33 Times People Realized Their Boss Was a Complete Idiot

‘Math isn’t an exact science’
33 Times People Realized Their Boss Was a Complete Idiot

It truly is disturbing to come to the conclusion that your boss is an idiot. I’m not talking about hearing them say something stupid either — we’ve all done that. I mean witnessing something so mind-numbingly dumb that you find yourself stunned that this person makes more money than you do. One Redditor came face-to-face with his manager’s idiocy when he drove a power drill through his hand for the third time. Another Redditor’s manager spent so much money on art for the office that they couldn’t make payroll. 

Other Redditors have vented about their moronic bosses, and if you’re the vice president of a company, you should definitely know that math is an exact science.

huh_phd . 1y ago e My old boss spent roughly 350k on lab equipment that I discovered, after he was fired, weren't the correct instruments. 15 Reply ...
Jaws_the_revenge . 1y ago . When he told me he didn't believe that the sun was a star or the center of the universe + 3 Reply ...
 1y ago e I had an idiot boss once tell me I had to train him on my job so he could know how to do his job. Fool, your my boss if I need to train you to do your job you shouldn't be my boss!! I did not train him at all. We didn't have a very good relationship after that 41 Reply ...
BigGrayBeast 1y ago She offered me a job on the first interview. She was right to do so. I was a great match. And I ended up doing really well on the job too. On my first day she had me sit in on a job interview. The person was totally unqualified. She offered her a job too. 38 Reply ...
 1y ago Had a boss call me at home on my day off wanting me to walk him through setting up a search in our mailing list. I'm like: ОК. Open the program. Go to the home page. Tab over to the field you want to search on... That's where he lost me. This 40-something yr old adult college graduate didn't know what the tab key was. Or where he could find it on a standard keyboard. + 28 Reply ...
Mountain-jew87 . 1y ago . Wrote something on the dry erase board and two easy words spelled wrong Imaooooo + 5 Reply ...
sugarandspice27 . 1y ago e When she emailed me a paper to print out for her in the next room because she couldn't figure it out. 4 Reply ...
 1y ago She hosted a team huddle and the topic was personal improvement we went 1 by 1 and talked about what we improved on in the last year. This idiot actually said she just learned that people had feelings and she is practicing empathy. What on earth. + 187 Reply ...
Away_Location 1y ago Not my direct boss but GM blocked social media on all company computers (including those working remotely) citing they don't believe in it. I work in marketing/design and we haven't posted in months. Anyway, a few less tasks I have to oversee. We all get a good laugh when someone complains about our social media presence. + 329 Reply ...
sanjuniperose 1y ago . Had an old boss who hired a couple of people for my department. Не fired them all after a week because they were incompetent... but we were still in the middle of training them??? + 172 Reply ...
whereismymind86 E 1y ago They threw away all the trash cans in a grocery store to help reduce waste. Can't throw stuff away without trash cans! 18 Reply ...
Shot_Intention_2495 . 1y ago e I'm a white immigrant to Canada. Boss said immigrants are stealing our jobs! Sir, there was a 6 month vacancy on this job. No one wanted it. + 735 Reply ...
disphagia 14y ago e What happened to all of the emails in my recently deleted folder?? I keep a lot of important emails in there. 50 ...
zerobot 5y ago She needed to send an e-mail to somebody really important. So she forwarded me a long e-mail exchange they had and told me which one of those e- mails needed to be replied to. Instead of replying herself she wanted ME to replay but she e-mailed me what I had to reply with. She included an image she needed me to insert into the body of the e-mail. She didn't know how to insert an image into the body of an e-mail and is why I had to send this e-mail from MY e-mail account on HER
AL_G_Racing . 1y ago E In a meeting, I presented two proposals to solve a problem. My manager later told me that I should have presented two options. 31 Reply ...
