your phone... + 111 ...
bardoc6 . 5y ago . When I was in college someone once asked me to write a program that would send our trash into space from a trash can. This man was probably 55, I told him it sounded like a good idea. 121 ...
Insectshelf3 5y ago e 5 is SL My family friend develops apps, and I always loved her stories. My personal favorite was a weed breathalyzer app. for your iphone. + 225 ...
faoltiama 5y ago Oh lord, I had some trashy woman propose to me an app that would like... I can't even explain it because it made no sense. But basically it involved signals on motorcycles, and having your helmet ALSO have signals on it and somehow this involved a mobile app? Somehow it was supposed to make riding a motorcycle safer because you had signals also on your helmet. Which is not entirely without merit, but it's not JUST an app. You'd need to develop a helmet that could do this, and a motorcycle that could do this and like
Probablylnadvisable . 5y ago Games to play while driving... They only had the vague concept and couldn't see why it may be a problem... 282 ...
HTBscribbles 5y ago I was contracted to build a church website and one of the deacons I worked with wanted every single page to have different music played when it came up. The site was going to be about 20 pages. 316 ...
MTAlphawolf e 5y ago - A drone delivery of food exclusively to people floating the river. Guess what we were doing. 329 ...
RandomGamer10000 5y ago . One of my classmates requested a copy of Google Chrome browser. Not like a copy-paste of Google Chrome, but a custom browser similar to Google Chrome. Dude, what was wrong with the real Google Chrome? + 395 ...
cabrales0706 5y ago I want you to make a simple mobile game like call of duty so I can host a tournament for my son's birthday. It's due next week, can you do it for me as a favor, please? I was speechless... 379 ...
whizz44 . 5y ago E Had a friend once who tried desperately to get me to create a search engine that could compete with Google.......he's a not the brightest crayon in the box lol + 396 ...
charely6 5y ago My sister-in-law thought I should make a business using drones to make fake reindeer hoof prints on roofs and other evidence of Santa and when I told her yeah no that's not going to work she said well you should make a program that does that with a drone and sell that. 565 ...
jth802 2y ago An app the lets you order food when you're high or drunk, but it doesn't actually order the food. That way I don't wake up at noon with food I don't remember ordering sitting in the living room. + 65 Reply ...
BCProgramming 5y ago I had a friend who had an idea for youtube, but better. Не didn't know how it would be better. Also he had no idea about domain names, hosting, VPS, maintaining a website, designing a website, or literally anything. After he explained it, I let him down as gently as I could. That is the stupidest fucking idea I've ever heard. + 3K ...
 5y ago My uncle suggested I create a type of digital map that could direct you places and help you get from point A to point В. Не suggested this three weeks ago. + 4.5K ...
roger_ramjett 5y ago Someone tried to sell a friend a membership to the New Internet. She asked me to sit in and listen to the sales guys pitch. At the time I was running a web hosting business along with managing a smaller dial up isp's networking infrastructure. The new internet was going to be built new from the ground up. All new infrastructure but without all the stuff that makes the internet bad. The sales guy couldn't explain how that was going to work. For only $50 my friend would get a lifetime membership. Members of the new internet
crazyman32 . 5y ago e My favorite but dumbest was Chipotledate which would match you with people with similar or compatible Chipotle orders. + 6.6K ...
 5y ago A friend of mine wanted me to make an app that turned your phone screen into a mirror. Not front facing camera, not just blacking the screen, but a literal mirror. Не couldn't grasp why this wasn't possible. Also ANY kind of new social media app that they think can be made by one person in an hour. + 1.8K ...


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