45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Know Their Multiplication Tables Through Nine

The mystery of Chile’s misspelled coin — revealed
45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Know Their Multiplication Tables Through Nine

With the prevalence of phones and handheld devices, youd think that kids dont need to learn multiplication tables anymore. But according to Google, that isnt true. “Yes, kids are still taught multiplication tables in elementary school and use them throughout their math education. Thats downright comforting, isnt it? 

How about you? Quick: Whats five times nine?

We don’t want to give you too much help with that answer, but let’s just say that the number of trivia tidbits below weren’t chosen by happenstance. 

A drunk gunman fired a hole in the Alaskan pipeline.

A drunk person shot a hole in the Alaskan oil pipeline. 562 CRACKED.COM Clean up involved digging ditches and holes to cap- ture the oil, which was be- ing vacuumed into trucks. Daniel Carson Lewis had to pay for the $17 million cleanups and received 16 years in jail.

Juneau Empire

“Pretty Woman” was going to be a lot darker before Disney came in.

The original ending of Pretty Woman was much darker. CRACKED COM Originally titled 3,000, the movie ended with Julia Rob- erts' character being tossed out of a limo into a dirty alley and thrown $3,000 in cash. The screenplay changed when Disney took over pro- duction.

USA Today

Yeah, honestly don't remember it

Forgotten Rom-Coms Splendor Gritty indie director Gregg Araki turned to quirky fluff territory with this comedy about a girl who ends up in a relationship with two guys. The concept may seem quaint in our time of open relationships, but it hasn't really been explored in actual movies, let alone adorable rom-coms. It's a solid effort (and the soundtrack is awesome). 1999 CRACKED.COM


That sounds like Ernest

Ernest Hemingway survived two plane crashes 24 hours apart. Presumed dead after the second, he emerged from the jungle with a bottle of gin & some ban
Source: Time

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away (the Doctor Doesn’t See Corpses)

45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Know Their Multiplication Tables Through Nine


Apple seeds contain amygdalin, which when digested, releases cyanide into the body. You’d have to eat an insane amount of apple seeds to die from it, and it would hurt like hell when you shit, but yeah. Cyanide. Terrifying.

The Rubbery Aniseed Flavor of Night

45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Know Their Multiplication Tables Through Nine


The only people wandering around eating industrial quantities of black licorice are deep weirdos, but they could be in trouble — it contains a compound called glycyrrhizin, which in high enough quantities can cause a person’s potassium levels to drop dangerously. 

She was put in an Ariana Grande music video after she said she liked her impression.

She Was Cast In An Ariana Grande Music Video CRACKED.COM Coolidge first discovered Ariana Grande was a fan after Grande did a pretty accurate impression of her on The Tonight Show. In response, Coolidge sent Grande a DM telling her she loved the impression which eventually led her to reprise her role from Legally Blonde in the Thank You Next music video.

The Tonight Show / EW 

Iceland is part of Europe and North America.

Iceland is split between the Eurasian and North American plate. CRACKED.COM Although Iceland is considered political- ly as part of Europe, it is geographically North American and European at the same time.

Fun Iceland

Anderson Cooper interviewed students in Myanmar after forging a press pass.

Anderson Cooper launched his journalist career by forging a press pass. CRACKED.COM After college, Cooper forged a pass and gained entrance to Myanmar to meet with students fight- ing the Burmese govern- ment. Не ultimately sold his home-made news seg- ments to Channel One.

Media Bistro

Fireworks are illegal in Florida, but are still sold in large quantities.

Fireworks are totally illegal in Florida but are sold to ordinary people in huge quantities. CRACKED.COM Hundreds of stores across the state sell to anyone who signs a waiver saying they are for agricultural use to scare birds away from crops.

Tampa Bay Times

Patrick Bateman's Inspiration

CRACKED.COM christian Bale's American Psycho was based on Tom cruise. Bale called up director Mary Harron, saying that he saw Tom Cruise on David Letterman and thought that energy would be perfect for Patrick Bateman, citing Cruise's very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes.

Source: HuffPost

The sun only shone on Moscow for a few minutes in December, 2017.

Moscow only had six minutes of sunlight in December of 2017. CRACKED.COM They usually get a whop- ping 18 hours of sun for the month, but a wall of cloud that never moved sat over the city thanks to cyclone anomalies over the Atlantic and warmer tem- peratures.