silent_hallucination 14y ago . At a previous job, the office was on the third story and there was an earthquake. While everyone else proceeded to calmly move away from large objects that could fall around the office he shouted out, Everyone! Stop, drop and roll! Не was serious. + 95 ...
RueWanderer 1y ago . You're not allowed to wear a coat because you don't work enough hours each week Yes, we're all eagerly awaiting HR's response lol 20 Reply ...
CranApple 14y ago When creating product names for kits for use in bio research labs, marketing manager decided to change names last minute b/c she didn't understand them (literature was already complete). Boss sided with her and said, I know the names make scientific sense but they don't make sense. Weeks after that, clients ordered the wrong kits b/c the names didn't make sense. 54 ...
ChelMarc 5y ago When I asked him to print out a team schedule for one of our leagues. Не came out of the office 10 minutes and said he couldn't find it on the website and asked if I could help. It was a very simple website, the only clickable thing on the page said download pdf of schedule. Another time he couldn't figure out how to use google docs to make an out of order sign. 148 ...
ADIDAS247 14y ago Calls 12 people into his office and says, 5 of you need to be laid-off. I thought it would be best if you decided amongst yourselves. It ended up with 12 people telling him he was the most irresponsible, useless person to walk the Earth. Не quit a week later because they were going to fire him for pulling that shit. + 325 ...
Rahien 14y ago That bucket of stuff has extra-strong fumes, I'd let it sit for awhile. I mixed acid and chlorine together because just the acid wouldn't wash away the algae in the (outdoor) showers. This was from my lifeguarding supervisor, who unknowingly made chlorine gas, a WWI chemical weapon, because he thought mixing the two chemicals that we are never, ever supposed to let mix would make a good cleaning solution. Then he went home and left me with a vat of highly toxic chemicals. + 203 ...
CADragon 14y ago We're at an engineering office, sending lots of large drawing files. So, a couple years ago: Explain to me why our e-mails take so long to send. And I don't want you to blame it on our dial-up internet. So I just stared at him. + 163 ...
 5y ago . My manager told me to mop the breakroom floor. I did. She freaked out that it was slippery (two seconds after I was done). + 869 ...
Lauer99 5y ago When he told me instead of taking my new higher paying job I should just work more hours at my current one for him. + 657 ...
Khazar420 3y ago Не said that I was replaceable So I quit And he was surprised and angry + 15K Reply ...
Queen_lucya . 5y ago . Once I told my boss I was 1/3 done with the work I had to do Не said well you better hurry the others said they has finishes 1/6 of the work Не walked away and I just stared at him for a few seconds + 1.6K ...
 E 5y ago e When she told me I should have no problem with this new task because it's not rocket scientist. Also, she says pacifically. + 620 ...
Unweededgarden . 5y ago . After the third time he drove a powerdrill through his hand... + 1.8K ...
birb_in_disguise e 5y ago . Edited 5y ago 9 My manager (woman who's in nursing school) thought that women were pregnant for 12 months. + 1.1K ...
Peregrine2976 e 5y ago e Dropped a ton of cash renting art from a museum's art bank for our (decrepit Chinatown) office. Then didn't have money to pay salaries. + 2.7K ...
TheMonkeyMen 5y ago I told my boss since he wouldn't listen to me we needed an industrial engineer to make our dept/machine more efficient. Не said, no way in hell are we bringing in an engineer. 3 weeks later my company hired an engineer and when they came to our Dept the engineer asked him what he wanted to do differently he froze turned and said, well let's go talk to Themonkeymen he's worked here a long time he knows what needs to be done. ... this boss makes at least double my salary if not more + 1.9K ...
adeiner 5y ago e I had a boss once who refused to register to vote because she didn't want jury duty and then got jury duty because that's not the only way they pick. She ended up serving for a week. + 518 ...
InstantGrievous 1y ago When trying to explain how the company's bonus structure was calculated, a VP said to a large group of employees well, math isn't an exact science 16 Reply ...


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