Kate Winslet's Drawing

CRACKED.COM James cameron made the charcoal drawing of kate winslet in Titanic. In addition to a talented director, Cameron is a talented artist as well. The nude portrait of Rose, and all the other artwork drawn by Jack, was actually Cameron's work.

Source: CBR

Matrix Code

The code in The Matrix is made up of sushi recipes. The production designer scanned the Japanese characters from his wife’s sushi cookbook and incorporated them into the now-iconic green stream of code in the film.

Source: Wired

Ah, that's why my brain is like that.

Watching SpongeBob was shown to have negative effects on children In one study, the kid had an immediate negative effect on children's executive functions. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: WNYC

This seems very epic

In 1999, lions fought a two-week war with hyenas in Ethiopia. A pride of lions lost six, but killed 35 hyenas and drove off the entire group to take control of the territory -- a conflict that was broadcast on Ethiopian TV and monitored by the police. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


The German chocolate cake lie - revealed

GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE DOESN'T COME FROM GERMANY German's chocolate is named after Sam German, who is believed to be American or English. The cake recipe came from a Texas homemaker. CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

Great run

EMMA MORANO WAS BORN IN 1899 AND DIED IN 2017 Morano was the last documented person born in the 1800s to die. She died at age 117, citing her old age to genes, eating three eggs a day, and being single. CRACKED.COM

Source: BBC

Let's try it

You could completely fit Pluto within Russia's borders (but Pluto's area is greater). Russia is about 6,000 kilometers wide and 3,000 kilometers high, and Pluto has a diameter of 370 kilometers so, in 2D, it could fit inside Russia. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: RBTH

Who let the Dutch out

The Russian flag was heavily inspired by the Dutch flag (thanks to the Tsar). When Russia started to develop shipbuilding in the 1600s, they invited Dutch shipbuilders over, who suggested a flag like theirs. The Tsar agreed. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: RBTH

All at once - hit it

There are exactly as many cicada songs as there are cicada species in existence. Each species of cicada has its own song, and they're all really mating calls -. - they're sung by masses of cicada males trying to attract females. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: AP News

Total deal

Meghan Markle was a briefcase model on Deal or No Deal 2 $500,000 The former actor was on 34 episodes, slightly overlapping with Chrissy Teigan. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Source: Bravo!

Lifetime ban or punch a hole through him

A man punched a hole through a $10 million Monet painting He was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He is banned from art galleries until 15 months after his release. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Source: Art Net

There goes your undies...

Astronauts' dirty laundry is burned up in disposable spacecraft. There's no way to wash clothes on the ISS, sO dirty laundry sits around for a while and then gets put into a Progress ship (a one-way craft that brings supplies to the ISS) whenever one arrives. Once it's loaded up,

Source: NASA

Another total facepalm

Ernie Hudson auditioned for the same part in The REAL Ghostbusters animated series that he played in the movie. Producers felt he didn't sound enough
Source: CBR

‘Chile’ was misspelled on their own coin.

No one noticed Chile misspelled their own name on their 50 peso coins. CRACKED.COM Chile printed a number of 50 peso coins in 2008 that misspelled the name of their country as Chiie. No one noticed until 2009, at which point the director of the Mint lost his job.

Coin Week

Can a get some to repair a number of things wrong w my body

SCIENTISTS MADE TINY BIOLOGICAL ROBOTS, AKA XENOBOTS. Xenobots are living clumps of several thousand tadpole cells, designed in a Minecraft- program f
Source: The New York Times

Pays to pay w credit card or accept them, we guess?

A guy with a credit card reader stopped the Christchurch shooting. During the shooting, Abdul Aziz ran outside after picking up the first thing he saw

The first bank robbery almost went off without a hitch.

America's First Bank Robbery was nearly the perfect crime. DAY GRACKED.COM $162,821 ($3.8 million to- day) had been taken from vaults of the Bank of Penn- sylvania in 1798. The cul- prit Isaac Davis was caught because he deposited the money back into the same bank.

Carpenters Hall

Spielberg's Pro-Bono Work

steven spielberg refused a paycheck for schindler's List. The movie being a close and personal project for Spielberg, he refused to take a salary for it. His share of the profits went to the Shoah Foundation, a history archive for the Holocaust and other tragic events. GRACKED.COM

Source: /Film

Tarantino's Wallet

The wallet in Pulp Fiction was owned by Quentin Tarantino. Jules' profanity-enhanced wallet wasn't a prop. Tarantino had it as his own personal wallet. Не owned it as a reference to the movie Shaft. BAO OUTH R CRACKED.COM

Source: /Film


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